What a car creep!

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Akira? Wake up." She groaned and pushed Tatta away. "Five more minutes." "Akira!" She quickly opened her eyes hearing Usagi's scolding voice. "What? I'm up." She covered a yawn as she looked around, all her friends were watching her. Kuina sat on the couch beside her, resting. "What's the plan boss?" She saluted to Usagi who rolled her eyes. 

"I sure hope Chishiya and Ann are okay." Kuina spoke, playing with something in her hand. "Those two will be fine, they are super smart." Tatta spoke confidently, nodding his head. "That's for sure." Arisu spoke in agreement. "Let's gather what we need so we can survive the night." Akira groaned and rubbed her eyes. "Does that mean we go back into the battlefield?" Usagi nodded quickly, "We will try to stay as far away from the King as long as possible." "Dang, I could fall asleep here." Kuina leaned her head up against the back of the chair, Akira grinned and pushed her softly in the arm. "Guess you should have done what I did." Kuina rolled her eyes, smiling.

"Who knows when the King of Spades will come." "Surely he won't search every single building in Tokyo?" Usagi shrugged, "I have no idea." "Why don't we find some food." Arisu spoke, looking at Usagi for affirmation. "Yes, you two go get us food." Akira smirked at the both of them who looked away in embarrassment. "I'll get us a car." Tatta spoke, eager to help the group, "You come with me." He stood in front of Kuina looking at her causing Akira to grin. "Yep, you two go. I'll guard the fort." She raised her hand in a fist. Kuina groaned, "What? Why?" Akira giggled at the woman's annoyance. "I know a good place near here." Akira smiled at the adorable man.

"Oh, alright." Kuina got up slowly before turning to Akira who sat comfortably watching them. "Don't think you aren't coming too." She grabbed the woman and pulled her up. The three began to walk out, past Arisu and Usagi. "Okay, you two get us some good food." "Will do, here." Arisu handed Tatta a flashlight nodding at them. "Get me some snacks too, please." "Okay lets go." Kuina put her arm through Tatta's, Akira quickly following her lead. "What are you doing?" Tatta tried to shake them off.

"Don't whine, I know you've never had two hot babes on your arm." "Hey, Tatta got hella bitches. He's a chick magnet." Akira spoke laughing nudging the man beside her jokingly. "So what if I haven't." The three laughed together as they walked outside. "So, why do you know so much about cars?" Akira spoke to Tatta.

"My dad owned a automobile repair company, I sometimes helped him." Akira nodded and looked around the empty Tokyo. She couldn't see any blimps which was a good sign, none of the game masters were near them. "Is that what you did? Repaired cars?" Kuina asked him, also looking at the sky. "No, I wanted to be a comedian." "That didn't work out?" Tatta shook his head sadly, but then started to smile. "Here it is."

The three turned to see a car repair shop. "Cool isn't it." Tatta spoke in joy as they walked into the dark shop. "You're right , there are a ton of old cars here." Akira agreed, "Exactly what we need." "They're called classic cars." Tatta scolded Kuina who shared a look with a smiling Akira. "Who cares what they're called?" Akira laughed at the offended look on Tatta's face. "Don't take that to heart." She smiled and walked around the shop, looking at all the different cars. She found an office, with a desk and a bookshelf. "Oh you poor thing." She saw a fishbowl on the desk, a sick looking goldfish swam slowly through murky water. She looked through the desks to find a plastic bag. "Bingo." She grabbed a medium sized plastic bag and opened a door to a store room where she found crates of water.

"Time to make a little friend." She opened the water pouring it into the bag before returning to the fish. "I promise i'll get you some food soon." She looked around and smiled seeing a cup, which she used to scoop the fish into the bag. "There you go." It probably didn't help much, but it was better than the brown water it was previously in. She put the bag in her backpack carefully, making sure it would be all right. She then moved back into the storage room, looking through the draws and cabinets. She grabbed the food, even though there was a little amount. 

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