Chapter 15: Good Image

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That Sunday night, Jung Hoseok called Seokjin to his home office, a room right next to the Minister's home office himself at the ministry's palatial residence.

"You practically moved into Taehyung's condo, huh? I rarely see you here." He pointed at the armchair for Jin to sit in. Seokjin grinned.

"I would want to, but not yet. And since you brought that up, is it possible for me to move out, Hyung?"

"Are you referring to the tricky security protocol?"


Hoseok sighed. "I think I can arrange that, but not now, huh? Your father's campaign already stressed me out. And once he gets elected, you'll all move to the Blue House and get an entirely new security protocol as The First Family. So I guess it will be easier to arrange it freshly from the start by then."

"I know, it's okay, Hyung. I'll wait."

"Good. So," Hoseok took a seat as well and started his long speech. "Since your father was now officially announced as the presidential candidate from the Democratic Party, this journey ahead will be our collective endeavor, Jin, including yours. Your mom has been actively involved with Taehyung's mom in some philanthropic activities lately, and now it's your turn." He took a breath.

"Since you were the weakest link, we need to fix that, Jin. I'll make you become your father's strength rather than his weakness. I'll make you become a reason for young voters to vote for your father instead of his opponent. You're smart and handsome, and we'll use both of your charms and create a good image. Your good image will help to create a good image for your father. So, let's introduce you to the world!"

Seokjin sighed. The last thing his introverted self wanted was to become a spotlight. But he knew he had no choice but to follow Hoseok's plan. He stated all the truth all along.

Hoseok continued. "People need to see you as a 'person' first, as a human being, before judging you based on your sexual preferences or anything else. People have to know you on a personal level, so you'll gain personal sympathy, too. Let's make people fall in love with you!" He was so full of spirit in delivering his speech. Seokjin was still dutifully listening.

"Okay, here's the plan. First, we'll make a simple feature news about you as a scientist, you know, some kind of A Day with Kim Seokjin. You just have to be yourself. Mr. Kim Ji-hwan had arranged for the lab manager and your colleagues in Kim's Pharma Lab to work with us starting tomorrow. The shooting will take about five days. We'll just use a small team, two to three crews, you know. We'll make a long video coverage about your profile and your job; and several short clips about your work in detail. All will be uploaded on Minister Kim's campaign platform. The videos will cover what you do, but in a more fun and goofy version—-"

"Hey, my work is fun!" Seokjin shouted immediately.

"Says you who enjoy watching bacteria mating under a microscope!"

"What?! That's not what I do!" He laughed.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Let me continue!" His sassy glare made Seokjin shut his mouth. A people-person like Hoseok wouldn't understand that bacteria are easier to deal with than humans.

"More fun, and goofy, and funny, and cheerful. You know, as humanly as possible. We wanna touch people's hearts. We want people to associate you with happiness and all good feelings when they see you."

"Okay..." Seokjin hardly restrained his giggle.

"Second, related to your second job as a model. You will be appointed as a brand ambassador for Mrs. Park's clothing line: Antares."

"Jimin's mother's?"

"Yes. You'll promote their new Male Summer Collections and the photo shoot will be done this weekend, on Saturday and also Sunday. So, you're fully booked this week and you can forget about getting laid with your pretty BF."

"H-hyung!" Seokjin was baffled. "You really need to marry your girlfriend immediately, so you don't sabotage my happy relationship!" He muttered.

"I'll marry her when I'm done taking care of your father's election. So don't ruin it for me! I want to get married soon too." He babbled sourly.

Seokjin giggled. "Hm, after you get promoted to Chief Presidential Secretary, hm?"

Hoseok grinned. Yeah, if Minister Kim got elected, he would be appointed as the highest-ranking employee of the Blue House and serve as Chief Presidential Secretary. He deserved it after all his hard work and dedication as Minister Kim's Personal Assistant.

"You're getting old, Hyung." Jin teased him.

"Thanks to you! Now get out of here. I'm done!"

Seokjin got up, still giggling. "Thanks, Hyung." He walked out of the door when he heard Hoseok yell.

"Don't forget, the shooting starts tomorrow morning. Don't mess it up!"

"All right. I love you too, Hyung!" Seokjin yelled back.

Hoseok smiled and mumbled in a low tone only he could hear. "I love you too, Dongsaeng!"


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