Chapter Sixteen

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"You have me Hap." I say looking at him confused. He puts his hand on my chest over my heart.

"No, I mean I know I have this but can I have all of you?" And I finally realize what he was asking, I don't say anything I lean down to him and kiss his lips and then his jaw making my way down him. Happy sits me up and lifts my shirt off, he see I'm not wearing a bra his hands immediately find my boobs. Happy pulls me down to him pulling my left boob in his mouth and I moan out his name.

"Say it again." He says finding my right boob while massaging my left, I moan his name again before I know it he flips me over on my back and pulls my panties off me.

"I hope your ready for me little one." He says laughing to me before running his hands down my body, resting them on my hips.


When I wake up I look at Happy and he's already looking at me. He kisses my head before getting up and walking to the bathroom. Happy and I ended up going two rounds last night, I go to sit up wrapping the sheet around me. When I go to stand up, I fall back down to the bed realizing how sore I am. He comes out and smiles at me before sitting next to me.

"Did you sleep at all?" I ask him but he shakes his head at me.

"Did you? Sorry about those." He says pointing at my neck and chest.

"A little bit, we what went to sleep maybe an hour ago?" We both laugh and I try to stand again Happy helps me. He follows me into the bathroom and laughs when I finally look at the mirror and see that I'm covered in hickeys.

"Better straighten up your walk before going out there. I'm sorry I didn't realize how rough I was." I shake my head and tell him not apologize.

"I liked it, it was hot." I tell him and we both laugh. Happy goes to grab me clothes. He comes back with a thong and t-shirt.

"Pretty sure I need pants?" I question. Happy drops them both from his hand and pulls the sheet from me. He grabs my legs telling my to wrap my arms around him and wraps my legs around his waist before walking into the shower pushing me against the wall. I turn the water on because the wall my backs against is freezing. He laughs in my neck before kissing me.


After another round in the shower and again in bed we finally got dressed and left his room. If it wasn't for Juice knocking on the door across the hall saying Church I don't think we would have ever gotten dressed. Happy had put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet when Juice knocked on his because we were just finishing.

Jax came running down the hall, yelling for everyone to get out. I'm in the middle of putting Hap's and I's clothes away when I'm startled from someone hitting the door. I turn to see Happy. He comes over and picks me up before running to the door, I look behind me and see Jax running with Abel when we get halfway across the lot the clubhouse blows up. Happy and I fly towards the ground along with Jax and Abel.

I was standing watching as the fire department is putting the clubhouse out when Tara walks over asking to talk to me. I followed her over to her car and wait for her to start talking. She says that if anything was to happen to her Wendy will get the boys. I told her that she should talk to Jax but told her Wendy was a good choice. She told me had I not had a direct connection to the club I would be her first choice but with my dad and Happy being apart of the club, she knew the boys would continue to grow up within the club and that's what she was trying to get them away from. I understood where she was coming from and told her that I would back her and Jax up on whatever they decide.


A couple days later Tara had ran off with the boys pulling the club from everything else to find her and the boys. We had found out that she was going to rat on the club and then took off. When Jax had her and the boys back, they had agreed for Jax to make a deal and Tara would be free to go with the boys wherever she wanted so long as she kept in contact with me and Wendy.

We were at the ice cream shop getting ready to send Jax off. Jax hugs everyone and finally made it to me and Happy. He bro hugged with him then wrapped me up in his arms.

"Darlin keep an eye on my boys. I know Tara's going to take them from Charming but visit her and the boys. I need you to watch out for my boys. I love you Ash." He whispers to me, I whisper back that I will watch out for those boys and I love him too. He pulls back kissing my head then waving on his way out the door.


Shits been crazy the last couple days and the club is on high alart so I haven't seen much of Happy or dad. Because of the clubhouse blowing up I've been sleeping at dad and I's house again. When Jax had gotten to his house he found Tara and Roosevelt dead on the floor and has been locked up. Juice is running I have no idea why Happy won't tell me anything, thinks it's safer for me not to know right now.

I'm on my way to Wendy's to see if she needs anything. She's walking up the stairs with groceries so I take one of the bags. When were putting stuff away Juice comes around the corner is gun pointed at us.

"Woah woah Juice what the fuck put the gun down." I say to him staying in front of Wendy. Juice puts the gun down and sits on the couch and explains that he hiding from the club saying he accidentally told someone something that they weren't suppose to know.

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