◇Ditches make shit beds◇

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Akira opened her heavy eyes to see grey walls and a steel door. She tried to move but found she was bound with ropes. She saw her bag lying an arm's reach away and hope filled her. She fought against her restraints but all she got was cut wrists.

She tried to move the chair closer and she finally was able to get her backpack. She leaned down and tried to open it with her head. She grabbed it with her teeth and opened it. "Fuck!"

The gun wasn't in it. Shit! She had been distracted by Chishiya and Kuina and had left the second gun on her bed. She was as good as dead now.

The door swung open causing a loud bang as it hit the wall. "My sweet bird, I hope you are okay." "Yeah, being kidnapped and tied up helps my health a lot."

Mira frowned but quickly covered it up with a smile. She moved to Akira and untied her, making her sigh in relief. "Oh, I'm sorry my sweet." Mira carefully held her wrists and sadly looked at the marks.

"Where am I?" "You my dear, are in your nest, the centre of everything." Akira stared in shock. "The centre of the games?" Mira grabbed her hand and led her out of the room. The two now stood I'm a small room filled with screens and cables. People sat watching the screens, controlling the games.

"Why would you do this?" Mira smiled softly, a glimpse of sadness in her eye. "I need your help, my bird." "What if I refuse?" "I will kill you and all your friends."

Akira knew she had no choice. "Why me?" "You are like me, Akira. You easily kill others without a thought but you care too much for your friends. I cared too much in the real world, about my patients." "Mira please, I can't do this!"

"Why not? What else is there for you in this world?" "My friends." Mira scoffed, "You have no friends. You can only trust me." "You're wrong!" "Tell me then, Akira, who are your friends?" "Kuina and Last Boss. Niragi and Aguni. Ann and Chishiya. Arisu, Karube, Shibuki and Chota."

Mira looked at her sadly before pointing to a screen in the corner. Looking closer she saw Karube sitting on a railing. He was speaking to Arisu before his head blew up. "No!" She felt tears in her eyes as she saw Chota and Shibuki die.

"Niragi uses you, my bird. He likes the idea of you being his so he gives you false friendship." "I still have others, Mira!" "You think Chishiya cares for you? He wanted you to steal the cards for him. He tried to kill you!"

Akira covered her ears. "Okay! I will join you!" Mira smiled softly. "But I need to see my friends." The smile left her face. "I'm sorry my love, but they all think you are dead." "What? How long have I been unconscious?" "A week."

"No." Mira stopped, confused. "No, what?" "I will kill myself instead of helping you. I will see my friends again." "I need your help for a game, so I will send you back." "What game?" "The ten of Hearts."

"What will I do?" You will delay the game as much as possible. Distract, confuse and kill anyone." "Distract?" Mira grinned at her. "Chishiya. He's too smart, you will distract his mind." "How?" "You are a beautiful girl." Akira shook her head rapidly. "No way!"

"You must, you are a game dealer now." "Yes, Mira." "If you tell anyone you are a dealer you will die." "So if I tell anyone I will die." Mira nodded. "Are there other dealers at the Beach?" "Yes. But they will not know you work for me."

"Now my sweet bird is the worst part." Akira looked at her confused. "Why? What happens?" "You see, after disappearing for a week everyone thinks you died. We need to make it look like you couldn't return." "What?"

"I returned to the Beach alone. Many care for you Akira, no matter what I say." Mira nodded at someone behind her. "What are you doing?" "Good luck my little bird."

Akira felt hands around her and saw another needle in her arm. Goddamn, I am having a bad day. She passed out once again.

She woke up in immense pain. It hurt to breathe and she opened her eyes to find herself laying in a ditch. "Mother Fucker!" She felt as if she was stepping on fire as she tried to stand. "Mira was right, no way could I have walked back to the Beach like this." She groaned in pain as she tried to climb the ditch.

She looked down to find her shirt soaked in blood. Samura's katana wound hurt badly, just like the rest of her body. She walked for a minute before giving up. She felt like she was being run over by a bus with every step.

She turned hearing a sound. Behind her, a car was in the distance heading her way. Thank the lord and everything in the entire world. She waved and instantly regretted it. She limped to the middle of the road so the driver would see her.

The cat stopped in front of her and she has never been more glad to see a person in her life. Niragi." She collapsed against his shoulder and began to cry. "It hurts, help me. Please Niragi." "Shit Akira!" He picked her up and put her in the car. She was in so much pain she could barely stay conscious.

"What happened? I thought you were dead!" He yells angrily but stops when he sees how weak she looks. "I'm sorry, forgive me." "Just this time." The man drove quickly to the Beach and helped her inside.

"Help me!" Niragi shouted to someone in the lobby. People rushed to her and Akira felt herself being picked up. "I got you, kid." She shut her eyes in pain as she was carried to the infirmary. "Don't pop a hip." She said weakly before tears filled her eyes.

She felt herself being put down on a soft bed. "Ann! We need Ann!" Aguni shouted orders to the people around him while Niragi heard her hand tightly. "I have never been so happy to see you Akira." She smiled weakly before feeling a small jab in her arm. She saw she had been put on a drip.

"Can I rest now?" She blacked out before anyone could answer.


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