♡Accusations and blowing air kisses♡

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"I want to play a game with you." Something had always been off about Mira, always smiling and laughing like she knew something no one else did. She moved in a way a viper would without alerting its prey, unknown and forgotten until she strikes.

"Why me?" The two sat in a ballroom-type room, with beautiful paintings on the wall and large coloured windows which portrayed a mosaic of colours on the floor.

Mira grinned and giggled before placing a teacup in front of her. "Tea my dear?" "Sure, it won't hurt." Mira smiled and poured steadily into her cup. "You didn't answer my question."

"Must all questions be answered? Perhaps some things must be unknown." She placed the cup against her lips and drank, staring at Akira.

"We play and then what, you kill me in the game or after the game." "Why would I kill you my little bird?" "Little bird?" The woman ignored her while smiling softly. "We will play tonight, I will choose the place." "What if I say no?" "I know you my bird, you like the fear and rush of the games, even if I made you go you would still play."

"You don't know me." Mira giggled softly "Oh I know you." She smiled "I know of your past and where you were when you came here." Akira was shocked but did not show it. "How?" Mira continued as I'd she had not made a sound.

"I know of your friendship with Kuina and your feelings about Chishiya. I know why you helped Ann today and I know that Niragi is enchanted by you in a way no other could affect him." She frowned "My feeling is only hate for Chishiya and I only helped Ann because she is my friend. Niragi is a friend."

"I know that even though you make everyone think you care for who you kill you are happy to rid the world of its people. You did not care when you killed the people in your last game and you did not care when you killed the others. My dear little bird, you find joy in pain and crave it. I know you."

"I'm not like that, you're wrong!" Mira laughed in response. "Am I? The cards at the start of each act said the name of the performer, you couldn't care to say it. On the wall, if you had only stayed put the game would've finished with the five people you killed still alive."

"Stop it! You're crazy!" She stood abruptly causing Mira to grin. The woman stood. "So tell me Akira, did you think for the families of your victims? Or did you think about a way to not kill them and still win the games? And when you cut that man's hand off did you not feel victory? And finally, why would a woman who ran away from home need a gun? You wanted to hurt your boyfriend, by killing him."

"I wouldn't do that!" "But you did!" Akira was shocked as the woman yelled at her. "We play tonight and it is final!" Mira sat down at the table. Akira nodded silently and left the room. I wouldn't do those things. I'm not a bad person, I had to kill them, right? Doubts filled her mind as she left Mira and walked to the bar.

"Give me some vodka." The barman nodded and handed her a glass, while he turned back around she grabbed the bottle. She walked away carrying the alcohol ready to drown herself in it.

She walked to the shady side of the pool, took off her shorts and sat in the water. I don't even want to think about the number of diseases in here. She opened the bottle and took a drink from it. She enjoyed the burn as it went down her throat and instantly felt more relaxed.

"I thought you were staying away from alcohol." She sighed and swam away from the man. If I stay here the rest of my life he can't get to me. He watched in amusement as she stood in the water on a chair that had been thrown in last night.

"You can't avoid me forever." She closed the bottle and put her head under the water. Everything instantly faded around her. She enjoyed the tranquillity, no annoying men who confuse her feelings, no pumping music and no women accusing her of being a cold-blooded killer.

Her lungs tightened as she stayed under but she refused to resurface. It would be like accepting defeat and letting him win. She was willing to pass out before she went up for air. She saw him watching her calmly, this infuriated her even more. What an utter dick!

She turned in surprise to see a man jumping in the water beside her. She was ready to give up and resurface when she saw who sat beside her in the water. Niragi was holding his breath with her, he pointed to chishiya and grinned.

He suddenly pulled her closer and kissed her, breathing air into her lungs. You sneaky bastard. He was using her fight to his advantage, and she hated it. But she gave him points for effort. He watched her underwater before going back up for air.

Looking up Akira saw Chishiya's annoyed face. She was able to stay under longer because of Niragi so she knew she could win this fight. Niragi dived back down to her and watched her. She shook her head and he swam closer to her. She furiously shook her head but saw he was looking at her alcohol.

She passed it to him and he swam away sitting by the edge of the pool. She saw him talking with Chishiya, seemingly laughing at him. After a minute Akira knew she needed air she swam closer to Niragi who got her hint.

He smirked at Chishiya before flipping him off and diving in. He pulled her close and kissed her hard, giving her air before swimming back up. He grinned watching her and smirked at a very annoyed Chishiya.

A small crowd of militants crowded around him, seeming to enjoy the fight. Niragi sat laughing and drinking the vodka while teasing Chishiya.

Akira's eyes widened in surprise. Standing beside Chishiya was Kuina. When had she come? She didn't want her to see her kissing Niragi. She however was losing air and needed his air kiss. He watched her closely and she waved at him under the water.

His audience cheered as he dived towards her. She grabbed him and felt his lips on hers. He stayed longer this time and secretly pointed up. She looked up and saw Chishiya staring at the in annoyance, he looked passed. She held up her hand. She counted down from five and the two started to kiss deeply, she was mildly enjoying looking up she saw the man had left.

She nodded at Niragi and pulled away. He returned to cheering and he allowed pats on the back and free drinks. She waited before finally resurfacing. All at once sound flooded her, the talking and music pounded her head. She put out a hand and Niragi pulled her out.

She hugged him before walking over to her shorts and putting them on. She was satisfied that she finally won against Chishiya. She looked over to the quickly dissipating crowd and saw Niragi walking her way.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." He smirked at her. "Don't worry, I enjoyed it." He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. "How do you feel?" "Amazing. I beat Chishiya!" He kept looking at her waiting for her to say something. She sighed "I enjoyed it a little bit." He cheered and smirked.

"It felt so good to rub it in his face and I got to kiss a pretty girl multiple times." She kissed his cheek. "Can you do one more thing for me?" "If I get one more kiss." "Can you ask Last Boss to see me?" He gave her a confused look, "Why him?" She shrugged and smiled before kissing him quickly on the lips and walking away. "That's all?" She smiled.

Returning to her room she found the door open. "The fuck?" She always shut her door, even at the Beach her privacy was a big thing. She walked in and found nothing out of place but she still felt off.

She stood on her bed and reached for the loose tile. Removing it she found a note on her gun. She grabbed it and quickly put the tile back. She read the note, eyes widening.

'I'm watching you, my little bird."

It seems Mira was creepier than she thought.


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