♡Stealing without laws isn't stealing♡

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"How do you forget to mention that you had a firearm?" "It wasn't a topic of conversation that I would talk to a stranger about." The men had been questioning her on the way to the apartment about her previous statement. "You're insane." "Isn't that an achievement." She replied sarcastically.

They opened the door to the hotel room to see Chota sitting at the table with the woman who had yet to tell her name. "What food do we have dear friends?" Akira said before sighing dramatically and flopping onto the couch.

"Let's see, canned fish, canned spiced fruit, canned ham and soda." She rolled her eyes "what a fantastic collection." She closed her eyes tired but opened them when she felt a presence above her. "What's up Karube?" He smiled at her. "You need a proper bed, you can't have a bad sleep in this place." "Try me." She replied and shut her eyes.

After a while, she got up sighing when he hadn't moved. "Okay, okay I'll get a bed." The two walked into the first room they saw only for Akira to stop short. On the floor was a bra. "What a player, Chota was getting it while I was dying." "You weren't dying Akira." Karube pointed. "You get my point, let's leave this here and no way am I sleeping on those sheets."

The two sat on a bed in the next room together, shoulder to shoulder. "Sorry for being rude by the way, when I wouldn't tell you anything." She smiled at the boy "it's okay, I wouldn't trust me too." She laughed.

"How's your stomach?" He shrugged and started to play with something in his hands. "What are you doing?" He held up the object for her to see. It was the case of a ring, which was inside. "Who is she? Or have you and Arisu got something I should know about?" He laughed sadly. "Her name was Emi, I thought we could run away together." He opened the case and she gasped, the ring was super pretty.

"She would have loved it." The two watched each other quietly as if taking in the other's features for the first time. The door suddenly opened causing the two to jump apart. It was the office woman. She watched the two with a smirk on her face. "Bye Akira, sleep well." Karube quickly left.

"So, you and Karube?" "Don't start, we know what you and Chota did." The woman quickly stopped teasing Akira. "Saori Shibuki." "Would you believe my name is still Sasaki Akira?" She joked.

"Right, well have a good sleep and thanks for looking after everyone." "I'm glad Chota had you." Shibuki quickly glanced at her "Yeah." She left the room letting Akira sleep.

She woke to banging pots in her ear. "Why the hell do you have pots when we don't even have a stove Chota!" He laughed and walked out of her room. "I woke the beast!" He called to the others.

Walking out of her room she saw her friends watching her. "Sup chaps." She said jokingly sitting down. "What's the agenda?" "Chota and I need to play since our visas expire tonight." "I need to get a new gun." "A new gun? You had an old gun?"

Akira jokingly rolled her eyes. "Yeah, some asshole stole it from me." "Hey, that asshole saved my life." "Okay, the asshole that saved Karube's life took my gun." Arisu spoke up "Akira and I will go get her a weapon and Karube get something as well. Chota can rest and Shibuki can do whatever." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Why is the mall so huge?" Akira complained to her companion. "If you knew where to go we wouldn't have to wander aimlessly." Arisu pointed out. "Thank you for that discovery." She pushed him in the shoulder.

"Let's look here." They enter a hunting store and try to find a weapon to replace the stolen one. "Found one!" Akira called her friend. "Well let's get out of here." "You'd think you don't want to hang out with me!" He rolled his eyes "Is it wrong to kinda be excited about the games?" "Yes. Yes, it is." "No, but it's not like we could die. We have your smarts for a diamond and Karube's strength for a spade. We are an amazing team and I'm amazing at everything" "And what about a Hearts game?" She sighed "We may as well all blow up and die."

"What was life like, before the silent apocalypse?" She turned to him. "I ran away from home." She laughed and slapped him on the back startling him. "Same!" The two laugh together like old friends.

As they enter the apartment Akira covers her eyes with her hand. "If I see any naked people I will go lazer myself!" She slowly uncovered her face and let out a sigh of relief at seeing two fully clothed people.

As nightfall arrived the group left for a game. Karube ran up to Akira "Hey I need to do something, I'll be right back." She nodded and smiled at him as he ran away. They found a lit-up area and waited outside for the man.

He ran back after a while of waiting. "Sorry I took longer than expected." He said glancing at Akira. "What do you mean sorry!" Everyone turned to Chota with shocked faces as he turns and walks away. How can someone take him seriously when he's hobbling like a grandma?

They walked together and stopped at a table that was filled with four pieces of headgear. "There's only four?" The signs wanted each player to take one. "Have we passed the border yet?" Arisu shook his head.

"I'll go." Akira said sadly. "You can't! We have to stay together!" Arisu told her. "If a fifth person crosses the border they probably die, Arisu. I'm sorry." They watched her sadly. "Chota and Shibuki need to play and it's a war crime to separate the golden trio, so that leaves me." She shrugged before hugging Chota.

She nodded in farewell at Shibuki and hugged Arisu. "We will meet again! I promise." She turned to Karube and kissed him on the cheek. "Protect them, for me. And Emi will say yes." She walked away sadly.

Finally, waving as they entered the game she left and once again was filled with the silence of an empty world.


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