Chapter 23

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I shook my head in frustration. Ugh, I hated getting flashbacks. Sometimes they're good, like when you remember when you're first date with someone you love or your first kiss. And sometimes, there are the bad flashbacks, like when one of your relatives died, or when you caught your boyfriend cheating on you. Something like that. I'm barely happy right now, I made it back alive, and I found Tyson, but what about my parents? They died. The only people that was always there for me. I'm still in denial.. Wouldn't anybody be in denial though?

I laid down and stared up. I tried sleeping but I just couldn't. The aching pain of of losing my parents were still there. They didn't even get a proper burial and funeral! I started crying again and stopped myself. If my parents were here, my mom would wipe my tears away and my dad would tell me to stop crying.

My dad would smile at me and tell me that there isn't enough time to cry. I must live life to the fullest. I smiled up at the sky. Is living life to the fullest mean that I could be in constant danger? I thought to myself bitterly. My mom would stand next to my dad with one hand on my shoulder and tell me to wipe the tears away from my eyes. I did as they would tell me to and smiled at the sky.

I closed my eyes as I tried to sleep again. After a few minutes, I gave up. I glanced at Tyson and saw that he was peacefully sleeping. I sighed. I really want to go to sleep.I leaned over and curled up in a ball, my back facing Tyson. I closed my eyes and felt me falling asleep.

I opened my eyes and groaned. I probably only had a few hours of sleep yesterday. Crap. I turned over to the over side and found me facing Tyson's chest. His arm was placed around my waist. I looked at it in confusion. Weren't I sleeping a few feet away from Tyson last night?

I was about to sit up when I felt him pull me closer to him. He wrapped his over arm around me and he hugged me. Hard. I let out a squeal. Tyson was strong and when he hugs you hard, well, it feels nice, but it hurts a little bit.

His eyes immediately fluttered open at the sound of my squeal and I slapped myself mentally. Shit. I shouldn't have woken him up. Did I really have to squeal? He looked at me and smiled.

"How was your sleep, sleeping beauty?" He asked jokingly.

I scoffed,"I only got a few hours of sleep," I mumbled as I sat up and stretched.

He wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me into a hug,"Aw, did my baby not get her beauty sleep?"

I slapped him playfully on his arm,"No." I replied with a soft laugh.

"Go back to sleep," He said as he released me from his embrace,"You really need it."


"No buts. We're going to be running a lot today and you need energy for it. It's okay." He reassured me.

I shrugged,"Okay then."

"Good night, princess." He whispered as I drifted off to sleep.


My eyes opened and closed as I woke up. I woke up to see Tyson shirtless with that gorgeous 6-pack. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. He looked back at me and smiled.

"Did you have a good night?" Tyson asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I did." I replied back. I scratched my head in confusion.

"So uh.. How long did I sleep?" I asked.

"Um.. I don't know.. About a few hours I guess."

"Oh.." I fell back again and closed me eyes, hoping to get more sleep.

"Get up, sleepy-head," he ruffled my hair.

I got up and rubbed my eyes and squinted. Ugh. Everything was so bright even though we were in a tent. I changed into something else. I stood up and went to the lake to wash my face.

The water went so cold and just ugh. I just want to go back to my nice dorm in the academy, I want to eat pizza and fries. I want In-n-out. My stomach grumbled. I shook my head. I shouldn't think about that right now. Thinking about that would only make me more hungry and depressed.

Tyson came up to me and back hugged me. He kissed my neck and I smiled.

"You feeling okay?" He asked.

"I've been better," I responded honestly.

He scratched his head. "I think we've all been better," he chuckled.

"I just want to go back to the academy," I complained.

We rubbed my back trying to calm me down,"Don't worry, we will." He murmured.

"My ass," I scoffed.

"We have to believe, Teresa,"

"I'm tired of this, I just want my normal life back. This is a nightmare isn't it? I should be waking up anytime now.." I complained.

We gathered our things and started jogging. We were both really quiet, both wanting some peace, but hey, maybe we were just scared that we would attract some attention once we start talking.

The quietness had given me a lot of time to think. And believe me, I had to think of a lot of things. My head worked furiously on trying to come up with a solution of getting us out of this mess. I glanced over at Tyson and he looked like he was deep in though.

I thought about a lot of things. My mom, dad, my old home and city, just my old life. I cherished the time I spent with my parents, but it soon turned into hate.

My parents did not deserve a fate like this. They've been good to people. They always donate food and clothes to the poor, and they're always setting up fundraisers. Whenever they saw a homeless on the streets, they would give them at least ten dollars. They've been such kind people to the world, why the hell did they get such a terrible fate? They were supposed to die old, and in a peaceful way. They were supposed to die of old age. Anything would've been better than getting ripped to shreds by Strigoi.

I just couldn't accept this. Why do I have this horrible fate? I miss New York, with its skyscrapers and designer stores. I can't believe I would actually say this, but I miss school. I miss all the kids that would laugh at me and Tyson, I even miss all the glares we got. I know that saying all this is pointless because we're in the middle of nowhere with no right direction to go.

I don't even know how we're going to get out of this. I hate to admit it, but Tyson and I were out of plans. We don't know what to do next, or where to even go. It's sad.

But there's only one thing that's keeping me from giving up, a someone perhaps. It was Tyson. If he wasn't here right now, I would be even more lost right now. I would probably have given up. I was just really really lucky to have bumped into him.

I looked at him and a new feeling hit me. A feeling that I haven't felt ever since the Strigoi kidnapped me. I felt hope. I have faith in us. We can make it through this, because I believe in us. We might not know where to go, but I do know that we will make it out of this.

Maybe one day Tyson and I will have our own house, with fences around it. The pretty ones, mind you. And our children will come back home everyday with smiles on their faces. No danger will come to them, and no harm. I vow to make sure that my children will have a much better fate than what I have now.

Author's Note (Please Read)

Guys I'm so sorry it has taken such a long time for me to update, life has been so chaotic and after I finish dealing with one thing, another pops up and then I have to deal with that thing.

I also accidentally deleted this chapter, so it took kind of long to write it again. I'm really sorry that it's so short and I promise to make the next chapter longer, because honestly, I really really like writing this story.

Thanks for sticking with me !!!

-Wendy :)

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