♧Betrayal between groups♧

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Akira noticed that Usagi and Arisu spent the day running around trying to figure out what the hell was going on. She saw them sitting together near the pool talking deeply.

"How did you go?" The two looked up at her like spooked deer. "What do you mean?" Usagi asked her coldly, obviously not trusting her. "Come on now, you two have been running around like headless chickens. Who would question drunks on purpose? You guys are shit at looking unsuspicious."

She sat beside them holding a cold lemonade in her hand. "Do you know anything? You have been here longer than us." Akira sighed and lay her head back. "Arisu, Arisu, Arisu. Why must you find the answers now? You are in a safe space with food and water. Just be grateful." Usagi sighed, annoyed and surveyed the area. Akira looked up at her and rolled her eyes.

"Hatter is a control freak who just wants the cards to himself, Aguni seems tough but is a softie. The militants are just hit men who kill the ones Hatter doesn't trust."

"What about the executives?" "Ann spends her time dissecting dead bodies, she seems to think that something was implanted in us to put us here, Number 2 will take over when Hatter dies, I don't really know much about him."

Arisu nodded before speaking, "And what about the woman, in the black bikini?" Mira, the reason for all the pain you have gone through. The reason I could kill you all. "Mira, she is just a puppy who follows Hatters' every word like an adoring fan." The two nodded at her before she closed her eyes and rested in the sun.

She was awoken by the game sirens. She followed the crowd into the lobby and walked up to the landing where the executives gathered. "You aren't meant to be here!" One of Hatter's bodyguards stopped her from entering the area.

"Relax darling, I'm Hatter's favourite." She barged past the man before looking over the edge at all the people. "What a bunch of idiots." "I see you have no care for them." Akira turned to see Mira beside her. "Doesn't mean it won't hurt if they all die because of me." "My little bird, you must not waste a thought on those people."

"If they beat the game will you kill me?" "Hush, we mustn't talk." She nodded before walking away silently. Well, that wasn't the answer I was looking for. "Hello, Ms executive." Akira turned to see Chishiya beside her. "Why are you here?" He spoke facing away from her. "I wanted to see someone."

He smirked slightly before answering. "Don't tell me you came up here just to see me?" She chuckled. "Don't flatter yourself, I came to see Mira." She walked to the side and leaned against a large pillar. Hatter entered the landing causing cheers all around.

"Are you playing today?" Ann spoke to her softly. "I think so. I need to have some fun." "Don't stress yourself too much, you are still healing." Akira nodded and saw Hatter finishing his speech. "Good luck Ann." She nodded in response. "You too."

She slowly made her way to the car park. She hadn't been assigned a group since she wasn't meant to play so she surveyed the groups around her. She noticed Kuina, Ann, and Tatta waiting in a car for Arisu who was heading toward them. He saw her watching him and smiled at her, causing her to wave in response.

Arriving at her chosen group the three other people looked at her confused. "We were only meant to have three in the group?" She waved off the question and sat in the back of the car. "Don't worry, I just wanted to play." The woman beside her looked at her in shock. "You wanted to play? Are you crazy!" Akira laughed and looked out the window, ignoring the questions.

"This is new." The driver of the car muttered as they arrived outside a swimming centre. "Do you think it will be a water challenge?" "Hopefully not, I can't swim." Akira looked sympathetically towards the man who spoke. "Let's just go see."

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