Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


We got to the check in line in 5 minutes, I was just standing there, looking for any signs of Strigoi, while Tyson and Teresa were talking. About 6 minutes later, we check in. The woman checking us in weighed our luggage, stuck some take on it, checked our passports, and told us we were good to go.

We enter a room where a lot of chairs. I glance around to take in my surroundings. Computers and free wifi to keep the passengers entertained, custodians mopping the peach marble floor, attendants filing in, signs that showed the airplane times, and workers who answered questions.

We go wait in those waiting chairs and I rested my head against the big screen window and thought about stuff. It was
sunny outside, so no Strigoi would be lurking there. I sighed a sigh of relief.

"Passengers for the 3:15 plane ride please proceed to the airplane, thank you." The flight attendant's voice said.

Tyson, Teresa, and I get our luggage and go inside the hallway that will lead us in the airplane's wing and eventually the seats.

Apparently, Lissa booked us 1st class seats. We had our own seats that could be a bed, our own 15 inch T.Vs, and a space big enough to put food and drinks on.

Teresa was 1A, I was 2A, and Tyson was 3A. I was in the middle of them, so I could keep an eye on them. They both got the windows, which was fine with me. I kind of felt sorry for Tyson and Teresa, they couldn't really talk to each other, and the small bed was too small for both of them to fit in.

The flight attendants gave us luxury blankets that were really comfortable. I couldn't sleep, both because it was day time, and because I wanted to keep an eye on both of them. I wanted to watch T.V, and I found headphones hooked next to the T.V. I gladly reached for them and turned it on. It was mostly news, I couldn't help myself but go to Disney Channel.Soon, I got bored of it and turned on the news program.

Apparently, the news was about somewhere near Court, where Lissa lived. I think it was good that the place was 3 hours away. But Strigoi is really, really fast,and I know they don't mind breaking speed limits.

"There has been a few kills recently and eight people have been killed. Three people have disappeared and families are still trying to find them." The news reporter reported.

I got worried when I heard that. The 3 people that got stolen away.. They're probably Strigoi now.

"Please take your light luggage and proceed to check out" the flight attendant announced.

Well, this is it.

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