Chapter Six

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"Ash, Ash look at me they're down the hall, go out the garage door head to the lot. Call the guys on your way. Look at me, Ashlynn I need you to go." Opie says to me. I crawl over to the table grab my bag and move towards the door I look back but Opie's around the corner heading down the hall. I hit the button on for the garage door and jump in my Tahoe before I start it I hear a gun shot. I go to get out and run in but Opie comes running out the door telling me to go.

"What the fuck was that Ope? This isn't going to stop. It's Jimmy, he wants me dead." Opie assures me that nothing going to happen to me. He pulls his phone out and calls Clay telling him what happened, he told him to get the club ready for a locked down when we got there and he'll meet us there.

Once I make it too the lot and pull in a couple of guys close the gate. Jax comes running over Tara right behind him. Tara comes to my door asking if I'm okay, I tell her I'm fine and look around the lot and see the rest of the guys coming over to us. I look over and see Happy sitting on the picnic table, he gets up and walks into the clubhouse, making him the only one to not come over. I go to follow him inside but Piney stops me and points to the gate.

The gate opens and the clubs van pulls in and parks when the door opens my dad jumps out. I run to him and pull into a hug. He kisses my head and tells me he's alright and that I need to fill him in on what happened with Jimmy. That's when I realize that I haven't told anyone what happened yet. When the guys brought me back here after they found me I went straight to Manny's room and hid until I went home after everything and now with all this shit going on. No one has even asked, I nod at my dad and let him go telling him to go see the guys.


It had been a couple months since Jimmy had me taken and tried to take me out in my own home. In that time Donna had died so Opie has been a mess, Jax brought Abel home, the boys will being doing hard time soon due to some shit with Zobelle, no one has seen or heard from Manny, and Happy still isn't talking to me.

Were in another lockdown, it's been a three day lockdown so far. Hack-sacks been killed and Abel was taken by someone involving the IRA. We thought it was Jimmy but the charter in Belfast confirmed that Jimmy's been back for months, meaning he left the states as soon as he left the hotel that night. I haven't heard from my mom at all so he sticking to his word about not allowing her to call and its killing me not to hear from them.

Over the lockdown Happy and Opie have avoided me. Opie, I understand he lost his wife but Happy doesn't make any sense. I honestly just miss him, he's my best friend. I was sitting on the roof when someone else came up, I turn around and see it's Jax, he said sorry he didn't know anyone was up here. I told him to sit with me so he came over and sat next to me putting an arm over my shoulder laying a kiss to the side of my head.

"I don't know what to do other then blame Tara for losing my son." He says and I turn my face towards his and resting his head on my forehead.

"Jax-" He cuts me off by kissing me I stand up and move away from him.

"Shit I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-" I cut him off putting my hand up.

"No Jax you shouldn't have. Tara is not to blame, the club and Gemma are. She shouldn't have followed Polly into that house. Jackson get it together, your one of my best friends but I'm not here for that. You love Tara Jax don't blame her." I say before walking away from him so I can go back into the clubhouse.

I go behind the counter and pour myself a tall shot of jack. I lift it up and tap the counter before throwing it back. Chuckie asks me if I'm alright and I just pour myself another shot. Jax comes down the later as I'm taking another shot so I pour another one.

"That's enough." Happy says to me and sits on the other side of the bar.

"Oh your talking to me now? Don't worry I'll go so you don't have too." I grab the bottle of jack and glass before walking away. Headed back to the ladder for the roof Bobby stops me and tells him to cut Happy some slack. I roll my eyes and grab the ladder and start climbing. I hear bikes pulling in when I get to the roof and look over to see who's pulling in. It's Tacoma, I see Kozik and yell at him to get his attention he tells me he'll be right up.

After fifteen minutes his head finally pops up. He's got a bottle of Hennessey and two glasses but I show him mine and he nods. He pours himself a glass and while I poor myself one finishing off the bottle of jack. We cheers to him being here.

"Why are you guys here? Shit that serious that you need to be here?" I say to Koz and he fills his glass again and motions to mine I lean it over to him.

"Most of the guys are headed to Belfast they found Jax's kid I guess. They need us here to keep up the lockdown." He says before leaning into me. Opie yells from the ladder that church in ten.

"Wait they found Abel? I'm going with them then." I set my glass down and try to run over to the ladder so I can find Jax but I'm little past drunk and hit the side of it with my ribs. Koz laughs and then asks if I'm okay but I just flip him off and start going down the ladder. The guys are about to do hard time in Stockton their hearing is in the morning, and they can't leave. If they think I'm not going they're fucking crazy. I'll be going to see my mom and sister. I spot Clay first and walk over to him.

"Clay I'm going to Belfast." I tell him but he shakes his head and looks behind me to see Koz.

"Sorry man I thought she knew." He says to Clay. Clay yells church and all the guys head in.

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