♧Get in Bitches, we're going shopping♧

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"Holy shit!" Akira woke to see Kuina's face above her, watching silently. "Do you want to give me a heart attack!" Kuina pouted jokingly "Then I would lose my best girlfriend." Akira reached up and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her into the bed. "Let's sleep then."

Shutting her eyes Akira tried to fall asleep but knew Kuina was still watching her. "Fine, I'm up." She stretched and stood from her bed walking to her bathroom. "Can we go out?" The woman called from her bed.

"Sure." Akira had a shower before putting on her Beach wear. "What do you want to get?" Kuina shrugged "I just want to go steal some Gucci, is that so wrong?" "Yes my dear, it is." The two laughed before exiting the room.

"Where are you going?" The two were stopped at the door by Niragi, who was on guard duty. "Out." He glared at Kuina before turning to the shorter girl "You know we won't let you out without an executive." Kuina turned to Akira before pulling her backwards.

"Akira, my sweet peach plum cherry honey boo-boo bear sent from heaven do us a favour." "No way!" Kuina frowned and gave her puppy dog eyes. How can a human do that so well? She sighed before walking towards the guard.

"Surely you trust me Niragi?" She put her hand on his arm and smirked. I need to bleach my whole body after this. "If anything happens I know you will save me." Where the fuck am I pulling this out of?

It seemed to work though. Niragi nodded, seemingly wordless before opening the door. Kuina ran out quickly while Akira turned to the man, God help me, she kissed him on the cheek before following her friend. Quickly glancing back she saw him standing with his mouth open in shock.

"You owe me more than a billion dollars." She spoke to her friend. "How about I take you out to lunch when we return to the real world?" Akira nodded and smiled "That works too."

They walked, talking and laughing like school girls until they arrived at the mall she and Arisu had gone to. "Why make a place so big?" "So we can buy anything we want without going too far."

"If you could choose for someone to come in here and play the games who would you want to see?" Kuina asked her while browsing a clothes rack. "I wouldn't want my family, maybe my ex since he wouldn't survive shit." Kuina laughed loudly "I would want a chef or a baker, I need proper meals in me." "Amen."

Walking around they arrived at an old music store. "What I would give for my Spotify playlist right now." "I agree, you can drown out all the gunshots. Plus it would be badass."

"Let's eat." Knowing that anything with nutritional value would be rotten or expired the girls had a field day eating preservatives and sugar-filled food.

"I'm so damn glad you have Niragi wrapped around your finger!" "I wouldn't say 'wrapped' around my finger more like friendship benefits." Kuina side-eyed her before taking a drink from a soda can.

"Okay, enough with the soda, let's bring out the big guns." Akira watched confused as Kuina pulled a bottle of tequila out of her bag. "Where did you get that?" Surely the Beach would have raided all the alcohol from the mall. "I borrowed it from the bar, obviously." Akira rolled her eyes "Obviously."

"Are you playing tonight?" Kuina nodded and sighed. "Imagine this world without the games, a place we could all live our best lives without consequences and just stay at the beach all day." "Our world was like that before people made laws and rules that frightened others." Kuina nodded and hummed in agreement.

Seeing as the sun had started to set the two friends headed back to the Beach, filled with laughter and alcohol. As they entered the lobby they saw a familiar white hood approaching them.

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