Chapter Two

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After a couple more weeks Gemma had been coming in, so I've actually been able to do my job. I was working on a customers breaks when I hear everyone yelling for everyone to get out of the garage but by the time I heard them I see Happy running towards the garage and next thing I know I see my dad running from a black van and then it blew up throwing my dad into the air. The explosion pushes me to the back of the garage causing me to slam into the toolbox.

I looked around and could see my dad laying there, a pool of blood forming around him, I run towards him but get cut off when Happy starts turning me around checking to see if I was hurt. I push him away and run to my dad.

When I lift my dads head off the ground and onto my lap my hands are covered in blood and my legs are covered in it from kneeling in it. I start running my hand over his hair.

"Please don't leave me, please don't leave me, please don't leave me daddy." I just keep repeating it over and over praying that my dad isn't going to leave me. Jax tries to pull me from my dad.

"IT'S MY FUCKING DAD, NO GET AWAY I'M NOT LEAVING HIM." I scream at Jax. I can hear him telling someone to find Manny but I don't look to see who he's talking to because I can't look away from my dad.

An ambulance finally pulls in with a firetruck behind it and a couple of squad cars. I just look back at my dad and then lay my head on his. I feel a pair of hands and look up to finally see Manny.

"Baby you gotta let them help him. Come here." I just swat his hand that he put out for me to take. Next thing I knew someone picked me up and carried me away. I was screaming and trying to kick my legs for them to let me go. I went to hit them but someone caught my arm when I looked to see who it was, it was Opie and I looked to see who was carry me and it was Jax so I tighten my arm around him and put my head to his chest.

Jax takes me to the clubhouse and Opie follows. Jax goes to set me down but I just tighten my grip on him. So he sits down with me, setting me into his lap with Opie taking a seat next to us.

"Hey I know it doesn't seem like it right now but your dad's not going anywhere he's way too stubborn for that. He won't leave you." Opie says to me and I nod to him. Him and Jax start talking trying figure out what the hell happened. I adjust myself on Jax and exhaustion hits me and I fall asleep. 


I wake up in one of the rooms, it's Manny's. I'm by myself so I sit up and move to the edge of the bed and slide myself to the floor pulling my knees to my chest and set my head down. Someone knocks on the door but I don't want to see anyone so I lay down on the floor hiding myself behind the bed right before they open the door.

"Someone wanna tell me where the fuck she is?" I hear Happy say loudly before I can hear his footsteps coming into the room and I look at the end of the bed same time he looks down. I can hear footsteps running down the hall.

I put my finger to my mouth silently asking him to stay quiet. I cover my ears with my hands before I see him turn around and tell whoever is at the door to go away. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I can feel Happy watching me.

"What?" I say but it comes out as a whisper. I wasn't sure he heard me until he came and sat next to me picking my head up and setting it on this legs.

"Little one, he's gonna be okay. I called ma and asked her to pray for him." He says to me before kissing my temple and then runs his fingers thru my hair.

"Thank you Hap. Have we heard anything? I don't even know what time it is." I say and open my eye looking for a clock.

"It's ten to seven and Tara called Jax about an hour ago says he stable." I had been asleep almost four hours. I went to get up but Happy lightly pushed my head back down.

"He's gotta be okay, I can't lose him." I say quietly. I hear someone come and but he's just shakes his head towards them.

"He's going to be alright. He won't leave you. On other subject your old man fucking sucks." I let a chuckle out.

"There's that smile little one." He says before kissing my temple again. He goes to lift me up so he can get up.

"Not yet please. I'm not ready to go out there and face everyone. Annnd he's not my old man you know that but your right he does. Where was he? He should be doing what you, Jax, and Opie are doing. Where the fuck was he?" I say starting to get pissed. I jump up and storm down the hall to look for Manny. Happy comes after me but doesn't make it to me before I reach the bar and I sock Manny in the jaw.

"What the fuck was that?" He's get up to start swinging not realizing it was me. Happy pulls me away, turning us around so his back is to Manny and wraps his arms around me. Everyone runs over to the bar to stop Manny from hitting Happy or myself.

"Tig get her out of here, take her to see Chibs." Clay says to Tig waiting for him to move towards me. I look up at Happy and tell him I'm good, he lets me go and I walk towards the door so I can go the garage and get my keys to drive to St. Thomas. Tigs waiting at my driver's side door with his hand out for my keys.

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