♡Petting lions and throwing knives♡

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Akira had grown up loving the circus, sure she didn't like the clowns or the hoards of people but it didn't stop her from dreaming about being in it. She loved the anticipation when they performed death-defying acts and loved the food.

She saw three tables in the middle of a small room, a phone table, popcorn, and a table filled with envelopes. She grabbed one of each and sat on a bench shovelling popcorn down her throat.

Ann entered shortly after her, surveying the area quickly before standing near the entrance. A man in the corner paced fretfully, staring at the envelope in his hand. Tatta and Chishiya finally walked in, the former standing near Akira while the other hid in a corner next to a ticket booth.

"I can't take it anymore!" The nervous man ripped open his envelope and was shot by the laser before he could read its contents. "Player 7 please take the number three's envelope." Looking at her phone, she found that she was number seven. She casually stepped over his body picking up the now bloodied envelope. She looked at his popcorn box and saw to her excitement it was nearly full. She grabbed it and walked back to her spot while others watched her.

"And you got mad when I looked through that woman's pockets." She jumped slightly to see that Chishiya was standing close to her. "It's not the same, I was told to." She crossed her arms while he nodded and rolled his eyes. Silence sat between them like a third person until the game announcements started.

Game: Circus Act
Difficulty: Six of hearts
Game clear: Perform one of the acts given to you, and satisfy the Ringmaster
Game over: Fail your act
Time limit: 10 minutes to prepare and 5 to execute.

Heart? This will be fun, I think. She looked at her two envelopes and ripped them open. On it, there were only two lines: You are the Ringmaster, good luck.

She opened her second envelope: You are the trapeze artist, good luck. She turned to the man standing beside her, who read his paper in interest. "Chishiya, I need help." He looked at her second envelope and grinned before reading her first one, his grin dropped slightly before he regained his smirking look.

"Ringmaster." He bowed slightly and smirked at her, giving his answer before walking away. She nodded and walked to the middle of the performing ring. There she looked around and found a tent filled with costumes.

"You've got to be kidding me." She looked at her sparkly Ringmaster outfit in disgust, it was covered in sequins and rhinestones. "At least you get a tophat!" She heard a cheerful voice and saw Tatta beside her wearing a long pair of pants that dragged on the floor behind him.

"What are you?" "A stilts person." He grinned at her before pointing to two very long wooden stilts. "Good luck Tatta." She smiled and patted him on the shoulder before grabbing her costume and walking away.

So I decide whether people live or die? "That's fucked up." "What fowl language for such a gorgeous face." Akira could hear the smirk in his voice. "Are you ever going to forget?" She paused looking at him, he wore a suit and looked damn good in it. "Forget what?" He smirked at her, clearly noticing her looking him up and down.

"Stop it you dick, I could kill you." "You couldn't if you wanted to." Why the hell would God take his time on his features and just forget his personality? "I like this outfit." He smirked while looking at her Ringmaster costume. "I hate it." "It'll be easy to find you in a crowd now." This Akira smirked, "How often do you try to find me in a crowd, Chishiya?" "More than I like." What's that supposed to mean?

"What's your act?" "Magician." She laughed "Good luck, the only thing going for you is your looks now." What the fucking fuck, you stupid dumbass did not say that. "You seem to like my looks a lot today, Akira."

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