Chapter 22

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Strigoi have been chasing us for about 4 hours already and we needed sleep. Some of us even had to stake the Strigoi because they were right next to the window. So far nobody got hurt, but the back if the vans got a few small dents. When were they going to stop chasing after us? Aren't they tired?

Luckily it was only 2 Strigoi chasing after us instead of a whole pack; we would've died instantly. I guess luck was on our side today.

I said it too soon. As soon as I thought that, Dimitri shouted,"Our van almost has no more fuel!"

I cursed. Why did it have to say that? "Then what are we supposed to do?" I asked.

"We fight them. There's only two, so it's supposed to be easy." Dimitri explained.

"We need strategy," one of my friends said.

"All of surround one Strigoi. Tell the other van that." I told him.

"On it." Dimitri said as he retrieved his phone out of his duster. He started explaining it once the other line picked up.

Our driver banged on the steering wheel,"We don't have anymore gas." He told us.

"Alright. Let's do this." I said.


After a very eventful night with Strigoi constantly sniffing me out but leaving, I was extremely tired. The first thing I wanted to do was to go find a motel and sleep for a little while. It couldn't hurt, right? But I was in the middle if the woods and it's obvious that there won't be any motels here.

That means on every night, I'll have to sleep in the trees with high possibilities of falling off, and trying to not get any Strigoi to kill me. My life sure is awesome. Note the sarcasm.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. Why the hell did I have to run this way? I bet I could be happy in a damn motel or hotel right now. But noo, my brain and instincts just had to go for the woods. How was I supposed to survive here? I'll go north, wherever that was.

I groaned and made my way down from the tree. Once I landed safely, I took my phone out and clicked in compass. North, I needed to go north. I turned around in a circle until the needle pointed to north. Satisfied, I followed the needle, without knowing where I was and where I was headed to. Hopefully it was a city or even a town would be nice.

Somehow, right now, looking for Teresa is becoming more of a challenge and it's not about finding her now. It's also about surviving in this cruel world.

I walked on and on for what seemed like hours and my phone's battery went down to 90%. I better start saving it. I walked into a meadow and it was beautiful. There were trees filled with fruits and I thought I should pick some before I leave so I could have food.

I got out a bag and climbed up a tree and sat on a strong branch, I pulled peaches out and dropped them into the paper bag. I went to the next tree and pulled out some plums and did the same thing. Same with apples. Now I have enough food for about a week or a few days. It was still something.

I went to google maps but there was still no signal. I went back to compass and walked in a straight line. I didn't need the compass anymore, I could just walk in a straight line. I closed my phone and grabbed a random fruit out of the bag and munched on it hungrily. God it tasted good.

I needed to take a bath, I stunk. I brought five outfits, because I thought that I could find Teresa and we would go back to the academy. But I was wrong, I knew absolutely nothing about the outside world. I was protected by my mother all my life; of course I wouldn't know what real danger was. I guess going on this "trip" could really teach me things.

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