Chapter 16: You're My Home

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The video shooting was rather frustrating and tiring for Seokjin. He had to remember and utter a scripted monologue to explain about himself and his job, and he also had to retake several scenes for the videographers to get several angles. First, the videographer would take Jin in a wide-angle view of all his surroundings, the lab and the equipment. Then he would retake the details in a close-up view, such as a sample under the microscope. Thankfully Jin's co-workers were generously helpful and made the process bearable.

Seokjin went home to Taehyung's condo every night that week, entirely ignoring Hoseok's order to come back home to the ministry palatial residence. Jin needed to recharge himself from the exhausting days. The days were tiring not only because of the shooting, but also because he had to deal and interact with a lot of people. That activity was mentally draining for introverts like Seokjin. And for the record, Taehyung was not a distraction for Seokjin, but rather a comfort and remedy.

When Jin came home, Taehyung pampered and spoiled him. Tae had been so patient and considerate these days. They ordered a lot of food that Jin liked, made love through the night, and then cuddled until the morning came. Only that could make Jin ready to face the next day.

Taehyung often came to the lab when he had no class, just to watch the shooting process and support his boyfriend. Actually, he didn't slightly like the idea of exposing Seokjin more to the world. He knew how uncomfortable it was for his introverted boyfriend. Even without this exposure, Seokjin already had a fan base, thanks to his modeling job. And now this, revealing all of his personal information to the public. This would make his fan base grow even bigger. And Taehyung was a rather possessive boyfriend. He got jealous quite easily.

By the end of the shooting week, Seokjin and his supportive co-workers manage to make a lot of—-not just fun, but also funny—-short clips about the perks of being research scientists with some nerdy jokes, suitable to be uploaded and spread in TikTok and other video-base platforms.

Jung Hoseok was satisfied with all the results. And Mr. Kim Ji-hwan treated all of Jin's co-workers to a nice meal for helping Seokjin all the way. He and his wife grew fond of Jin just more and more, considering the positive changes Jin had brought to Taehyung lately.



Saturday finally came, and Seokjin had another assignment: the photo shoot for Mrs. Park's reputable clothing line. Taehyung drove Jin there and would accompany him all day today.

"Hey, hey, hey! My best friend, the soon-to-be president's son!" Jimin welcomed Seokjin at his mother's office.

"Hey!" Taehyung protested. "I thought I was your best friend first, Chim."

"Oh, you? Hi to you too, Jin's boyfriend!" Jimin acted innocent and smiled angelically.

"I don't even have a name now for you? Forget it!" Taehyung rolled his eyes. "When will you start working at Kim Pharma, Chim?"

Jimin rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Thanks to our mothers' brilliant idea, now I have to work in your dad's office starting next Monday. I'm losing my freedom!" He groaned. He mumbled. He complained.

"Boooyssss...! Welcome!" The pretty Mrs. Park greeted them cheerfully. "Come in!" She took them into her office. "Jin, how are you, Darling? Taehyung, my favorite!" She lightly hugged the two of them. "Sit, sit!" She pointed at the sofa. "Antoinette, bring some soda for the boys!" She shouted at her secretary, then closed his office door.

"Antoinette? She looks like a Korean, is she not?" Taehyung was bewildered.

"Well she is. Her real name is actually Ma-rie." Mrs. Park said nonchalantly, making Taehyung and Seokjin giggle. Ma-rie. Queen Marie Antoinette! Okay. Mrs. Park was something, all right!

"Okay. So, about a week ago a very charming young man—-"


"What?!" Mrs. Park glared at his son.

"You're married!" Jimin glared back.

"I have eyes!" Mrs. Park fixed her nice dress, then continued, ignoring his son entirely. "—-Jung HOT-seok—-"

"Mom! Your son is here!! Me!!"

"—-reached out to me and proposed an idea that I also love: making Seokjin my brand ambassador for Antares."

A few moments later a girl came in and brought them several cans of cola. "Thank you, Elizabeth!" Mrs. Park smiled.

"Elizabeth?!" Taehyung giggled. Another queen apparently. "Let me guess, her real name is Li?"

"You're smart!" Mrs. Park grinned. One second later, she continued with an entirely serious expression. "We will publish this complete catalog of Male Summer Collections and you will be the model, Jin. The pictures will also be published in several famous fashion magazines, to promote my brand and also you." She then glanced at Taehyung. "Tae, Honey, you know I always want you to become my model too. And now, you're already here, and my studio is ready. What'd you say, hm?" He smiled sweetly, coated with sugar and honey.



The two days of photo shoots were fun for Seokjin. He was in his element. Something he was familiar with. He was a well-seasoned model after all. Moreover, Taehyung was there all the way to accompany him. Jimin was also there. All three of them were photographed in Antares' Male Summer Collections.

In the evening, Jin and Tae would come back home to Taehyung's condo.

"Thank you so much for this week." Seokjin kissed Taehyung's temple and caressed his cheek lovingly. "It's finally over. I couldn't do it without you."

Taehyung smiled and pulled him into a kiss. "I'll do anything for you. I love you." He whispered.

"I love you, too." Seokjin engulfed Tae in his embrace. "I'm sorry if I made you worry this whole week."

"No... I know you're the more mature and responsible one in our relationship this whole time, but I also wanna be with you when you need someone. I wanna take good care of you as you do to me. Be the only one for you to run too."

"You are, Tae! You're my home. My only haven." Seokjin assured him, making Taehyung's eyes well up. He buried himself in Jin's crook of the neck, so grateful for having him, remembering what Jin had to sacrifice so they could be together.

I will always treasure you, Hyung.


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