Chapter Twenty-two

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A couple Mayan patches come in the door. I see Santo Padre, Stockton, and Oakland on the Kutte. I recognized some of the Oakland and Stockton guys but never seen the three from Santo Padre. Happy doesn't leave my side so as the new faces come in and make their way over to Happy and introduce themselves as Angel, Coco, and Gilly.

"Hey little momma, how you doin?" The one that introduced as Angel says to me and Happy steps forward but I grab his hand.

"Unless you wanna deal with my old man don't call me that." I laugh out and Happy growls. Angel backs away with his hands up. Coco and Gilly laugh at him as Alvarez walks over.

"This is Happy, I wouldn't fuck with him though." Alvarez says to them.

"Your Happy? We've heard about you all the way in Santo Padre. Sorry about flirting with your old lady." Angel says to Happy.

"Alright everybody listen up." Alvarez says getting everyones attention. Happy asks me to stand up so he can sit back down, I sit back on his lap and he turns me sideways on his lap. I lay my head on him and he wraps an arm around me and places his other hand on my bump.

"This is Ashlynn, she's why you're all here. I couldn't get everyone here in time for war against the one niners so I enlisted the sons help but some of the guys didn't like that and went after her and now were here. Nothing is to happen to her." Alvarez says nodding to them. My dad stands up from the couch with Tig right next to him.

"Aye that's my daughter anything happens to her, I cut his leash. Understand?" Dads say point to Happy. I look up to him and he's got the biggest smile on his face. I shake my head and look back at everyone. My eyes end up meeting Manny and I look down immediately.


After about an hour everyone gets comfortable and the few Stockton guys come back with a bunch of food, all the guys dig in. Happy and I are still sitting in the chair, I'm almost asleep when Happy startles me by moving.

"Are you hungry little one?" Happy ask me looking down to me.

"Hap I love you." I whisper to him and he laughs at me.

"I love you little one but that's not what I asked." He whisper back to me. Dad walks over to us with a two burgers and fries.

"Thanks dad." I tell him while he pulls a chair from the room I was in early out to sit next to Happy and I.

"Aye he can't grow if his momma doesn't eat." Dad says to me then takes a bite. Something catches my eye and it's Manny walking towards us. Tig stands from the couch immediately standing in front of me and Alvarez moves towards us.

Manny sets his hand out with some ketchup and napkins in it. Tig grabs it and brings it over to me. I see Alvarez grab a couple water bottles and he brings them over. Manny backs away from us and sits on the couch he was sitting on earlier.

After I finish eating Happy had me get up so he could take our garbage. Leaving me with dad, Tig, and Alvarez.

"You doing alright babydoll?" Dad asks me and I nod to him getting comfortable in the chair.

"Ashlynn were just waiting to hear back from other charters and then I will know what needs to be done to make this right. Shouldnt be much longer." Alvarez says to me.


Happy and I are laying in bed he's rubbing my bump trying to ease my Braxton hicks when gun shots start hitting the house. Happy jumps up immediately, pulling me off the bed carrying me in front of him towards the bedroom door. Dad and Tig are already waiting for us on the other side. Happy sets me behind the chair we sat in earlier and tells me not to move. Alvarez walks over to us, telling us he's not sure if it's mayans or one niners.

Happy for the first time ever looks at me scared I just reach out for his hand telling him it will be alright. He leans forwards to kiss me and then kisses my bump.

"Come back to us okay?" I say to him and he kisses me again before getting up and yelling at dad not to leave me, dad tries to protest but Happy doesn't let him. Dad kneels down next to me.

The shooting finally stops and I can hear Alvarez calling out names to check on his guys. When he gets to his Santo Padre guys and they all say good he tells them to circle me. Before I know it, I'm face to face with Gilly, Coco, and Angel.

Coco tells dad they got me and to go help anyone that was shot. Dad kisses my head before going to see who needs help. Once he walks away I see Manny standing in front of the Santo Padre guys, Gilly notices my discomfort and reaches his hand out for me to hold I grab it and he squeezes it lightly. I look up to him and he smiles at me before telling me nothing will happen to me. I feel another Braxton hick coming on and squeeze Gillys hand hard, he asks me if I'm alright and I nod to him telling him what is going on.

Manny looks down to me and then back to the front door with his gun pointed. Gilly rubs my hand to remind me he's here. After a couple more minute the shooting starts again when it scares me I go to scream but I put my hand over my mouth and squeeze Gilly's hand again when I feel another one. Gilly slides closer to me, tells me to cover my ears and puts my head to his chest.

Shooting stops again and I take my hands from my ears and head out of Gilly's chest. Alvarez calls out again and noones hit. Manny looks down to me and Gilly and his eyes widen, I nod my head to him letting him know I'm alright. I realize where he's looking so I look down and see a puddle.

"Hap, HAPPY!" I scream out but Gilly covers my mouth and tells me that I need to be quiet. I nod my head and he pulls his hand from my mouth. Happy comes running over to me, he bumps Manny out of the way. Gillys slides back to make room and he looks down to see my water broke.

"Hap I don't think they're Braxton hicks, he's coming now." I look up to him and scream out in pain. Dad and Tig come over to me all the Santo Padre guys move out of the way.

Happy lifts me up and ask Alvarez where the garage door is when the shooting starts again Alvarez points and I scream out again when Happy falls forward Manny and dad catch us.

Tig grabs me from Happy's arms and dad and Manny lower Happy down to the ground. I look over and there's a pool of blood starting to form around him.

I jump from Tig's arms and collapse next to Happy I grab his head pulling it into my lap. I scream out in pain from my contraction.

Happy lifts his hand to my face and tells me to keep our little man safe. I lay my hand over his and lean my face into our hands.

"I love you little one." Happy says to me then looks to see whose around him. Dad and Tig tell him they're right here. I wince as I get another contraction and squeeze his hand.

"You two" I look to see who Happy's talking too. He's looking at Gilly and Manny. "Get her to a hospital and Manny if anything happens." Happy says.

"I got her Hap. I won't let anything happen to her." Manny says to him before Happy's eyes close.

"Happy no, no, no baby wake up. Baby please wake up. HAPPY. AHHHH." I scream out.

"I got him babydoll. Don't let anything fucking happen to her, I'm trusting you with my daughter one more time. Tig you ride." Dad says before kissing my head. Gilly picks me up carrying me out the side door to a garage and sits with me in the back seat of my jeep as I scream out in pain. Tig backs out the garage without even lifting the garage door speeding off to St. Thomas.

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