♤It's a Small World♤

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"Akira, we have to go." She turned grumpily and buried her face into her pillow. "Hurry up!" She turned to see Ann beside her, watching her. "5 more minutes." Ann grabbed her arm and pulled her up. "Get changed and then we go!" Akira stumbled to her bathroom and changed into her green bikini.

"What are we doing?" "We were seeing the two spies remember?" "I can't even remember what I ate for dinner last night. Never mind I didn't eat any." Ann tutted and walked quickly to the meeting room.

"This will be so boring!" Akira spoke as she entered the room. She noticed everyone looking at her as she said it. "Uh, hi everyone." She smiled before quickly standing beside Niragi. "No way!" She turned to the voice of the newcomer and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Arisu!" She ran towards him and hugged him. "I thought you were dead!" The two hugged closely before Akira turned to his companion. It was the stretchy lady from Tag. "Hi." The woman nodded quickly. "Don't worry Arisu, I will get you out of this!" She smiled brightly before standing beside Niragi again.

"What a small world," Mira spoke softly to Akira who nodded and smiled. "What is this place?" Arisu asked Ann and Mira who stood in front of him. Cue the long monologues which Akira tuned out. She looked around the room to see Chishiya.

She smiled at him but he just frowned and turned his attention back to Arisu. "Welcome to the utopia known as the Beach!" Hatter entered the room throwing his arms around like a king. Here we go again. She tuned out as he started his speech.

"I'm sorry Usagi, for bringing you into this," Arisu spoke to his female companion. Ooh, he got himself a girlfriend. "It's okay, I wanted to be here." How cute. She looked to Chishiya who just raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Akira, you know them so please show them the place." Akira nodded and helped Usagi and Arisu up. The three left the room for the tour. "So, how did you find this place?" Akira asked her friend. "We followed cars." She nodded and showed them the swimwear warehouse.

"Rule 1, always wear swimwear." She gestured to her clothing. "What a weird rule." "Yeah, I guess it also shows Hatter's pervy side." Usagi found a black sports combo. Arisu grabbed some shorts and a shirt before the two followed her out.

"There isn't much to see honestly. It's just a regular hotel." They arrived by the pool, where the newcomers looked in disgust. "Why are they doing that in the open?" Usagi gestured to a couple having sex. "I have no idea." "Okay follow me now to the best place in this hotel."

They arrived at the restaurant and saw nearly nobody. "You can just ask for food and they make it, are you guys hungry?" Arisu shook his head but Usagi nodded. "What do you want?" "Just a sandwich." They left shortly after she had received her food.

"Your rooms are basically the only place to escape everything. Sadly, my room gets invaded by people all the time. If you do want to find me, just walk in." Usagi shook her head, "We won't do that." Akira smiled, "Trust me, you can and you will." She stopped outside a room near hers. "Usagi, this is yours." They entered it and Akira saw the room was smaller than hers.

"Mine is just two rooms down." Usagi nodded and looked around the room before turning to Arisu. "Let's get yours." "How did you guys meet?" "I found him starving on the road, like a discarded dog." Akira laughed. "We then stuck together." "How cute."

They arrived at Arisu's room. "This is where I leave you. But you know where to find me." The two nodded and said goodbye. Akira left for her room, ready to take a nap. She opened her door and sighed in annoyance. There were four people in the room.

"Make yourself at home, why don't you." "Don't worry I did," Niragi spoke, laying in her bed with a pack of chips. "Sorry for the intrusion but I needed to check up on you," Ann spoke before standing and approaching her. "I said I'm fine." "Chishiya said your side was still hurt from the sword wound."

She looked up at the man who watched her smirking. "And what're your excuses?" "We just wanted to see you," Kuina spoke, smiling at her. "Well, this is nice, my four favourite people in a room together. I didn't think it possible." She winced as Ann touched her wound.

Ann scolded her. "So you're not fine! Chishiya grabs some bandages from her bathroom." "You went through my bathroom?" "Of course I did." Chishiya returned with the bandages and started to wrap her stomach. He stood close to her, making her heartbeat speed up.

"I can't believe I saw Arisu again!" Niragi scoffed at her, "What? Is he your boyfriend?" Akira glared at him, "No, he helped me when I first came here." "So you don't like him?" "No. Not like that." Chishiya muttered next to her, "That's good."

"I like the look of the girl." Niragi continued but was stopped short by Kuina. "No way, those two are definitely hooking up." "So that hasn't stopped me in the past." Silence filled the room, three women staring at the man in disgust.

"Get out Niragi." "But," The man interrupted. "No, get out and come back when you respect Usagi." He got up, glaring at Chishiya who smirked at him, arms still around Akira's waist.

"I think the bandages are done, Chishiya," Ann spoke, regarding the fact he still held onto Akira even after he had finished wrapping her a while ago. He quickly let her go and moved away, watched by a smirking Ann and Kuina.

"That's all for me. Rest up Akira." Ann nodded goodbye to the two others before leaving the room. "How can you stand Niragi? He's such a shitty person." Kuina questioned Akira as she sat on her bed.

"He isn't that bad. He saved my life twice and cares for me. I think." "You saved my life twice and you still call me a bitch." "Shut it Chishiya. You are a bitch." He scoffed and looked around the room.

"What's this?" He pointed to Mira's note. Akira quickly snatched it from him before tearing it apart. "It was from my boyfriend, he had hidden it in my backpack." Kuina nodded sympathetically but Chishiya raised an eyebrow.

"Fascinating." He watched her, causing her heart rate to increase. Not only because he was incredibly handsome, but because she sensed he had figured out a bit of her lie.

"Lunch anyone?" Kuina nodded and grabbed Akira's arm. "I am craving a good pizza, let's go." Akira turned to Chishiya, "Coming?" He looked at her before walking past the two girls out the door.

"Rude," Kuina muttered before walking to the restaurant. "You sit, I'll get us food." Akira sat while Kuina walked away. Looking to her side she saw Aguni approaching her.

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?" She glared at him before answering. "I'm great, thanks for getting me to Ann." He smiled and ruffled her hair as she tried to escape the action. He chuckled before walking away. Even if she had only known him for a little while, she saw him as a father figure she never really had.

"This smells heavenly!" Kuina sat across from her holding a large pizza tray. "If Chishiya doesn't get his ass down here he will not be eating." Kuina stopped and looked up at Akira grinning.

"Speaking of Chishiya." She wiggled her eyebrows teasing Akira, who blushed in response. "It's not like that at all." "Says the tomato." Akira grinned.

"Okay, maybe it is like that." The other woman clapped her hands in excitement. "I knew it! He had his arms around you a little too long." "What?" "This morning, when he was wrapping your bandages." "Oh. I didn't realise."

"So, what happened?" Kuina looked at her waiting excitedly. "We kissed in the infirmary." "No, you didn't!" Kuina squealed at her and grabbed her hand.

"Didn't what?" The girls looked up surprised to see the man they were both talking about beside them. "Nothing." Akira glared at Kuina, begging her to keep her mouth shut. Chishiya nodded and sat down beside Akira. She noted that there was more space beside Kuina but he chose her.

"Kuina, you should go introduce yourself to the newcomers tonight." Her two friends shared a glance in secret before Kuina nodded. "Can Akira come too?" "If that's what you want."

What are they hiding? If it's to do with her friends she hoped they wouldn't get hurt.


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