Chapter Nine

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I woke up to an annoying beep and open my eyes I see white walls and dad sleeping in a chair across the room. I looked down and I'm in a hospital gown, my right arm has a cast on it and is in a sling. I let out a deep breath, hoping my dad wakes up and he does, he gets up and comes over the bed to grab my hand I wince and he loosen his grip.

"What the hell were you thinking driving home like that?" He asks me with a disappointed look.

"I should just send you back to be with your mom and sister, there is already to much club shit going on. I didn't realize I needed a prospect to babysit you." He says after I didn't reply to him.

"Get out." I say to him and close my eyes. I hear him huff and then I hear a door open and close. When I open my eyes to an empty room. I'm not going back to Belfast as much as I miss mom and Kerri, I'm never going back there. I felt fine to drive.. I turn the tv on and fall asleep.


When I woke up I braced myself for the bright lights but the lights were off and Happy was now sitting in the chair my dad was earlier. He looks up at me but doesn't move from his spot. The door opens and Tara walks in walking straight to the monitor. She says everything looks fine. Roosevelt wants to question me.

"No, no one was injure expect her, her Tahoe was cleaned up by the club. He doesn't need to be involved. No evidence. Just tell him something that makes sense with a broken arm." Happy says to Tara who just nods to him before leaving. Manny is at the door when she opens it.

"Your talking to her now? That's funny." Manny says flatly to Happy.

"Don't fuck with me man." Is all Happy say before getting up, he steps around Manny and walks out the door.

"Actually still hasn't said anything to me but I think he did just got me out of a DUI." I tell him and as he sits in the chair. I roll my eyes at the fact that he chose to sit in the chair rather next to me. The door opens again my dad, Jax, Tig, and Bobby walk in. Holy hell just a revolving door around here.

"Isn't there a policy about visitors." I ask no one in particular.

"Yup, Manny get out." Bobby says. Great so now I have to deal with these four. Manny gets up to leave without saying a word to me.

"Wow, doesn't even kiss you goodbye? Why did you get back with him again?" Jax says walking over to me and kisses my head. I flip him off.

"Reality check princess. What the hell were you thinkin?" Tig asks me.

"Ashlynn answer him." My dad says.

"Because I'm fucked up and don't give a shit anymore." I say to them. Bobby steps towards me.

"Why didn't you ask for a ride?" Bobby says and I just shrug my shoulders.

"Your dad might have a point to send you back to Belfast." Bobby says and Tig nods his head in agreement.

"I'm not going back to Belfast that's final. My home is here, my family is here, you guys are my family." I say pointing to them. Tara comes in and tells them there's too many of them in here and they need to go. Each of them kiss my head before walking out.

"Thank you Tara." She's looks at me and then to the monitor.

"I don't think it's right them wanting to make you leave. You got a lot going on. I need to tell you something." I don't say anything just look up to her waiting for her to continue.

"Ash did you know that you were pregnant?" I shake my head and lay a hand on my stomach. The tears come down and I'm now realizing how shitty of person I am.

"Tara?" I finally say something while I wipe my tears.

"Baby's fine your only six weeks along. You need to quit drinking and smoking. I haven't told anyone not even Jax. Your going to have that cast probably eight weeks maybe more just depends on how you heal. Ashlynn if you need anything just call me. We don't have to tell the guys." She says to me before hugging me and leaving the room.


They ended up releasing me four days later Tara reminding to call if I need anything. Today's my birthday and all I want to do is stay home, its Friday so there will be a party at the clubhouse but I decide to skip it and have a night in with Manny. I look at the clock and see its ten to nine he should be here soon. Everyone has already stopped by to tell me happy birthday expect for Happy but that doesn't surprise me as were still not talking. I miss him though, he was always my solid ground someone I could count on to catch me.


"Where the fuck have you been? You said you'd been here at nine." I say to Manny while I try to push him back out the door. He finally shows up at midnight drunk as shit and I lose it on him. I had wanted to tell him I was pregnant tonight but then he showed up and pissed me off. He grabs me by the throat and pushes me back in my house and closes the door and pushes my back against it he reaches up with his other hand and slams my head back against the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you let me go!" I yell at him trying to hit him with my cast but he blocks. He lets go of my neck and hits me over and over anywhere he can get. I lean over to get the blood from going in my mouth and he knees me in the stomach and pushes me to the ground.

"Your a stupid fucking bitch and I should have just stayed away." Is all he says to me before opening the door and hitting me with it. I scream out in pain and grab my stomach praying my baby is going to be okay. I check my pockets for my phone but then realize I left it on the coffee table. I crawl my way over to it and pull up Tara's name.

"Tara ca-call Happy." Is all I can say before dropping my phone and losing consciousness.

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