Chapter Seven

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The hearing was pushed back ten days making it so they can go to Belfast to get Abel. I've been a thorn in Clay's ass for the past ten hours but he finally gave me the okay to go. Dad's pissed that I'm going but I wouldn't drop it. I wanted to see my mom and sister. After everything that happened I didn't see away of not being there.

When we landed in Belfast Gemma and I had to ride in the truck to the clubhouse. When we pulled up I run to the other side of the lot to walk into Maureen's shop hoping my mom would be there. I close my eyes when I don't see her. Trinity is at the register. When she looks at me, she slams the register shut and runs around the counter to pull me into a hug.

"I didn't know if I'd ever seen you again." Trinity and I were best friends growing up. She didn't know we were coming but was happy to see me. When she finally released her arms and we both wiped our tears and started laughing.

"I missed you Trin. Has my mom or sister been around?" She shakes her head and says she hasn't seen them in awhile. Maureen walks in from the back and wraps me in a hug.

"Does the IRA know you're here Ash? Who else is with you?" I told her I didn't know and she told me that she would try and reach out to my mom and see if she could make it over before Jimmy found out I was here. I tell her who all came with and she rolls her eyes at Gemma's name. She goes back to the back to phone my mom. Trinity and I walk outside so I can introduce her to everyone.

"Remember why were here Jackson." I tell him before walking away. After introducing Trin to everyone her and Jax hit it off. When I find my dad with one of the sluts that hang around, I decide to go sit with Opie. Opie and I bullshit for a couple hours before I call it a night and head back to the shop hoping the Maureen would let me sleep there so I didn't end up waking up to some club member. On my way over someone stops me.

"Aye, I hear your the samcro princess. You want to come have a shot with me?" I look up to him and see he doesn't look half bad and suddenly I don't feel like going to the shop. I flash him a smile and he grabs my hand dragging me over to the bar. My dad tries to yell at me but I tell him that if he can, so can I. He shakes his head at me while Clay gives him shit.


I wake up the following morning with a arm around me. I sit up to look at him and then to the blanket, I lift it and sure enough I was a idiot. I don't even remember what happen after we started taking shots. I slip out from the bed and grab my clothes and put them on, I sneak towards the door pausing when he moves. When I finally make it to the door and close it dad comes out the door across from the one I'm trying to sneak out of and he laughs at me before throwing his arm around my shoulder.

Dad and I eat breakfast before I kiss his temple and tell him I'm going to the shop to see Trinity he gives me shit about being happy to be home and to enjoy while it last. When I walk in my mom and sister are there. I run to my sister.

"God I missed you so much. When did you get so tall Kerri? And you grew your hair out, I like it. I'm so happy your here." She laughs at me and hugs me back, mom throws both her arms around us and kisses both our heads. Maureen comes in and I tell her thank you for getting them both here. She tells mom to take us girls upstairs and catch up and that she'll go get my dad.

When dad walks in Kerrianne runs to him, he wraps her up and tells her how happy he is to see her and that he's sorry that he left and that she and mom are coming back with us. She tells him no and that she wants to stay. Dads phone goes off whoever on the other end tells him they found Abel and goes to help get him back. While the guys go to get him back, mom and Kerrianne catch me up on everything over the last almost seven years. I don't want this to end but I know once everyone gets back we head out.

The guys will be doing hard time once we get back it sounds like it will be fourteen months. Half my family will be on the inside. Opie comes thru the door and apologizes but says it's time to go he looks upset and runs back out the door.

In the time we've been here Jax almost hooked up with Trin which then resulted in finding out who Trinity's dad was surprise, surprise it was JT and Tara's been taken with her boss by someone out for revenge. Tig and the guys at home are trying to get her back but struggling to come up with the money and getting Alvarez to play along.

We had just landed and were getting back to the lot so everyone could get ready for the homecoming/send off party at the clubhouse. The guys will get picked up tomorrow.

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