Chapter Nineteen

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Eight months after the clubhouse opening, my birthday had come and gone but Happy's birthday was coming up next week but because we were heading to Bakersfield to spend it with his ma were having a party for him tonight at the clubhouse. Don't worry he fought me on it but I won.

I had a doctors appointment last week and got the best news. I found out that I was six weeks along panic set in when the doctor told me how far along I was but after stepping back and realizing the situation I'm in now vs the one I was in last time I was pregnant I calmed down and was just excited about it.

Happy and I have been "trying" the last couple months. We had went and visited Nero, Wendy, and the boys. Lyla, Piper, Kenny, and Ellie following us up just after the clubhouse opened, we had spent the weekend there. All of us try to get the kids all together every couple months.

The whole way home Happy just kept telling me that he would love to see me be a mommy one day, his exact words were "my little one but add a twist to it and make it little momma" I laughed at him because I didn't think he was serious but over the next couple months he kept bringing it up and we decided to start trying.

Happy and I never really talked about having kids, I just thought he didn't care to have any of his own. He knew me losing the one with Manny destroyed me. He saw the pain I was in after Manny killed my baby and he's never brought it up until he saw me with Jax's and Opie's kids.

When he did talk about kids. I could see how excited he would get about it. My big bad biker old man would become a big mushy softy talking about our kids. Plus dad would probably love getting some grandkids.

My mom and sister have visited once and Kerrianne had a blast but still refuses to move here. Dad and I get to FaceTime with them weekly now that Jimmy's gone, which is amazing. Keerianne's met an amazing guy and mom met someone too. They are both happy and content with their lives in Belfast.


I'm getting ready in front of my vanity in our bedroom when my phone dings and I pick it up and look to see it a text from my teacher confused. It's pretty late to be getting a text from her on a Friday. I open and scream, Happy comes running in our room.

"I did it Hap. I really did it." I stand up and run over to him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. After patching up Alvarez I decided to enroll in some medical classes and the text tells me I'm getting my certificate next week.

It was supposed to take me a year but I did double time and was able to do it in seven months. Meaning I'm officially a certified nurses assistant. I can go and get my RN but being a CNA I learned the basics, the basics are enough to be able to help the guys. I can get on at St. Thomas or stay at the garage but for the first time in my life I have more then one option career wise.

"Proud of you little one. We can tell everyone tonight Chibs will be happy that's for sure. We need to leave soon you ready?" I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek before walking back to my vanity and tell him I'll need five more minutes.


When we made it to the lot I immediately went to find dad so I could tell him. He was beyond excited and told me I could finally get out of the garage but I told him I wasn't sure yet of my plans. Tig came over to congratulate me and said he could get a dog to bite his ass if I need practice. I flipped him off before walking over to Happy and Rat.

Dad climbs on the picnic table and yells "Aye" to get everyone's attention then points to me. I turn around to ask Happy if he knows what's going on and I see Happy kneeling on one knee in front of me. I leap forward not even letting him ask me and tell his yes over and over in between kissing him.

"Are you even going to let him ask princess?" Tig says and I flip him off. Everyone claps and cheer coming over hugging me and congratulating us. Dad hops off the table and wraps and arm around me and kisses my head. I ask him to get everyone attention so he yells again.

"Soooo I didn't see this coming, Happy just keeps surprising me lately. With that being said I have an announcement to make." I look over at Happy and he looks as me wide eye and says really.

"On top of getting certified early and now engaged, Happy and I are expecting." Happy picks me up and spins us around. Everyone cheers and dad and Tig start crying. I tell them to get it together and that big bad bikers don't cry and everyone laughs.

"I love you little one, I mean little momma." Happy says to me holding my face and leans down to kiss me. I laugh at him for calling me little momma.

"I love you Hap." I kiss him again and wrap my arms around his torso. I look around a smile to myself, Happy and I are surrounded by some amazing people.

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