◇A modern day Shaggy from Scooby-Doo◇

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"So, what number can I be?" Akira looked expectantly at Hatter. "Well, we know that you can handle weapons well and you complete games easily so number 15." She grinned at the man and looked at Niragi smiling.

"Is that all?" Bangs asked the group. "We want her to join the militants." The Hatter nodded and waved the request off. "As long as she doesn't shoot down the building."

The group left the room quickly after those wise words. "Niragi look after her will you?" The man nodded and left the room with Akira next to him. "What does being a militant mean?" Niragi smirked at her once again "it means you're better than everyone else." Akira nodded and they kept walking in silence.

Niragi stopped outside a large room filled with clothing. "Let's get you changed huh?" He winked causing her to sigh. Looking at the shelves Akira tried to find a good outfit that won't reveal too much.

"This will do." She turned to the man who was grinning holding a black bikini that was basically just a small piece of fabric. "That's horrific." Niragi grinned at her disgusted face before putting it down.

She finally found a dark green bikini with loose brown pants to wear over it. "I can be a female Shaggy from Scooby Doo!" She smiled before walking to the changing rooms and putting on the new clothes.

She walked out to see Niragi waiting and watching. "Mine would've looked better, but this isn't too bad." He smirked and licked his lips. "Never do that again." She frowned and walked out past him.

"Where to next?" Niragi put his arm over her shoulder again causing her to sigh. "Your room now." She nodded and let him guide her. They walked past the pool where Akira looked in disgust. "Surely there are enough rooms to swap fluids in?" "It's not as fun then." Akira rolled her eyes at his answer.

She entered her room, eyes wide in surprise. "Damn, this is way bigger than expected." Niragi shrugged "you are apart of the top 20." On her bed was her old gun and a belt to hold it in. She put on the belt and attached the gun to it. "What a small gun." Niragi muttered looking at his rifle.

"It can still kill easily." He nodded and left the room silently. Finally, alone Akira sighed and jumped into her bed, ready for sleep.

After a long night of blocking out the throbbing music, she unpacked her bag, she no longer needed it since she could put her knives and gun in the belt. She looked at the roof tiles and found a loose one before opening it. She put her second gun in with spare bullets. Grabbing her first aid kit she stuffed it in.

"You've only been here for one night and you're already tearing it apart." She hadn't heard her door open and turned in surprise to see a bored face and a white hoody.

She stood awkwardly after being caught "What, no I'm just checking the um lights. " She patted the roof softly. "I can see the gun, Akira." She sighed and got off the bed she stood on. "Do you come into people's rooms without asking often?" He ignored her and looked at her belt.

"You're a militant." "Great job Einstein." He walked around the room stopping at her backpack. "Why did you have a backpack with a gun in it?" "For aesthetic." He watched her bored.

"Well, if you don't mind." She opened her door and walked out holding it open for him. He walked past her silently, making her run to catch up. "What's your name Chipmunk?" He smirked at her. "Shuntaro Chishiya." She nods and smiles happily. "Where are we going Chishiya?" "We aren't going anywhere." "No need to be rude, I saved your life." He scoffed and walked away from her.

Sighing she walks to the pool area which is filled with dancing bodies and noise. She approaches the bar and asks for a cool lemonade. Alcohol isn't her thing for the morning. Looking around she sat on a lounge chair away from most people. After five minutes of alone time, a beautiful woman sat next to her.

"Holy crap, you are a goddess." Akira looked with her mouth open. "I'm Kuina, nice to meet ya." "Akira, nice to meet you." "So, you and Niragi?" At Akiras confused face Kuina laughed and continued "He was hanging off your shoulder when you two walked in, plus he keeps watching you." She points to a group of people across from them.

Akira watched as Niragi looked at her, making sure she was still there. "Nah, he and I are friends." Kuina raised her eyebrows at her and laughed. Akira noticed she was chewing something in her mouth.

"It helps me not smoke. My mom is sick in the hospital, she can't even use the toilet and I ended up here." She laughs sadly. "I can't be unhealthy here so I quit." Akira nodded.

"How long have you been here for?" "This is my third day." Kuina looks confused "but you had three cards?" Akira nodded "I played two games last night. How did you know how many cards I had?" Kuina looks guilty for a second. "My friend told me, he's one of the executives."

"So Chishiya is a little gossip girl is he?" "You know Chishiya?" She nodded smiling. "I played a game with him, we were chipmunks together." Kuina laughed "so you're the girl who kept calling him a Chipmunk, I wondered when you would show up!" The two girls laughed together.

As they were Niragi walked towards them. "We need to go Akira, we have a meeting." He glared at Kuina before walking away. "Sorry about him, nice to meet you." She smiled and walked after her friend.

Kuina smiled as she walked away watching her scold Niragi. "So you like her?" She turned to see Chishiya next to her. She nodded her head. "Definitely." Chishiya smirked and watched the girl "Perfect for our plan."


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