Chapter Twenty-three

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I'm laying in a hospital bed zoned out not even noticing what is happening around me, all I can think about is Happy lying on the floor bleeding out. I look over when someone squeezes my hand and see Tig.

"Princess they're ready for you to push." Tig says to me softly. I look past him to the door and wait a couple seconds and then nod to Tig that I'm ready. Tigs phone goes off and I look at him as he answers it. The color drains from his face.

I scream out in pain. Tigs kisses my head and tells me he's got to go. His face is blank, it's like he's not even here. Tears fall down my face. I'm left there lying in a bed as doctors and nurses are trying to help me.

"No I can't do this. I don't want to do this by myself. Stop. No, get the fuck away from me." I scream at the nurses. Another contraction comes and I scream. Someone's squeezes my arm and I go to pull my arm away and look up to see Gilly. He leans down setting his head against mine.

"We need to sedated her and prep for an emergency c-section. This baby is coming now." The doctor says to the nurses. I see Manny go up to the doctor and then everyone leaves the room.

"Its alright I got you." Gilly says to me then pulls his head back and Manny walks over to us.

"They are giving you five minutes to calm down but it you won't push they're are going to do a c-section." Manny says to me.

"Did Tig say anything?" I ask.

"After we left Chibs got a call. Those guys that went after you went and tried to hit the clubhouse. The rest of Oakland showed up hitting the one niners that were shooting at us. Chibs left heading for the clubhouse." Manny says looking at the ground.

"Happy?" I whisper out.

"I have no idea Ash." Manny says finally looking at me. Gilly rubs my arm and I look at him.

"I know this isn't how you planned to have a baby but he or she I don't even know what your having whatever it is, it's ready to meet it's mommy so you need to put on a good face and bring him into the world. We can figure out everything after alright?" Gilly says to me giving me a small smile. I nod at him and Manny walks over to the door letting a nurse know I'm ready.

"Boy." I say and Gilly looks at me confused. "I'm having a boy." I says to him and he smiles at me. All the nurses come in to get the bed ready for me to push. Doctor tells Gilly and Manny to leave but I protest wanting them both here.

I don't know where or if Happy is even alive and I'm about to have our son without him so if having one person I hate and another one thats only been around today, I'd choose that over having him alone. Manny and Gilly both stand on one side of the bed next to my head. Gilly holds my hand. I smile and him as Manny nods to me and I nod back to him.


Gilly and Manny are on the couch across from me, Gilly's asleep and Manny been watching me cuddle my son for the past hour only looking away when I feed him.

I've been holding my son for the last three hours the nurses haven't even been able to weighed him or bathe him yet. As soon as he finally came they set him on my chest and I haven't let anyone touch him. The door opens and I see a nurse come in.

"Has he been fed?" It's a new nurse so I'm assuming they've done change over I tell her that I fed him about fifteen minutes ago. She asks if she can get his weight and I nod at her so she comes over to grab him.

Gillys phone rings and I look at him immediately for two reason one hoping he doesn't wake my son up and two hoping to finally get news about whats going on. He stands up pulling his phone out and walks towards the door.

Manny stands up walking over to me and kisses my head then asks me if I need anything. I tell him no and he goes to sit back down. Gilly comes back in and sits down.

"Alvarez called said he, your dad, and Tig are on their way here. One of the sons prospect is outside we can go if you want?" Gilly says but I just tell him they can stay. The nurse starts walking over to me.

"He's asleep, I can take him to the nursery if you want to try and get some sleep." She says to me.

"Can you put him in his bed and roll him over here? I don't want him leaving this room." I say why pointing on the side where Gilly and Manny are. That way if I do fall asleep they will be on one side of him and me the other side.

After the nurse laid him down rolled him over to us. I rolled to my side facing him. I sat up trying to pull him closer but he was just little out of reach Manny stood up and pushed his bed over so it was against my bed before sitting back down. I put my arm over the bed railing and laid my hand on him and closed my eyes.

I was trying to fall asleep when Gilly and Manny started talking. I left my eyes closed and listened.

"You and her what's that about? There history there?" Gilly says to Manny.

"Yeah we got history, I fucked up bad with her. I was a patch son before mayans and that's how we met." Manny says.

"I figured you did something her old man looked ready to kill you as soon as you get close to her." Gilly laughs out.

"Yeah I didn't do right by her. Honestly surprised he wanted me with you and Tig." Manny says to him. I quit listening and focus on my sons breathing before finally falling asleep.

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