Chapter Four

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It took the man over thirty minutes to clean the other man up and lay a new piece of plastic down. I was watching the clock on wall, all I could hear was the ticks coming from it. It was ticking until my time was up, I knew soon the last tick was coming. The clock read 2:00 so I had already been here a total of nine hours.

The man looked at me and started to walk to me. I tried to get out of the tape that was holding me to the chair but it wouldn't rip. I was screaming and crying. Once he made it me he grabbed my hair roughly in his hand turning my head to the side. He lets go and picked me and the chair up carrying us to where he laid the new plastic out. He let go of the chair dropping it and I to the ground on my side causing my head to bounce off the floor. He grabs the roll of duck tape ripping a piece off placing it over my mouth making that two pieces on my mouth.

I was still trying to scream and the tears just kept coming. I didn't want to die I was only twenty-two. It wasn't my time yet, there was so much I haven't gotten to do. He pulled his gun out, he grabbed a silencer out and was twisting it on then placed it to my head. Right there, I stopped breathing and just closed my eyes.

My eyes shot open when the sound of a door busting open happened and single gun shot rang out. The man holding the gun to my head dropped in front of me. I tried to scream for help but all I seen was shadows moving around the room. I closed my eyes praying this wasn't it for me, praying it was someone here to help me. With my eyes still closed I hear the mans body being pulled across the plastic. When I finally opened my eyes I see a pool of blood in front of me and someone's knees in front of me.

I looked up to see Happy. Manny, Jax, Opie, Tig, Bobby, and Clay standing behind him. I felt my hands release from behind the chair. I pulled my hands out of the bar of the chairs and tried to lift myself up and the little bit I was able too did me no good because my arms were so numb that I dropped myself in the pool of blood. Happy pulled the tape off my face and picked me up lifting me into his arms but handed me off to Manny letting him be the one to carry me out. I look over to see who was behind the chair and it was Juice I nod at him silently thanking him for releasing my hands from the chair.

Once we made it back to the clubhouse Manny had walked with me to his room so I could get some sleep. I wanted to shower before anything else. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door, I stripped my clothes and looked in the mirror. I saw the blood on my face and started to cry, I couldn't help but wonder why this was my life. Should I have just went with Jimmy?

After washing myself I sat on the shower floor for thirty minutes. Manny knocking on the door pulled my attention back to reality, he was telling me it was time to get out. I stood up and shut the water off. I reach out to grab a towel and wrap it around my body. I look at my wrist and see the bruising before I walk over to the door and open it.

"Baby are you alright? I'm so sorry this happened. I wished we'd gotten to you sooner." Manny says to me while I walk past him to sit on the bed. He walks into the bathroom and come out with my brush. He brushes my hair and then hands me one of his samcro shirts. I put it on over the towel then remove the towel. His shirt is huge on me so it hangs to my mid thigh. He walks to the dresser and pulls out a pair of panties before walking back to me. I slip them on and then walk to the head of the bed and pull back the blanket and lay down pulling the blanket up and over my head.


I wake up to a fight happening in the clubhouse surprise, surprise I think to myself. I get up and go to Manny's dresser to find a part of sweats. I slip them on and walk to the door I take a deep breath and open the door making my way to the noise.

"Where have you been? You miss church, your never around when needed, and on top of that your never here for Ashlynn." Jax is yelling at Manny, Manny is inching towards Jax.

"Its none of any of your business what is going with me and Ash. I get it she "samcro's princess" but that doesn't give any of you the right to involve yourselves." He says while quoting his fingers.

"But she's not that big of a deal. She doesn't need me around all the time. Yeah we're fucking around but I'm not her old man." He says to no one in particular. He finds me and walks over to me and wrap his arm around my shoulder but I shrug him off.

"Were just fucking around right?" I say to him before walking away from him the room is divided Manny on one side while the rest of the club stands on the other side. I walk over to Tig who has his arms open for me. Tig slides me behind him and Bobby wraps his arm over my shoulder and Tig walks over to Manny.

"You and her that's done and your done here buddy. We shouldn't have patched you in the first place. You've done nothing but cause the club more trouble." Tig says to him and Manny swings on Tig. They end up on the floor just beating the shit out of each other. Bobby walks forward to break it up while Clay and Gemma walk into the club. Clay yells church now and the guys start to make their way after separating Tig and Manny.

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