Five - Denial

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Maddox's POV:

I headed to my usual hang out spot at the back of the school, meeting Wes there. I was deep in thought, thinking about what Gigi had said before she left. She was right, I didn't know Emmi well at all, but for some reason when I first met her last year something inside of me changed. The first two years of high school, I used to be a bigger bad boy. Now, I was still a bad boy, but something changed. I wasn't as cold. I was never heartless, but I was cold to some people who deserved it. Zachariah was one of them.

I saw fingers snapping in front of me and I was pulled from my thoughts. "Dude, you good?" Wes asked.

"Yeah, just deep in thought. Gigi had said something to me when I was giving her Emmi's dinner that made me think a little too much." I replied.

I sat next to him cross-legged and handed him his dinner. I watched at the band came out and began practicing their music. I never really noticed them there before. As far as I was aware, they never practiced in the student lot. I took a bite of my peperoni melt sub and smiled, happy to feel the deliciousness on my tongue and lips. I heard Wes laugh at me and I glared at him. "You sure you don't wanna marry the sub?"

"Shut up, Wesley. I don't get this often, so leave me alone." I shoved him and he fell back laughing.

"You haven't acted that in love since Penelope. And that was in middle school."

I thought back to the only girl who broke my bad boy heart. I never thought I would fall for her as hard as I did, since I was twelve and didn't really know what love was then. She told me she needed space and a break from me. Then she moved away, never to be heard from again. I had gotten over it, but that's why I got cold to others. Not letting them in or letting anyone see me vulnerable besides Wes. All the girls I have dated since then never lasted long. A month at most, and it was sparatic. Not a slew of them for every month of the year. I'm not like that, never have been.

I felt a shove from Wes and looked back at him. "Mad, you sure you're okay? You seem out of it."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Hadn't thought of Penelope in a long time, so thanks for that." I glared. "Was also thinking of how that made me turn out with my dating habits."

Wes lowered his gaze, "Sorry for bringing her up. It's been six years."

"I know. And I'm over it, but I realize I could have made some better choices with dating." I shrugged. "Nothing I can do about it now."

Wes nudged me lightly and motioned his head to look in front of us. It was Emmi and she looked even more attractive in her sweats. Attractive. A strange word for me to use for her. Not that she wasn't, because damn she certainly was, but I've never thought of her in that way.

We made eye contact for a moment and then she looked away. I could tell she was trying to concentrate on her flag spinning, and I couldn't help but watch. I could see all the rage built up coming out through the spinning and then the toss. I heard her grunt as she tossed it. I watched the flag spin three full times and when she caught it perfectly, I observed how happy she seemed.

"Are you smiling?" Wes asked with a smirk.

I raised my brows and realized I was. I didn't notice it, but I liked it. I caught Emmi celebrate with cartwheels and a single back flip and I chuckled. "I guess I am, Wes." I looked at him, still smiling.

"You sure you're not interested in Emmi? Cuz, just from today with how you've been acting since the second half of the day, sure seems like you do."

I shook my head in denial, "Nah. I just want to see her happy."

"Yeah, okay." Wes rolled his eyes and went back to eating his sub.

I finished eating, never looking away from the marching bands practice session. They were actually really good. I saw Wes in my peripheral jamming out quietly to them and I chuckled at how cheesy he was being.

Unfortunately, the relaxing time Wes and I were having watching the band and guard, ended with a loud call. "Maddox!" I groaned, knowing exactly who it was.

I noticed Emmi and Jamie go stiff hearing the voice and I wondered what really happened in their relationship with Zach. Most exes don't go stiff unless something bad happened and not just from the two timing. I clenched my fists, "What do you want, two timer?" I spat.

"Quit checking out my girl!" Zach slurred.

Was this jack ass drunk? "She's not your girl and neither is Jamie. Neither one of them are taking you back."

He threw a sloppy punch and of course missed. I didn't bother fighting back. Didn't need something going down before the biggest night of my football career. Mr. Jones stepped in and took Zach to the principal's office.

I looked over to Emmi and Jamie who were still frozen with fear. I could see it in their eyes. What the hell did he do to them that made the poor girls so frightened?

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