Chapter Five

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The guys start to pile out of church and walk to the bar asking Half-sack for beers and shots. I watch as Manny walks out and he's no longer wearing a cut. He walks down the hall before disappearing into his room. Ten minutes later he comes out with two boxes and sets them down next to me.

"Defiantly just a fuck but at least a good one." Manny whispers to me before kissing my cheek, picks his boxes and walks towards the door. A single tear slips and I turn to walk away. Piney stops me right before I make it to the hall.

"He wasn't worth it princess. We wont be seeing him again lost his patch." Piney says to me but I don't say anything and walk past him to the bathroom. I don't know why I keep setting myself up for this shit. I just continue to lose myself in every relationship I try putting myself in. I close the door and walk over to the mirror and wipe my tears. I turn the water on and splash some on my face before turning for the door. I'm just going to head home for the day not really feeling the Friday night party.

I walk out of the clubhouse and see my Tahoe across the lot and just hope my keys are in it so I can leave. I wish I could just block everything out, shut my mind down. As I drive thru Charming I look around and see that a couple shops are closed for the night before I know it I'm pulling up to the house. I hit the garage opener above my head and wait for it to open before pulling in. I could just go away from this mess and life, I close the garage and roll the windows down leaving my Tahoe running.

The garage door connect to the house opens and I see Jax, Ope, and Hap run in. Jax climbs into the Tahoe on the passenger side and shuts it off and undoes my seatbelt why Opie opens the garage door to let the fumes roll out. Happy grabs me out and carries me inside the house.

"Little one what are you trying to do?" Happy asks me as the other two walk back into the house. I just shrug my shoulders and fall to the couch. The guys walk into the kitchen and start going through everything I'm assuming trying to find something to eat. I can hear them whispering but I could careless what they are saying. The guys walk over and sit on the couch with me.

"Ash?" Opie says to me while Jax turns on the tv.

"I don't know, I just I don't know. I'm tired of this shit, dad getting hurt. That shit with Jimmy, and then Manny." I say sinking further into the couch. We watch a couple movies before Jax gets a call. They all give me a kiss on the head before saying they'll send a prospect to keep an eye out.

A knock on the door startles me and I get up to open it for the prospect but Manny's standing at my front door. He pushes the door open and walks past me.

"Why are you here Manny?" I ask him while I stand next to the door. He falls into the wall, that letting me know he's drunk I could smell it on him as soon as he walked past me but now I know for sure. He looks over to me and pops his bottom lip out. I shake my head at him but he walks over to me and puts his head down on my shoulder and kisses my neck. He lifts his arm up and shuts the door before picking me up and carrying me to my room.


"Why are you here Manny? Just needed a good fuck?" He lets out a chuckle and rolls over to kiss me but I move and he kisses my cheek instead. How could I be so stupid to let him back into my bed when not hours ago all that shit went down. He lays his head on my chest and falls asleep. I just stare at the ceiling trying to figure out what's wrong with me.

When my mind finally shuts off and I give into sleep it doesn't last very long because what felt like maybe an hour was ten minutes. I wake up startled and I look over to see Happy is beating the shit out of Manny, he's trying to fight back but Happy isn't letting him get a single hit in. I'm naked so I cant really get up and stop him.

"Hap, HAPPY." I yell at him and he finally looks over at me. He gets up and walks out of my room. I lean over and see Manny laying there unconscious in his boxers covered in blood. I grab the sheet wrapping it around myself and walk into the hallway I don't see Happy but I see Jax, Opie, Juice, and Tig. Bobby walks in the front door and looks at me before telling me to sit down while they handle this.

I sit on the couch uncomfortable because I have all the guys staring at me and I'm in just a sheet. Happy walks around the corner from the kitchen, he looks at me and then walks out the door Opie following him. I need to get dress. Juice comes down the hall from my bedroom and Manny is right behind him, he's dressed now. I look at Manny and his face is fucked up, he meets my eyes and nods at me with a smile.

"You know he wants you and that's why he fucked me up right?" Manny says before Juice smacks the back of his head and tells him to keep walking. I look at all the guys and land on Bobby but he just shrugs his shoulders at me before they all follow Manny and Juice out the door. Jax kisses my head and tells me that Opie will be here. I get up walking to my room to find some clothes. Opie is standing in the kitchen waiting for the microwave to beep when I walk in.

"What were you thinking Ash? Yesterday when we found you in the garage and then Manny coming here. He literally told you, that you were just a fuck in front of club. What is going on with you?" He says to me pulling out his food.

"Opie what's wrong with me?" I ask him grabbing a cup from the shelf and walking to the fridge.

"Nothing is wrong with you, you just got alot of shit going on. Jimmy had you taken and then just everything blew up." He says in reply taking a bite of his hot pocket. I pull the filtered water out and fill my cup when the door flies open, I drop my cup and it shatters on the floor, Ope leans back in the chair to see the door and tells me to get down. He stands up and pulls his gun out from behind his back.

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