Chapter Three

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It's been four days since the explosion. Dad's been lying in a hospital bed and hating every minute of it. Says he can't wait to go home every time I'm there. I had to get out there, I had been there three days before I finally left, but I went earlier today. He was okay and back to himself, flirting with the nurses, trying to get them to let him leave hasn't worked yet but they will soon get sick of him asking.

"How's he doing today?" I hear Gemma ask as she comes out of the office.

"He's good wants to come home." I says when she looks out the bay door of the garage and rolls her eyes, I turn around see my mom. I run towards her and she opens her arms pulling me into a hug. I pull back after a second and start checking her.

"Why are you here, are you okay?" I say still looking her over.

"Heard about your dad. I wanted to be here for you." I pull her into me wrapping my arms around her. I haven't seen my mom in six years. She whisper in my ear that Jimmy's also here, he wouldn't let her leave without him and someones keeping an eye on her.

"So does that mean Kerrianne is here too?" She shakes her head. I was hoping I'd be getting to see my sister too but at least I get my mom. I hug her tighter. Gemma comes over after she'd given us a minute which surprises me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Gemma says to her. I step back shocked that Gemma would talk to my mom like that.

"Relax I came for my daughter and to make sure Filip was alright. I won't be here for long." My mom says to Gemma. I see something out of the corner of my eye and it's Clay. I roll my eyes before asking Gemma if I can go for the day. I want to spend as much time with my mom as I can since I don't know how long I'll actually have her here.

"Go home Fiona your not wanted here. Don't come to the lot again." Clay says to her rudely. "Princess your good for the day, go hang out with your mom." He tells me nicely. I just nod at them before telling my mom I'll be right back. I walk back to the garage and grab my bag.

Mom and I went and had lunch before going to see dad. He was thrilled to see her but put two and two together that if she's here so is he. So our visit wasn't very long once we made it to the hospital, her phone went off requesting her to return five minutes after being here. I hate Jimmy he treated my mom and sister like property.

"Mom please don't go. I just-" She cuts me off saying she knows and doesn't want to go, telling me she loves me then pulls me into her. She hugs dad and then me again before walking out of the room. I look back at dad as tears falls.

"Aye I'm sorry. We shouldn't have to do this. This is my fault I should have just got in line like he wanted and we wouldn't have had to leave them. Or I shouldn't have taken you with me." He says to me.

"Dad, that's not you and for leaving me there thank god you didn't, I'm where I need to be. It's just hard getting her back and her leaving again. We're gonna be alright." I say to him as I wipe my tears and walk over to hug him.

I stay there a couple more hours before I went to the diner, getting me dinner before going home. While I was waiting for my order I could feel someone watching me but just tried to shake it off. The lady at the counter called my name letting me know my order was ready. I thanked her and grabbed my bag heading out the door. I noticed a man get up, he was following me out.

I made it to my tahoe but never got the door open when a cloth was placed over my face, I tried not to inhale but I started to panic and took a deep breath.


I woke up to voices, one I recognized immediately. I opened my eyes and saw him. I was furious. I haven't seen him since he'd cut my dads face and told me I was a traitor just like my dad.

"Finally your awake. He wasn't supposed to drug you or ya know take you in public so that's going to be a problem." He turned and shot the man standing next to him, I noticed that he was the one following me out of the diner. I tried to scream but couldn't with the tape over my mouth.

"So this is how it's going to go. Your dear mother for whatever reason doesn't want to leave you here so either you're coming with us back to Belfast or you're never going to get your monthly phone calls from her or your sister again." I tried yelling at him but again tape over my mouth. He laughs at me and then rips the tape off harshly.

"Jimmy it's been six damn years just let them leave. You got what you wanted. Please give me my mom and sister." I say waiting for a reply but he puts the tape back over my mouth.

"Keeping them keeps your dad and the sons in check. You've made your decision. You won't see or hear from them again." He says before walking over to the man cleaning up the other man. The man walks over towards me pulling out a pistol and pointing it at my head. He looks back at Jimmy I'm assuming asking for permission.

"Let her watch you clean him up and then shoot her after you put down a new plastic, I don't want the hotel charging me or asking questions. Call me when it's done." Jimmy says before walking out and laughing at me as I'm trying to scream thru the tape.

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