♡Memories make a person♡

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"But I want to go with you!" A fourteen-year-old Akira sat sulking on her parent's bed as she watched her Ba, Golgi Sasaki, pack for another of his trips.

"Hush my Sunshine, let your Ba pack in peace, we can't let him forget anything." Her mother, Naomi Sasaki, hugged her and stroked her hair. "Maybe next time kiddo, when you're older." Golgi winked at her and turned back to his bags.

"But you said that last time and the time before that. When will it be the actual next time?" "Cut me some slack kid, I can't even remember how old I am." She hid her smile, she couldn't let him think she wasn't mad.

"I just finished reading IT! What could be worse than that?" She turned to Naomi who grinned but shook her head. "And we are very proud, but your Ba needs his me time!" She frowned at her Ba. "Akira, go get my first aid kit from the kitchen, you know how clumsy I am!" She scrambled off the bed, eager to please so he might rethink his decision.

She made sure Golgi's special burn remedy was packed securely in the kit, her Ba happened to always get burnt when he went away. She arrived back to the room to see her parents talking together. Seeing her at the doorway, Golgi ran towards her and scooped her up into a bear hug.

"Guess which fourteen-year-old who read IT is coming with me on my trip?" Akira's face broke into a grin. "Is it me? Am I going?" Her father let her go. "No, I'm taking some random." "What?" He laughed and spun her around. "I'm kidding, it's you kiddo!" She jumped for joy and ran to her mother hugging her tightly. "Go pack my Sunshine."

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Akira watched in amazement at the beautiful sunset in front of her. She stood with her mother and Ba on the driveway, the car in front of them. "Now my love, make sure you tell your Ba if you need help, okay?" Akira nodded and hugged her mother tightly.

"I love you, Mom. I promise to be safe, don't miss me too much." Her mom laughed and kissed her cheek. "Oh, I won't." Akira giggled and ran to the car, where her father waited for her. She yawned and leaned against the window as her Ba drove out of Shibuya.

"Have a rest kiddo, we have a big couple of days ahead of us." She nodded and shut her eyes.

She only wanted to come with her father for one reason. He always came home with food for her mother to cook, and her mother always hugged him and kissed him profusely, before making her famous stew. Akira wanted to go with her Ba to the market where he got the meat, so she could also get it for her mom. It could be her and Golgi's secret stall.

"This place is beautiful." The two had set up the tent and fire in a beautiful wood, with a stream running a couple of metres away from them. It had taken a long time to get here so it was time for dinner, her father had started to boil water for ramen and she had sat watching him.

"Now kid, tomorrow will be a bit confronting, but you need to learn and pay attention to your Ba, okay?" She nodded happily and yawned again. "Eat now and then off to bed, Ms IT."

She awoke and found her father already outside holding a cup of tea and something else. She walked towards him and opened her eyes in surprise. In his hand was a large gun, which he was filling with bullets.

"Hey kid, the first thing to teach you is the loading of our guns." He passed her a cup of hot chocolate and smiled at her. She reached for the gun and the bullets. "Careful it is hot." She nodded and started to load the gun. "What is it for?" Her father grinned at her, "You will see kiddo."

The two walked quietly through the forest, Golgi carrying the gun while Akira carried a small bag filled with bullets and bags. "Quiet now Akira." She nodded and silently stood next to her father. She gasped in surprise, in front of them was a herd of deer.

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