Chapter Twenty-four

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I get woke up to dad and Tig walking in. I roll over and see dad walking over to me. He leans down and kisses my head. Tig goes straight for the baby he slides a hat on my sons head and he see it has a reaper patch in it. I laugh thinking back to when Abel was brought home wearing a similar hat. Dad walks over to the baby and lifts him up to his chest.

"Dad..." I say to get his attention I'm scared to even ask him about Happy. He looks at me waiting for me to continue.

"Where is he?" I ask and the door opens with Happy walking through it. He holds his side running over to me. He slides in laying next to me. He pulls me into him and kisses my head over and over before kissing my lips.

"You came back to us." I say crying, I didn't know if I'd get to see him again.

"I always will little one." Happy says kissing me again. Happy sits up then looks over to dad.

"Chibs can I?" Happy asks.

"Aye shit yeah sorry." Dad hands Happy our son. Happy kisses the side of my head then our sons head.

"Do we get to know is name now that he's here?" Tig says and I look up to Happy and he nods.

"Everyone meet Jackson Ope Lowman." I say while a tear slides down my face. I look up to dad and he's smiles and wipes his eyes.

"Princess that's perfect." Tig says.

"Alright Aye everyone let's give them the room." Dad says before kissing my head, Tig kisses my head, Gilly and Manny stand up from the couch making their way to the door but Happy stops them.

"Thank you both for keeping them safe." They both nod at Happy and walk out the door with my dad and Tig. Happy kisses Jackson head and then looks over to me.

"I love you little one. I'm so sorry I wasn't here." Happy says and I shake my head.

"Your here now. I was so scared I wasn't going to see you again. All I seen was blood around you and I was carried away. I thought I lost you Hap." I say to him and lay my head in his chest. Happy puts his arms around me after putting Jackson in my arms. He kisses my forehead. He puts his finger in Jackson's hand and smiles down to him.


After sitting in the hospital for two days we finally get to go home today. Dad and Tig went to my house and cleaned up. Tommy and Fin were getting buried tomorrow. Happy's been struggling because Fin was his prospect and he and Happy had gotten pretty close.

"Aye you guys ready to get out of here?" Dad say wheeling a wheelchair in and I tell him to fuck off I'm walking out of here. Him and Happy laugh at me.

When I grab my bag Tig taps my shoulder tells me to hand it over. I give it to him and walk over to Happy. He wraps his arm over my shoulder and kisses my head. He bends over and picks up Jackson carseat and puts his hand in mine. Dad opens the door and we walk out to the hall and I see all the sons table members and Alvarez with Manny and Gilly.

When we make it to the parking lot. Rat pulls up in my jeep. I open the back door so Happy can put Jackson in. Rat comes over to me and hugs me telling me congratulations. Happy goes to close the back door but I stop him and climb in sitting next to Jackson. Happy laughs at me and kisses my head before closing the door.


Everyone follows Happy and I home on their bikes. When we got there Gilly opens my door, while Happy gets Jackson out on the other side. I walk up to the door and stop when I touch the door handle.

"Princess, it's all cleaned up you can't even tell anything happened." Tig says to me. Dad sets his hand on my shoulder so I lean on it and then push the door open. I walk in slowly and then look around everything has been cleaned up.

Happy takes Jackson out of the carseat and sets him in my arms. I pull him into my chest and walk up the stairs to his nursery. I can hear everyone downstairs talking and laughing when there's a knock on the nursery door I look up to see you it is.

Manny walks in the nursery I go to stand up from the rocking chair but he tells me to sit. I continue rocking Jackson and nod towards the chair against the wall Manny walks over to it bring it over in front of me.

"I'm really sorry for what I took from us. It didn't really hit me until I saw you with him." He nods to Jackson. Happy is standing in the door but Manny doesn't see him.

"Me beating the shit out of you destroyed me, I haven't drank since that night." Manny says and I just stare at him blankly. He stands up and walks to me. I see Alvarez has joined Happy at the door.

"I missed you Ash." He leans in and kisses me. Happy rips him away from me and starts hitting him over and over. Dad, Tig, and Gilly come running upstairs to pull Happy from Manny but Alvarez stops them. I stand up from the rocking chair making way out the room.

"He's free game he crossed a line." Alvarez says to me while he rubs Jackson head. Happy looks over seeing I'm at the door he stands up and hovers over Manny.

"I'm not going to kill you because I want you to live with what you took from her now that you know. If you cross a line again I will kill you." Happy says to him and then walks over to me. He tells Alvarez to get him out of here. Gilly walks in and helps Manny off the floor.

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