Four - A Dinner Surprise and a Friendly Face

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Emmi's POV:

I was sitting in the band room, listening to the band practice our schools fight song and slowly eating the half of a sandwich and granola bar Wes gave me. I still didn't have my appetite back, but it felt good to have something in my stomach today, even if it wasn't super filling.

I smiled at Nichole, who was playing her saxophone when I saw Gigi walk in the room with a paper bag. I raised my brows as she walked over to me, "This is for you." She handed me the bag with a bright smile.

I questionably opened the bag and noticed it was my usual order from Lunar Subs. I looked at her confused, "You didn't have to get me anything, Gi."

"A um...friend of mine did. They were ordering food from there anyway and offered. No biggie. But I promised them you'd eat it, so you better eat it."

I chuckled softly, "I will, don't worry." I dug into the bag and found a note in it. I took it out and read it silently.


Since you've had such a rough day, I thought this would cheer you up.

- M.E.

P.S. I know chocolate chip is your fave, so hope you enjoy it ;)"

I felt my cheeks flush and before I could thank Gigi, I heard squeals from behind me. I turned and saw my brother running toward me happy as could be. It warmed my heart that he had a better day than I did. "Sissy!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around my neck in a hug.

"Hey, kiddo. How was your day?" I smiled, ruffing up his hair. I put the note back in the bag and put the food down next to me. I picked Brooks up and set him on my lap.

He had a bright smile on his face, "It was great! I found out who my reading buddy is this year!" He bounced happily in my lap.

I chuckled at how happy he was, "Oh? And who is it?"

"It's Maddox Evans!" He grinned.

I raised my brows, curious. I never knew he was part of that program. Maybe it was mandatory for football players? It just never seemed like something the bad boy would be interested in doing. Although, he did get me food and was showing he cared today, so maybe he does have a heart. It was...refreshing seeing someone who didn't know me well at all actually care about me like I did others.

"Are you guys doing it at the library like the other years?" I asked.

Brooks shook his head, "Nope. He comes to our house."

I looked him, "Why'd they change it this year?"

"I dunno." Brooks shrugged.

I was nervous about someone coming to the house on a weekly basis. It's not like I had a bad home life, I just didn't want Maddox seeing a normal day in the life of me. Parents arguing, dad coming over drunk on occasion for some reason...I wasn't ready for that. I was pulled from my thoughts and nerves when Gigi tickled my brother from behind. He burst into laughter and I smiled. It was a genuine happy smile and it felt amazing.

The band director walked in with the guard coach and called for everyones attention. "We are going to head outside and work on our half time show for tonight. So those of you that need to change, please do it now. We will meet outside in thirty minutes." Mr. Jones instructed.

Mrs. Longly smiled, "Guard, meet me in the orchestra room in five. We are gonna have a chat and then follow the band outside to the parking lot."

I looked to my brother, "Stay with Nikki and the others. I will be outside soon, kay?" He nodded with a smile. I kissed him on the cheek and went to change into something more comfortable to run the performance in.

I headed into the orchestra room and sat next to Jamie. Yes, Jamie was in the color guard with me. She gave me a soft smile, "How are you doing?"

"I could be better, but I got some dinner from someone I never expected would do that. So that made my evening better, along with hearing my little brother laugh." I smiled, nibbling on my chips. I was waiting to have my sandwich and cookie at the game. Or at least after practice. "What about you?"

She sighed, lowering her head. I could tell she was hurt as much as I was, as she should be. Who knows how long he had played the both of us? She looked up at me with tears threatening to fall. "Terrible...we were together for four months...I never knew he was with you too. How could I be so stupid and blind?" She cried.

My eyes got wide, "Four months? That's how long he and I were together too!" My fists clenched, "He played us both, Jamie. I had no idea he was seeing you either. How he kept us a secret from one another is a mystery to me. But it makes me so...mad!"

I couldn't believe Zachariah. This put him in a whole new light for me and Jamie. He two timed us from the start. My blood boiled just thinking about it.

Jamie poked me, getting me out of my rage, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course. What's up?"

She looked nervous with asking me the question she had at the tip of her tongue, but she finally got it out. "Did he anything with you?" She lowered her gaze, embarrassed.

"Actually...yeah, but I always refused. I'm not ready for that. And I never thought he was the right person to do that with anyway. But when I refused...he wasn't happy about it." I could feel my eyes get lost in the nightmares as each second passed. I shook my head and faked a smile. "You?"

"Same. I feel like it's all he wanted and would get mad when I refused every time. I even refused other things. But he did the same to me...he got upset with me over it." She lowered her gaze. I put my hand on her shoulder, knowing exactly what she went through. She looked up at me with a weak smile. "I'm not ready for that serious of a relationship. I want something slow and cute."

I felt the tension dissolve after she said that. "Thank you! Glad I'm not the only one!" I shouted. It made me satisfied that Zachariah never got what he wanted from either of us.

Jamie giggled and wrapped her arms around me, "I'm really glad you aren't mad at me over this."

"None of it is your fault. So why would I be mad at you?" I smiled.

Our chat was cut short when Mrs. Longly came in. She talked to us about what we needed to work on tonight for the game and then dismissed us to get outside. I grabbed my marching band sweatshirt and threw it on as we walked outside.

We headed to the parking lot and I noticed Wes and Maddox chilling in the field where we played kick ball during gym on occasion. They were eating and chatting, but stopped when Maddox saw me. I tried to ignore him, trying to focus on the routine in my head, but for some reason it was hard to do. I twirled my flag, and when I felt it was time, I threw it as high as I could. It did three full spins and I caught it perfectly. I stood there in shock. I had never done that before. Maybe all that rage helped me?

I set my flag down and celebrated with a couple cartwheels and a back flip. My friends looked at me with raised brows. "I just did a triple!" I shouted.

Jamie's jaw dropped, "You have been working on that since the beginning of the season this year! Congrats, Em!" She hugged me.

I hugged her back and caught Maddox chuckling at my excitement. I blushed a little and went back to practicing the routine after I let go of Jamie.

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