Chapter Seventeen

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After not seeing anyone longer then a couple hours over multiple weeks shit finally seemed to be calming down. Wendy and I had managed to get Abel into school, Bobby was shot and killed, Jax had tracked the guy that killed Tara, Juice had finally left Wendy's but came back and now was locked up.

Alvarez has been around alot making me nervous that Manny will pop up somewhere but when I run into to him a assures me he's still in Yuma. I refuse to go anywhere by myself so I usually have a prospect with me.

Abel had been having issues at school Wendy couldn't get there so I did and they requested is father and grandmother to be there. When I had got there I had seen a huge gash on Abel and was ready to lose it but the teacher ask that we wait until his dad got here. So I was sitting with Abel and his teacher. I could hear Jax yelling about where Abel was and the teacher told us we could go in.

"Maybe she should go before we have this conversation." The teacher nods in my direction. Jax tells her I'm family and I'm staying. Abel tells us that Gemma was the one who hurt him and we all look at him confused.

We got back to Jax's and Wendy was there with Thomas. We sat and talked for a while but when I heard a Harley pull up I told them goodnight. I hugged Wendy, Jax walked me to the door. Jax kissed my head before telling me thank you for the helping today and that he was going Abel about Wendy.

"I think it's a good time Jax. He loves her and trusts her, nows a good time." I hug him and walk out the door. I'm excited to see it's Happy and not Rat. I run over to him, jump up when I make it to him. He catches me and wraps his arms around me. He nuzzle his head in my neck.


When Jax told Abel about Wendy, he told Jax that grandma killed his mom that he heard her telling Thomas one day so everyone's on the hunt for Gemma. Juice ended up killing Roosevelt to protect Gemma. Everything was a mess.

I'm sitting at the ice cream shop with Brooke waiting for Happy to get out of church so we can go get lunch. The guys come down the stairs and as soon as Happy makes eye contact with me I know somethings wrong. I run over to him and place my hands on his cheeks pulling his head down to mine.

"Tell me?" I ask him he shakes his head and tells me Jax is waiting for me upstairs. He kisses my forehead and I let go of his face to walk to the stairs. I take each step slowly as I climb them.

"Jax?" He doesn't look up. "Jackson?" He looks at me, my body starts shaking as I cry.

"No, no, no, no, no. Jax no." He stands up when I drop to my knees. Jax sits next to me pulling me into him, he wraps his arm around me tighter.

"I killed another president wrongly, they voted mayhem. Listen to me, the guys are going to need you. I'm going to be doing alot in the next couple days to help set the club straight, Chibs and Happy will need you." I try to pull away but he doesn't let me go.

"Jax just run. What about the boys?" I tell him.

"You know that's not me. I need to finish this. You and Wendy will take care of my boys Ash." He says while we sit there. Jax finally loosen his hold and lifts us up so we're standing he yells down the stairs for Happy.

"I love you Ash. Take care of my boys and the guys." He hands me over to Happy. "You keep her safe." Happy tells him he will, nothing will happen to me. Jax walks away but I catch his arm.

"I love you Jackson." He kisses my head and leaves me and Happy there. Happy holds me for a minute before telling me to get the boys and meet them at the lot.


Wendy and I meet Nero at the lot with the boys waiting for the guys to roll in. When they did Jax told the boys he loved them and that Wendy and I would be here for them always. Jax kisses Abel one last time before watching them drive away.

Jax hugs me and tells me everything will change and be better and whispers to me that he's got this. I smile at him remembering that Opie told him the same thing. He kisses my head and gets on his bike pulling away.

"Aye Jax loves you dont forget that." Dad says to me as Happy wraps his arms around me from behind me setting his head on top of mine. Happy asks if I want to go home and I tell him yes.


Happy and I were laying in my bed when his phone rang. He got up and gots dressed before telling me he had to go.

"Come back to me okay?" I say to him, he nods at me before kissing. I'm over saying that to him but it's became our thing and I sort of love it minus for the reason I have to say it.


I'm making dinner when the guys come in  and Happy's arm has a bandage on it I drop the spoon on the counter and run over to him.

"I'm alright little one. It's was for a good cause." The guys laugh behind him and I roll my eyes at him. He explains what happened and my eyes well up. Tig walks over to me.

"Princess Jax wanted this don't cry." Tig says to me and kisses my head to go see what I was making.

"Dish it out Tig I made plenty. I was stress cooking." The guys all laugh at me as Tig dishes everyone a plate. Happy kisses my forehead before going to get a plate.

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