Chapter Thirteen

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"Thank you for kicking her ass. Tara said she'll come up and patch you if you need her too. I told her I'd let her know." Lyla says as she sits next to me. She tells me that her and Opie got in a huge fight last night and then all this happened.

"I'm alright. I've never like that bitch. She comes here and sleeps with whoever and she doesn't even bat an eye. I think at this point Tig and Happy are the only ones that haven't touched that and that's saying something Tig sleeps with anything." We both laugh and we sit, talking for a little over an hour and we finish the bottle of jack. I'm pretty tipsy and so is she, she tells me she's going to see if her and Ope can work anything out. I lay down on the roof and stare at the sky.

After five minutes pass I can feel him so I don't even move to sit up, he sits a new bottle of jack next to me before sitting down. He opens the bottle and leans it towards me after taking a sip, I sit up and take it from him. He digs in his pocket and pulls his phone out. He turns his flashlight on and sets his free hand on my cheek lightly turn my face to look at the damage from my fight with Ima.

"I'm fine." I push his hand down and take chug from the bottle. He puts his phone back in his pocket and takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before standing up and walking to the ledge of the roof.

"I selfishly don't want you to leave." He says looking over the ledge.

"Giv-give me a a reason to stay." I stumble my words now realizing how drunk I am, he also realizes and lets out a laugh. I stand up and stumble over to the ledge and lean my back against it and lean my head against his arm.

"Give me a reason to stay..' I whisper to him, he chuckles and turns to face my side and sets my head on his chest.

"What if I can't keep you safe and something happen to you?" He says softly. "There are so many what if's, if you do stay little one." He kisses the top of my head and walks away I barely catch his arm, I pull him back to me. I put both my hands on his cheeks and pull his face down so he's looking me in the eyes.

"Give me a reason to sta-" He doesn't even let me finish his lips crash into mine. He kisses me like our lives depend on it when he finally pulls away I feel like I can't breath. I stumble back and he catches me. His eyes find mine and neither of us look away. Happy has been my best friend for years and I've always wanted more but pushed my feelings down because I didn't want it to blow up in my face if he didn't feel the same way.

"Little one I want you to stay." Is all he says before his lips find mine again. Jax coughs at the top of the later to get our attention.

"Well I take you don't need a lift to the airport tomorrow?" He laughs and I flip him off before he climbs back down the ladder. Happy and I both laugh and he kisses my head telling me we should probably head back down. I grab the bottle and stumble over to the ladder Happy goes first telling me that in case I slip he'll be right there to catch me.

I hop off the last step and Happy catches me when I fall back. I laugh at him and walk over to bathroom so I can pee and I don't care to look at everyone with rosy cheeks. I'm washing my hands and splash water on my face. My nerves are all over the place.

When I come out of the bathroom I decided to go to the kitchen for a water bottle to try and sober myself up. Dad taps my shoulder to get my attention. I turn to face him and chug half the bottle of water.

"Are you sure you want to leave tomorrow?" He asks me trying to not sound upset.

"Actually I don't think she's going anywhere." Jax laughs at the door and I shoot a glare at him, he continues to laughs and walks away. Dad looks back at me waiting to see if I'll say anything.

"Aye what's he going on about?" Dad asks me when Happy comes in leaning against the doorway and he nods at me.

"Well something happened and I thin-" He cuts me off.

"Hap?" He asks me and I smile at him. He still hasn't noticed Happy standing at the door.

"Well about damn time baby. I'm happy for you." Dad says as he pulls me in a hug.

"Wait really? Not gonna tell me I'm being stupid or I should to go to Belfast?" He shakes his and finally notices Happy when he starts to walk towards us.

"Aye took you long enough man. I'm happy for ya." He tells Happy and I just look back and forth giving them a confused look.

"I asked Chibs when we got out if he would care if I asked you out but then I seen Manny here so I just left it alone and avoided you." Happy says.

"And I told him he was an idiot and he should have just went after ya but he said he wasn't going to hurt you to get something if you were happy. I'm glad your not going to Belfast I never wanted you to but I needed you safe. Happy for you guys." Dad says before kissing my head and bro hugging Happy. He walked out of the kitchen and yelled for drinks.

Happy leans down and kisses my forehead asking if I want a drink but I show him my water bottle he grabs another one and we walk out to the bar to see everyone and they all cheer and take a drink. Everyone comes over telling me they are glad I'm staying and giving Happy the if you hurt her speech which he laughs at.

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