Chapter 24

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Hello people! I'm not sure if anybody will be reading this but I'm back! I haven't been in wattpad in over a few months I think and I've missed writing on here. So here I am! I can't guarantee that I will update more often but I will most definitely try. :-)

Songs for this chapter is:

Out of the Woods - Taylor Swift (Out of the Woods, get it? ;-) )

Rachel Platten - Stand By You

Chapter 24


There were only two Strigoi, and twelve of us. It was easy work, but these two Strigoi have been around for a long time. All of us could tell. They've probably been around for more than two hundred years. They're strong.

Six guardians to one Strigoi, all of us tense. This guardian called Daniel was confident. We planned to attack it altogether, so we can have an advantage, but that dumbass decided to have the spotlight. He lunged at the Strigoi and took it by surprise, since its back was facing him.

The Strigoi sensed movement in the back, so he turned around. Daniel didn't have a chance of staking him even a little bit, the Strigoi whacked him by the head and sent him flying. Daniel flew in the air until he hit the back of a pole, which was pretty far away. He became unconscious, and slumped.

I drew in a sharp breath. Was he dead? I think he's dead. This Strigoi was really strong. Do we have a chance? I glanced over at the other group and saw that they were already fighting. We were winning, only by a little bit. The Strigoi was screaming in pain as stake after stake was plunged into its skin, but it din't seem anywhere close to dying.

I looked at everybody in our group. Five guardians now. I looked at all of them in the eye. They nodded as to say that they were ready.

I screamed and lunged at the Strigoi, the Strigoi tried whacking me aside like he did he Daniel, but I dodged and rolled into the floor staking it by its ankle. It pierced through the entire thing because of my force and it screamed in pain. He was now basically stuck to the ground. We had an advantage. It couldn't run as fast anymore, but they can heal quickly so we should get it over with fast. It started grabbing at me, trying to pull me off. I struggled as it clawed me, I can feel blood coming out.

"Stake it, quick!" I shouted, not knowing when my strength was going to run out.

The guardians all rushed forward and it turned into a fight. Stakes were everywhere. And the Strigoi thrashed everywhere, but we were quick, and we dodged his attacks, well some of us did. Two other guardians got wiped out. Since there were still a few guardians left, the Strigoi couldn't focus on one thing.

I quickly pulled my stake out and the Strigoi walked backwards and fell. I jumped on top of it.

"Goodbye." I muttered to it as I plunged it in.

The Strigoi shrieked in pain as it fell to the ground and died.

"Does anyone have a lighter or something?" I asked.

"I do." Dimitri said, reaching in and pulling out a lighter. But as he did so, a box of cigarettes fell out, and I looked at him stunned.Since when did he start smoking? I narrowed my eyes at him.

"We'll talk about this later," I said as I snatched it out of his hand and started lighting the Strigoi on fire.

"Rose, I swear. It's not mine."

"Save it," I huffed.

Dimitri groaned in frustration. The other guardians were looking at us uneasily, like they knew they had just witnessed a little argument between Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov. Their eyes were wide and it was obvious that they were surprised. Dimitri and I were said to be the best comrades, never fighting or arguing during a fight. Well, they know now that it weren't true.

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