Chapter Fourteen

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Happy and I had a couple drinks before heading to his room and laying in bed. Nothing happened we laid and talked for hours before falling asleep. I have never been so relaxed in my life. When I woke up Happy wasn't in bed with me I sat up looking around the room but I hear noise coming from the bathroom. Happy comes out in a towel and my jaw drops, he laughs at me and tells me to close my mouth before I catch flies.

"Good morning, sorry not everyday I get to wake up to you in just a towel." He laughs at me and come over to kiss my head before going to the dresser to get clothes and I push my lip out at him.

"Little one we got some club shit going on so I don't know how much I'll be around today. Jax, your dad, Tig are going in because well ya know club shit. I don't know how much you really want to know, we can talk about it later." He turns away from me dropping his towel so all I see is his ass and my jaw drops again. He pulls his boxers up and then his pants up, he turns to face me when he puts his shirts on and comes to sit next to me.

"I wish we could sit around all day but you need to get back to work before Gemma fires you." He winks at me and stands up. "I brought your bags in from the other room and put your clothes away in these three." He point at the dresses telling me which ones.

"Thank you Hap." I smile at him before laying back down to get comfy but he pulls the blankets from me.

"Nope get up its already past eight." We go back and forth that I'm not getting up but he's not having it and picks me up putting me over his shoulder carrying me to the bathroom.

"Get showered. Your soaps and stuff are all in there found them when I was putting your stuff away. Sexy panties by the way." He says as he slaps my ass then sets me down he places his hands on my face and kisses me. He goes to walk to the door so he can leave but I grab his arm.

"Come back to me okay?" He nods and kisses me again before leaving me in the bathroom to get ready. While I'm shower I get lost in my head thinking that this is different then with Manny, I wasn't all to concerned about him coming home because he never actually put himself in danger but with Happy I'm scared that he won't walk thru the door at night, he's right up there with everyone.

I was heading to the kitchen after getting ready when one of the croweater stopped me and asked me in it was true, I was assuming she was talking about Happy and I but I ignored her and grabbed a water bottle and a pancake before heading to the garage. I was talking to Gemma when Lyla comes running up saying something wrong with Opie because he asked if she could take the kids for a little while.


The guys pull in the lot and park. Jax, dad, and Tig are getting loaded in squad cars. I finally realize dad is going away I drop the wrench in my hand and run to him to hug him. Opie pulls in and picks a fight which results in him going in now too. Happy comes to my side pulling my arms from my dad.

"Aye everythings alright we'll be home soon." Dad says to me, I nod to him and turn my head into Happy's chest. I can't watch as my dad gets hauled away.


After a couple days the boys get released. They all look like they've been through it, Jax looks worse then dad and Tig. I follow Jax into the clubhouse Happy tries to stop me but I get past him.

"Jax where's Ope?" He looks at me and his eyes start to tear up. "Jackson where is he?" I ask again and he shakes his head at me and I drop to my knees and scream out in pain. Jax comes over sitting next to me placing his back against the post and pulls me in wrapping me in his arms around me. I wrap my arm around his shoulder putting my face into his neck and he holds me while I cry.

"Get the fuck out, give them a minute." Happy yells when the door of the clubhouse opens. After a couple of minutes Jax's ask Happy to take me. Happy helps Jax up and he lifts me over to him, I grab Jax's arm before he gets out of reach.

"Jax you get the mother fucker that caused this and you make him pay for what he took from us." He nods at me, kisses my hand then walks away headed to church. Happy takes me to the room and lays me down telling me he will be back right after church to check on me. I bury myself in the bed pulling the blanket over my head.

I got in a car accident and almost got a DUI, Manny beat the shit out of me, I lost my child, and now I've lose Ope this years been a mess and I don't know how much more I can take.


Happy startles me when he comes back and pulls the blanket from my face. He wipes the tears from under my eyes and ask if I'm hungry. When I tell him yes he turns and grabs a plate from the other side of him I sit up and eat what I can and he finishes what I don't eat. He tells me what he knows about Opie and why it happened he tells me Opie's body will be ready in a couple days for a viewing. Says that only a few know that he passed, and they be telling everyone tonight. We get up to walk out the room so I can find dad and Tig but the same croweater from this morning cuts us off.

"What did he do, already break you heart?" I don't say anything all I see is red and lose it. I hit her over and over Happy keeps trying to grab my arms but misses when I keep swinging. I look up for one second to see whose running towards us and Happy is able to grab my arms and picks me up carry me back to the room.

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