♡Plans and traitors♡

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Akira lay in her bed staring at the ceiling, thinking. She wasn't worried that Aguni was the new leader but more about what would happen when he takes over. How many will die because of trigger-happy militants with hands on guns? She heard a knock at her door, she knew it wasn't Chishiya or Kuina as they would have barged in. "Come in!" The door opened softly and Usagi walked into her line of vision.

"What can I do for you?" Akira sat up in the bed, to be polite and waited for an answer. Usagi nodded and sat on the chair before starting. "Chishiya wants Arisu to steal the cards." "What? I thought he was over that." "He has this big plan but if it goes badly Arisu will be killed." "Tell me the plan," Usagi explained the plan to Akira who worried more about her friend the longer Usagi talked. "So he doesn't even know the code? What type of shit plan is that?" The woman shrugged in response, playing with the hem of her sports jacket. "Does Arisu want to do this?" "He says he can trust Chishiya." "Do you trust Arisu?" Usagi nodded, "I trust him with my life." Akira smiled softly, glad her friend had found someone who trusted him.

"Then try to support the plan, and support him. I'll do my best to help you." Usagi nodded and thanked her. "I'll go find Chishiya." She left her room in search of the person who could cost Arisu his life. "Akira!" She ignored the man calling to her who was the reason for her now bruised cheek. "Don't ignore me Akira!" She walked faster but knew he would catch up to her anyway. "Hey." Niragi grabbed her shoulder, stopping her. "What do you want Niragi?" She wanted to finish the conversation quickly, she had other things to do.

"Don't be like that." "Like what? You hit me, am I meant to thank you? Get on my knees and suck your dick for blessing me with a purple bruise and the taste of blood in my mouth?" She glared at him while he stood wordlessly looking at her. "I'm sorry." "Is The Niragi saying sorry to me?" He smiled slightly, "Don't make me regret it." "I don't think I can accept your apology." He looked at her shocked, "Seriously?" "You have to go out and get me more junk food." "That's it?" "Oh, and you can't hurt me ever again." He stuck out his hand. "Deal." The two shook on it and went their separate ways.

The last time Chishiya was doing something in secret he was in the security camera room, so that was her destination. She reached the door and knocked on it loudly, not knowing what could be on the other side. Hearing no response she opened the door slowly, but seeing a dark room she stopped short. He wasn't there, so now she had no idea where he could be. "Dammit, why is this place so big?" She went to find his room next, even if he wasn't there she could wait for him, just like he always did with her.

Opening the door to his room she walked in quickly, not even bothering to announce her presents as she could see he wasn't there. She sat on a chair that was in the corner of the room, beside a small table. She was surprised to see the room empty, there would be no way to know someone actually stayed there besides the white jacket on the back of a chair. Looking at the table she saw three walkie-talkies. "Maybe this is how Chishiya communicates with Kuina?" She grabbed one of the devices, maybe she could hear some gossip.

"Damn, how long does he have to take?" She giggled as an idea came into her head, she hid behind a cabinet, almost invisible to someone entering the room. "Now we wait for Chishiya." Speak of the devil and he shall appear, the door to the room opened. Chishiya walked in quietly looking around the room in suspicion, he must have realised someone had been in the room. He accepted no one was in the room and sat on a chair facing away from where she was. Sensing her moment she crept behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Guess who?" She stopped short when she felt a knife against her throat, pressing slightly as Chishiya turned to her. "What do you think you're doing?" She smiled, glancing at the knife. "Saying hi to my friend. Can my friend please remove the weapon from my throat?" "Can you remove your arms from my body?" "No, I don't think I can." She hugged him tighter causing him to roll his eyes. "Well, then my knife can stay where it is." He pushed harder against her neck, cutting her skin slightly. Akira winced and dropped her arms before sitting across from him.

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