♧A pleasant silence in a world of noise♧

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Waking up on an abandoned bus in the middle of Shibuya Crossing isn't the way Akira thought her morning would start.

The night before had been eventful, that's for sure. She laughed at the memory, running away from home with one of her dads hunting guns and some kitchen knives.

Why? To protect herself from her boyfriend who was in one of his moods, maybe because she broke up with him and left home. Looking around, she saw no one on the once overcrowded bus. Walking to the front, she saw nobody, spiking her interest as the city was incredibly overpopulated.

Walking on the road, she almost laughed, even if it was a dream she wouldn't want to wake up ever. The silence filled her with comfort.

Maybe I was always alone? Maybe I imagined everyone and I'm the only person alive?

She rolled her eyes to herself. Why would she purposely imagine hundreds of people for her pleasure? Deciding to ignore the fact of her new environment, she ran to the closest store to raid the food supplies. She crinkled her nose at the disgusting smell. The fresh food around her was rotten or rotting.

Canned food it is. She sighed. SPAM had never been her thing. She wondered shop fronts, grabbing things she might need, clothes, bullets, a knife, and protective shoes. She enjoyed being able to 'buy' things without the worry of bills and money.

It was noon when she decided to look around for any sign of life. It gets boring when all you can hear is your breathing. She looked at the apartment buildings near her, hoping for maybe a face.

As she looked away, something caught her eye. On a balcony stood two people, a man and a woman talking. She started waving and jumping, looking like a madman. The man looked at her and shouted. "Hey, come up here!"

Nodding, she ran up the stairs of the building and reached the room they were in. "We can't have more people to care for Arisu!" "She could help Chota!" Akira could hear them arguing through the door and smiled to herself. She knocked on the door.

"You just had to stay on the fifth floor." She said to the man who had called her up. "I think I just ran a marathon." He smiled apologetically at her. "Sorry."

She waved him off and walked into the room past him, looking around she could see four people. Two men stood near a table filled with empty cans of food, a short one with a bandaged leg and another who stood protectively in front of shorty.

A woman in office clothes sat at a chair watching Akira with suspicion, and the door opener watched her awkwardly. She awkwardly waved. "Hi. I'm Sasaki Akira, and I have no clue what's going on." At her introduction, the other woman sighs disappointed. "A newbie, of course we get the bloody newbie!"

"I don't know what that means, but nice to meet you too." She awkwardly smiles. Shorty moves towards her with difficulty. "I'm Segawa Chota. Nice to meet you!" He hugs her, causing Akira to smile.

"Chota!" He let her go after getting in trouble with the other man. He approaches her, putting his hand out carefully as if she might blow up and kill him suddenly. "Daikichi Karube." She shook his hand,"Sasaki Akira, again."

She turned expectantly at Mister door man. "Ryohei Arisu, are you a doctor of any sort?" "Sasaki Akira, and no, sorry." Everone seems to sigh, and the woman huffs.

"But I can help?" She awkwardly smiles. "Can you treat burns?" Chota asked, looking at his leg.

Damn, how can someone burn their leg that badly without electricity? "Yes, actually. Well, no, but yes." She shrugs shyly. Before she left, she packed a first aid kit, which had a burn cream in it. One that her dad used a load, so she knew it helped.

Everyone looked at her confused, so she just silently grabbed the tube of cream and put it on the crowded table. "Re-apply twice a day, then wrap the leg." She sat down on the room's couch, watching as Chota unwrapped his leg in pain.

"Holy Shit!" His leg looked like a chicken she had once burnt to the point of no return. Karube looked at her sharply. "Sorry, it's just a small burn." She tried to say reassuringly, causing karube to roll his eyes at her. She accepted not to talk for now.

After about an hour of resting, Akira saw Arisu and Karube talking quietly, glancing at their burnt friend every few sentences. Finally agreeing on something they got up together, causing the woman to watch them. "You're going to play again?" "We have to find a real doctor for him, and it will give us more days!"

"Going where? Playing what? Days for what?" They looked at Akira, surprised thinking she was asleep. "We have to take her so she can get a visa." Arisu muttered to Karube. "We don't have to do anything!" Arisu gave his friend an annoyed look.

"Akira, come with us, we'll talk on the way." She nodded, grabbed her bag, and followed the two men out the door.


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