Chapter Eleven

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I was watching tv with dad and Happy a couple of days after everything happened on my birthday. Being twenty-four sucks so far I've spent the last two days in a hospital. Tara has already been in this morning and said next time she came in she'd have my discharge papers. Dad shuts the tv off and looks at me and Happy.

"Ashlynn, I think that it might be good idea just to stay at the clubhouse until we find Manny." He says and Happy agrees with him.

"I cant just hide out-" I shut up when the door opens Clay and Gemma walk in. Gemma comes over to the side of the bed and hugs me while Clay goes and whispers to dad.

"No absolutely not. That's my kid I will not ask her to do that. Clay look at her, he did that to her! I will not ask her for anything and neither will you. She's been through enough." Dad says to him. Clay still hadn't looked at me until dad told him too. Happy stood up telling me he's just going to find Tara to get the paperwork.

"How about you leave it up to me dad? What do you want from me Clay?" I say to them.

"I set a meeting with Mayans yesterday about club shit and standing behind Alvarez was Manny fully patched. Jax and Opie tried to get to him but Mayans wouldn't allow it. Alvarez asked why we wanted Manny and he asked if he could stop by and talk to you. He's in the lobby." Clay says.

"Dad shh I'm a big girl if talking to him gets him to hand over Manny then let him in. I'll talk to him but no one but Happy is allowed in here when I do it." Clay and dad try to protest about being in here when I talked to him but I shut them down when Happy comes back with Tara and my paperwork. Tara tells me where to sign and gives me the run down of what it says before following dad, Clay, and Gemma out, she tells me she will walk Marcus back.

Happy and I are sitting in silence when the door opens revealing Alvarez and Tara. Tara asks if I need anything and that when I'm ready she will come help me get ready so I can leave. I thank her as she closes the door. I look at Alvarez same time he looks at me.

"He did that to you, why?" He asks me. I tell him the story that I have told too many times already.

"May I?" He asks pointing to the chair and sits down when I nod at him.

"I'm sorry he did this to you had I know we wouldn't have sent him to Yuma, I didn't like the beef he had with the sons so I sent him there. I'm sorry about your loss. Did he know that you were?" I shake my head at him and he nods his head at my answer.

"Yuma then?" Happy questions.

"Hap no he's gone." I say to him and then look at Alvarez. "Can you keep it that way and I'll try keep the guys at bay with no retaliation?" I ask Alvarez.

"He won't come back this way if I can stop it and if he does then the sons are free to take him. Does that work for you Happy?" Alvarez says to us before asking Happy. Happy just nods to him and Alvarez stands up to leave he apologizes again before leaving the room, he tells me that if he sees Tara he will send her back and I thank him.

"Hap you can't go after him, okay? He will probably fuck up and try to come back here and that's when you get him okay?" Happy just stands up and starts getting my bag ready he pulls me what I will need out of it and helps me to the bathroom so I can get ready. I close the door but every step I take hurts, my whole body aches.

"I-I need your help." When Manny kneed me in the stomach he ended up breaking a couple ribs as well as causing me to lose my child. Happy opens the door and tells me to turn around so I'm facing the mirror and I close my eyes when I see myself every time I've used the bathroom the last couple days I've avoided looking into the mirror but I had no choice when Happy turned my body when I refused to turn myself.

"Look at yourself even this fucked up your still beautiful." He kisses my temple. Luckily yesterday a nurse helped me shower so I had a bra on already. Happy slides my panties up my legs under my gown then unties gown but I gasp when the coldness of his fingers trace my spine down to the next tie. He apologizes and helps me put a shirt and has me sit down to help put my pants on. He asks me to stand so he can button my pants.

When he finishes buttoning my pants he pulled my hair out of my shirt and reached for the brush and brushed my hair out. He helped me to the bed and put my socks on and was finishing up tying my second shoe when Tara walked him with a wheelchair I tried to protest but Happy picked me up and set me down in it and then grabbed bag. He and Tara asked me at the same time if I was ready.

"I guess I have to be." I lightly chuckled out. Tara lets me know that Chibs and the van are waiting outside for me and Happy. The guys were being too wild in the lobby and they were asked to leave so everyone is waiting for us at the clubhouse.

Happy helps me in the passenger seat next to dad and sets my bag in the back, he kisses my temple and nods at dad. He walks over to his bike and puts his helmet on before starting it. Dad and him nod at each other and we pull out of the hospital parking lot.

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