Chapter 5: The Minister

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After the rather-dreadful luncheon with the Kims and the Mins, Seokjin arrived at the ministry palatial residence early that evening. He was followed not long after by Jeon Jungkook—-his personal security guard—-who always silently and secretly tailed him from a distance and ensured Seokjin's safety almost everywhere he went. He was there at Jimin's party. He was there all night in his car, parked in front of Taehyung's condo. He was also there, in the restaurant. It was a standard security protocol for the Minister's family members.

In the living room, Seokjin was welcomed by Jung Hoseok with a sour face. He crossed both of his arms on his chest and started to ramble: "Do you know what mess you got yourself into, Seokjina?!!"

Jung Hoseok was Minister Kim's Personal Assistant. He was the Minister's confidant, a consultant, an adviser, a liaison, and also a good friend. He handled the Minister's schedules, organized meetings and accompanied him everywhere, prepared the documents and letters, took care of his public relations, and managed staff.

"Hyung...." Seokjin was lost for words. He had nothing to defend himself for possibly tainting his father's flawless image and endangering his future career. "I'm so sorry, Hyung, for making you work so hard to clean up my mess." He said in a low regretful tone, then bowed deeply.

Hoseok let out a heavy sigh. "We might have to give an official statement to the media tomorrow morning before things get nastier." He shook his head and walked out of the room.

Seokjin was still standing there, contemplating everything that had happened in a span of less than 48 hours. Everything went down so fast like an avalanche. One wrong move. One careless mistake... could destroy everything his family had built, not to mention his father's future career.

He sighed with a heavy heart and went into his bedroom.



"Seokjina, what's with the ruckus today? What were you doing with the Kims and Mins, hm?" Minister Kim walked into the dining room with his wife that night. He asked his gloomy son at the dinner table. He chuckled and patted Seokjin's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Appa, Eomma... " That was the only thing Seokjin could say. His head hung low. His appetite was gone.

"Yeobo!" [Honey!] Mrs. Kim sent a sharp warning glance at her husband, but Minister Kim was only smiling.

Minister Kim Seung Won was at the peak of his political career yet. He was smart and bold enough to make changes and innovation for the country and for the people. His dedication and his achievements as the Minister of Health and Welfare were well recognized, not only by the public, but also by his fellow politicians. And that was why he was considered the most potential candidate to run for the next president of the Republic of Korea.


If his flawless image was still intact.

And "flawless" also meant: not having a gay son.

It was a huge goal with a huge stake afterall.


"I've been thinking hard for the past few hours since the news about you and that boy spread on the internet, Seokjina. I've been thinking about what's most important to me." Minister Kim started the conversation again. "And the answer is you and your mom." He paused to take a deep breath. "Do you really like that boy, Seokjina? Are you ready to come out of the closet?"

"A-Appa...." Seokjin was startled at his father's unexpectedly supportive questions. "No, Appa!!" Seokjin said as firmly as possible. But his voice trembled. "It was a mistake!"

Kim Taehyung was a mistake... His warm hugs, his gentle caresses, his soft kisses.... Were mere mistakes....


That word stabbed his heart painfully...

"You and Eomma are the most important thing to me! So tomorrow, Hoseok Hyung," he glanced at Jung Hoseok who joined them at the dinner table, "At the press conference, tell them that I and Kim Taehyung are only friends! I just came for a free lunch with a friend. Nothing more." He said firmly. "Now please excuse me. I'm not hungry." He put down his chopsticks, stood up, bowed, and walked away.

"Seokjina...!" Minister Kim's stern voice made Seokjin stop in his place.

"Kim Taehyung can be your 'Get Out of Jail Free' card! He is the best choice to be your partner if you really want to come out. No one will dare to say a thing against the Kim Pharma family. Even better now, they also became a close ally of the Min family. No one wants to be their enemy." Minister Kim said. "As you can see, a few years back when Kim Taehyung nonchalantly admitted his sexuality, nobody badmouthed him over that. Or maybe, Mr. Kim shut all their mouths well. You know what I mean? No gossip, no bad media coverage, no bullying. And you, if you become part of them, I'm sure you will also get the same kind of protection."

Seokjin turned his back and faced his father. "How about you, Appa? Who will protect you? You're going to run for the presidency next year! You can't have a flaw! Your opponents will attack you relentlessly for having a gay son. They will use me to bring you down. You will lose even before the election starts." Seokjin reasoned. "I just met Tae yesterday evening. Tae is nobody for me...." His volume toned down so low, almost inaudible.

"Then why are you so gloomy?" His father asked in a somber voice.

Seokjin gulped hard. "......... I don't know...." He was choked. "Hoseok Hyung, just do what I said for the press conference tomorrow! Good night, All." He retired into his bedroom and locked himself in.


"Sir, an urgent call for you from Mr. Kim Ji-hwan of Kim Pharmaceutical in the private line." A secretary came in and informed Minister Kim.

Minister Kim was a bit startled. He glanced at Hoseok. "Hosokie, don't make any official statements just yet! Let people assume anything they want."

"Yes, Sir."

Minister Kim stood up and went to his study to accept the call, leaving only Mrs. Kim and Hoseok at the dinner table, looking at each other in a dreary mood.


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