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Songs for this chapter are:
You Are In Love by Taylor Swift

We have been stuck in the woods for about a week I would say, I can't really tell. Our clothes have become torn, our hair an oily mess. I'm surprised that Tyson can still look at me. Tyson though? He still looks so beautiful. He still looks so adorable with his hair sticking everywhere. He looks somewhat like a mad scientist.

I stifled a laugh at the condition of his hair. Tyson looked at me and smiled," Are you laughing at me?" While running his fingers through my hair very tangled hair.

I laughed," Of course I am, dummy. Who else would I be laughing at?"

Tyson stopped smiling abruptly  and looked behind me. "Maybe at that Strigoi behind you?"

I jumped in shock. "Are you serious?" I whispered. "Please, Tyson, I swear to God if there even is a God, there probably is a God, please tell me that you're joking."

"I'm joking."

"Seriously?!" I shouted out.

"Shh. You'll attract Strigoi!" Tyson smirked and put a finger to his lips.

"Holy crap, Tyson. You scared me half to death! That was not funny," I said with folded arms.

He laughed," It kind of was."

"I'm serious."

"Aw, I'm sorry baby. I promise to never do that again. Forgive me?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully," I guess."

"Yay! Thanks, baby!" He said as he wrapped me up in a hug.

I buried my head into his chest and sighed. I feel like Tyson is the only thing keeping me sane right now. If he weren't here right now, I probably would've gone crazy and killed by Strigoi. Probably both.

"Don't I stink?" Tyson asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"You stink too."


We continued walking. We gave up jogging a few days ago.

"When are we ever going to make it out of here?" I asked.

"I don't know, I hope soon." Tyson replied quietly.

"Do you think Rose and them are coming to find us?"

"I hope so."

"I hope they're at the right place."

"Me too, Teresa, me too."


"I honestly don't think that we're going to be able to find any food in here. We might as well stop resting so much and walk more." I protested as we stopped again to sleep for the night.

"No, we need our rest or else we're not going to have enough energy to fight Strigoi if we come in contact with them." Dimitri said.

I huffed. He was right. I hated that he was right.

Dan came back with some firewood in his hands. I took them from him after a quick thanks, and started working on the fire. With years and years of practice, I got it to light up in a matter of time.

"Do you think that we'll ever be able to find them?" I asked the two of them frustrated. "Are they even still alive?"

"We have to hold out hope, Rose." Dan told me.

"Is hope even going to help us?"

"It sure will, don't worry too much and try to get some sleep. You need it." Dan told me.


I crawled into Dimitri's Trenchcoat and used it as a blanket to shield me from most of the wind. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.

I was woken up in the middle of the night by Dimitri and I jolted up, ready to fight. My hands were on my stake.

"What is it?"

"Dan said he saw some movement." Dimitri told me.

"Is it Strigoi?"

"We think it is. It was fast."

"Holy shit. Where is it?" I asked, scared. I hope that Teresa and Tyson aren't close to us right now, even though I also want them to be. I wished to God that they were away from where Strigoi lurked.

"We don't know. But it has been coming back and forth throughout the last hour."

"Okay, let me stand up."

I still up and positioned myself, ready for any attack. Adrenaline was racing through my body, sparking me up with the energy that I would need for a fight.

After about ten minutes, I relaxed a little. "Did you guys record the times when it came?" I asked.

"Yes. It first came at 3:07 a.m, stayed for about 5 minutes, then went away. It came back at 3:29, stayed for about 3 minutes, then went away again. We woke you up after a couple minutes." Dan read from a piece of paper.

"That's weird. It's like he might be observing us." I muttered.

Dimitri nodded," Yes, that's what we think, Roza. We won't know if it's the same Strigoi though. They both look to have the same height, but we can never be too sure."

"What is your prediction for it's next arrival?" I asked Dan. He was pretty smart at this stuff.

"In about 7 minutes." Dan replied," But we can never be too sure." He added.

"Yeah, that's true. Let's just keep an eye out." I said.

We stood shoulder to shoulder, forming a triangle. I've got their back, and they've got mine. I trust them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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