Chapter Ten

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I walk up laying in another hospital bed. I didn't even need to open my eyes, I could smell the hospital. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't when I was blinded by the lights. I hear the door open and I try to open my eyes again I try to blink the brightness away and see Tara watching the monitor. She's sees I'm awake and leans over to me telling me Happy's here and nods in the direction he's in. She's puts her finger to her lips and then coughed to get his attention.

"Hey Happy I gotta ask you to leave go get some real sleep I'll have Jax call you when she wake up." He tells her alright and then leaves she waits until he closes the door.

"Tara, my baby?" I say quietly not sure if he had just went and stood outside the door. She shakes her head at me, I just scream out and cry while holding my stomach. The door flies open and I see Happy. He makes real eye contact with me for the first time in over a year. The last time he really looked at me was right before they shut the doors when they all went to Stockton. He finally looks away from me but makes his way to me, setting his hand on the hand holding my stomach and I get the chills.

"I'll give you two a minute." Tara says before walking out the door. Happy leans over setting his head on mine. He lifts his hand from mine and places it on my cheek trying to turn me towards me but I don't budge and wince when he tries harder. My face probably looks like shit after all the hits it took.

"Little one look at me please." I finally give in and look at him. He kisses my forehead and then whisper in my ear that he's so sorry and he's going to find him. Happy goes to walk away but I grab his arm begging him not to leave. He tells me that he going to grab the chair but I try to slide myself but can't with one arm, he helps me and slides in next to me. I lay my head on his chest and the sound of his heartbeat puts me to sleep.


I get woke up to the door opening and I see my dad. His eyes find mine and he looks away. He walk over and falls into the chair. When I look up I can sleep that Happy is sleeping. I watch my dad go through all the motions and when he finally looks at me, my eyes well up. Happy takes a deep breath that wakes himelf up, he sees my dad and goes to get up but my dad tells him to stay put.

"Babydoll I'm so sorry this happened. I should have just stayed with you for your birthday." Dad says to me without looking at me he's staring at his lap.

"Dad no this isn't your fault. It's mine, this is all my fault had I just gone to Belfast when I got out like you wanted this wouldn't have happened. It's my fault." I look at him and he finally looks at me. Happy wraps his arm around me tighter but loosen when I wince. The door opens and it's Jax and Ope.

"Hey he's out in the lobby trying to get in here." Ope says and Happy goes to get up but I don't move. My dad stands up and says he'll handle it walking out the door.

"Darlin you look like shit." Jax laughs at me and I flip him off. Happy shakes his head and Jax stops laughing. Ope's comes over to the bed and taps my legs I move them up so he can sit. No one says anything for a couple minutes, I take a deep breath and Happy asks me if I'm sure.

"I was pregnant with his baby, he didn't know. I was going to tell him when he came over last night but he didn't he didn't show up until after midnight and was drunk, I was mad and pushed him, he lost it on me and then I remember calling Tara because I didn't think Happy would answer and then I woke up here and it's all my fault." Happy held my head and told me he would have answered. Opie rubs my legs and Jax stand up heading for the door.

"Jax please don't, I just need you three for a minute. I've always had you three, always been able to count on you guys. Please don't go yet. No one else knows that I was pregnant expect Tara." Jax tell Happy to move his feet so he can sit with us on the bed. We start bullshit about the old days, I was laughing so hard I started crying. When dad comes back in his face is bleeding and we stop laughing.

"I might be going in for a little while. I just beat Manny in the lobby and I'm sure someone called the cops so just so you know." We all start laughing again and dad tells us to fuck off but it was worth it if they lock him up. Roosevelt comes in the door and we just continue laughing.

"You want to tell me what's so funny?" He ask and we stop laughing. Roosevelt tells everyone to get out. Jax and Ope kiss my head and walk out. Happy doesn't move. After the guys leave dad sits where Jax was and Roosevelt asks what happened and I explain everything and watch my dads eye well up and a single tear drop when I tell Roosevelt I lost my baby. Dad rubs my legs before getting up and walking to set his head on the door.

"Well Filip I'm not going to charge you, Ashlynn I'm sorry about your lost I went through this when I lost my wife. She doesn't go anywhere until we find Manny. He took off when he heard that we were on the way." Happy tells him that he's not leaving my side and dad tells him thank you for not charging him.

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