Chapter Fifteen

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"You really need to stop getting in fights little one." Happy says to me but I shrug him off. That stupid bitch had no idea we lost Ope and I just lost it. I explain to Happy that this morning she had already started shit and then just opening her mouth again pissed me off. He tells me he's sorry about Ope and so do I, we both lost him. He fills me in on why it happened taking about some man named Pope.

"I got to tell you something else." He pauses and waits for me to look up to him. "Tara was helping out at the prison trying to get Otto to take his statement back and he killed a nurse with an object that Tara brought and that's why she went to jail." He says but I just stare at him blankly, when did our lives get so messy. I mean club shit as always been a mess but us girls were never involved and now we cant seem to get away from trouble.

Happy and I talk back and forth trying to figure out a way we can help Tara but don't really come up with anything. Tara really fucked herself helping with Otto. Happy and I stay in the room the rest of the night not caring to be around anyone.

"Well since we don't have anything else to do wanna finish your sleeve?" Happy ask me. I have a couple of blank spot on my right arm and nod to him before suggesting it be something for Opie. He nods at me before getting up and getting everything ready.

I'm sitting in the chair as Happy's finishing with the shading, he's been at it for over three hours. Someone knocks on the door, Hap tells them to come and I look over to see Jax he comes in and drops on the bed before getting comfortable. We both laugh at him and he flips us off.

"Are you getting his crow?" Jax ask but I shake him head telling him its for Opie. He sits up to see Opie's name with Donnas, Kenny, and Ellie's names surrounded by flowers and an exhaust.

"Ope would have loved it Ash." I smile at him and he leans over to set his head on my shoulder watching as Happy finishes. He gets up to grab plastic wrap and wraps it around my arm. I ask Jax about Tara and he tells us that she's been acting weird after everything happened. Tara's been going through it Clay tried to take her out around the same time shit happened with Piney. Now to have jail hanging over with everything else going on it's a mess.

"Did you get his crow already?" Tig ask from the door way I shake my head at him and wave him over for him to see.

"Opie would have loved it Princess." Tig says and Jax give him shit saying that's the same thing he said minus the princess part and then calls him creepy uncle Tig. We all started laughing when Tig slapped that back of Jax's head. I see dad standing in the doorway with a smile on his face.

"No not my crow and yes Opie would have loved it." Happy says and we all start laughing again as dad comes over to see it. He kisses my head and tells the guys they gotta go. Happy tells him he'll be right there he's just gotta clean up.

"Come back to me okay?" I say to him when he's done. He nods at me and I hear Jax repeat my words to Happy. He flips Jax off and grabs my hand before walking us out to the picnic table. He wraps his arms around me and leans down to my ear.

"I'll always come back to you little one." He whispers to me he leans back up and kisses my lips then my forehead before walking to his bike. I watch as they all pull out and Gemma wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"You two are cute. Reminds me of me and JT when we were young." She's says to me but I pull away causing her arm to drop.

"But the difference between you and I Gemma, is I'm not going to sleep with his best friend and then take him out." I say before walking back into the clubhouse. I turn to her right before opening the door and she's in awe, no one ever talks to Gemma like that. Ever since Gemma got in an accident with the boys I hate her she should have never been driving or had them so I've done everything to avoid her. I walk inside heading straight for the kitchen to grab something to eat. The croweater from early walks over to me and I roll my eyes before asking if she didn't get fucked up enough earlier.

"Please don't hit me again I just wanted to apologize for starting shit early. I need to learn my place around here." She says to me and I agree with her about learning her place before walking out of the kitchen walking to Happy's room. I need to eat but I don't want to end up continuing a pointless conversation. I decide to shower before laying down since I didn't know when they'd be back.


It was almost three in the morning before Happy walked in and was covered in blood. He walked straight to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I jumped out of bed and helped him take his shirt off, I was trying to see if it was his blood.

"It's not mine little one." I let out a breath when he tells me. He tells me to go lay down but I don't move, he rolls his eyes at me before continuing to get undressed he steps in the shower and I move to the toilet I set the lid down and sit down but decide to stand up when the lid is cold on my ass cheeks from only being in panties. I wait for him to say something but he doesn't say anything when he shuts the water off I hand him the towel from the wall.

"Please go lay down." Is all he says before wrapping the towel around his waist. Not wanting to make him mad I walk out of the bathroom and to the dresser to grab him some boxers. When he finally comes over he slides his boxers on and lays down on the bed I crawl up the bed to lay my head on his chest.

"Are you okay Hap?" I ask him but he doesn't respond I sit up to look at him and he grabs my legs pulling one over him and it hangs off the bed while my other leg is on the other side of him. He slides over to put my leg up on the bed so I'm now straddling him.

"Can I have you little one?" He ask looking at him.

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