Chapter 9: The First Offering: Protection

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Since the gossip and speculation about his sexuality circulated on the internet, Seokjin's work-life started to get "uncomfortable"--to say the least. The Minister had not made any official statement regarding the gossip yet. They just chose to turn a deaf ear for now.

Seokjin was not a complainer, though. If there was something or someone who offended or annoyed him in the office, he mostly just brushed it off. He was patient and his level of tolerance was high.

But Jeon Jungkook wasn't. It was exactly his job to protect the Minister's son's wellbeing and keep him safe. So, he started to investigate what happened and who the suspects were. Like once when Jin's locker was spray-painted with an insult regarding his sexuality. Or when his white lab coat ended up with some shoe-prints and dirt on it. Or when his car tire was slashed. It was hard to find the culprits, since the deed was done secretly. They still had some fear apparently, because Seokjin was the Minister's son after all. So once in a while, while Seokjin was busy working behind the closed restricted lab or in his office room, Jungkook would just patrol around the vicinity, flaunt all his big muscles, and glare at everybody who was seemingly suspicious.

Of course, Jungkook always reported everything to Jung Hoseok. And Hoseok relayed it to the Minister himself.


"Seokjina, Mr. Kim Ji-hwan wants to see you tomorrow in his office. Take a day off from work and meet him. Hosokie will accompany you." Minister Kim told him that night.

"W-what? Why?" Seokjin was clueless.

"You'll see." His father only replied shortly.



Jungkook drove Seokjin and Hoseok to Kim Pharmaceutical's office complex. The factory and the warehouse were actually built elsewhere in a more remote area outside the city, but the headquarters and everything else were all here, right in the heart of Seoul.

There were a number of buildings in this complex, including the 20-story main building which served as Kim Pharma's headquarters. There were also a huge drug research laboratory behind the main building, a nice cafeteria, basketball and tennis courts, and several smaller buildings for other purposes, including a health and dental clinic, a gym, a library about medicines, a convenience store, a drug store--of course, and a free daycare for employees who own toddlers.

The 20-story main building itself was a representation of modernity and grandeur, reflecting Kim Pharma as the leading pharmaceutical company in the country.

When Seokjin and Hoseok arrived at the building entrance, a CEO's secretary had been appointed to escort them directly to the 20th floor, where the CEO's office was situated. As they walked into a lounge in front of the CEO's room, Seokjin was surprised by someone.

"Hey!" The man smiled widely and stood up from the sofa to welcome him.

"Tae, what are you doing here?"

"My dad said that you'll come to the office today, so I wanna meet you."

Seokjin smiled, their hands instinctively looking for each other and intertwined. "What awaits me there?" He asked and pointed his gaze at the CEO's room.

"Nothing bad. Don't worry." Taehyung squeezed Jin's hand lightly. "Let's go!" He said and walked inside hand in hand.

Mr. Kim Ji-hwan welcomed Jin and Hoseok as friendly as always. "It's nice to meet you again, Son." He shook Jin's hand, patted his shoulder, and smiled widely. He then turned to Hoseok. "You must be Jung Hoseok?" He shook Hoseok's hand. "Nice to meet you." He smiled and they all took a seat on the sofa.

"Okay, I'll just straight to my point, hm?" Mr. Kim started. "Seokjin, I've seen your brilliant resume and I must say that I'm very interested in you. That's why I asked you to come today to personally invite you to work with us. It would be a great addition to our research scientists team if you could join the Kim Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory."

"Wh-what?" Seokjin was dumbfounded. He didn't even send any resumes. Hoseok Hyung must have arranged everything. He looked at Mr. Kim, then Taehyung, then Hoseok. But none of them said a word. Taehyung smiled excitedly, while Hoseok smiled and nodded at him.

"I'm sure we have a better salary offer and a promising career path here than in your current workplace. And Taehyung can take you to look around the facility if you're not convinced yet. I'm sure the most advanced technology and the latest equipment we have there will interest you." Mr. Kim added.

Seokjin thought hard. Was it one of the things that his father discussed on their weekend getaway at the villa? "Sir, my current job is just fine." He finally said.

Mr. Kim smiled sadly. "That was not what I heard, though." He said in a calm manner. "I will be honest with you, Seokjina, it's not only about the job. As far as I am aware, Minister Kim hasn't made any official statements regarding the gossip. My guess is, your father gives you a window to think and lets you choose for yourself. You see, you can deny and dismiss the allegation, then continue working at your current workplace peacefully. And your father's flawless image might still be intact as well. If that's what you really want, I and Taehyung will support you by backing up your statement in front of the press. We'll tell them that there's nothing between you and my son." He paused. "But that also means that you and Taehyung won't be together...."

Seokjin gulped hard. His heart was racing fast. Mr. Kim gave him a moment to think.

Nothing between you and my son....
You and Taehyung won't be together....
Seokjin's heart hurt....
Hurt so bad...

"Or...." Mr. Kim continued a little while later. "You can just freely admit your sexuality, so you can be with Taehyung. You can move and work here to avoid any bullying and harassment. I can assure your safety here. And I will also help to secure your father's career. Well, the road might be bumpier, but we will try." He said.

"Your father told me, if you are sure about your feelings for Taehyung, then he's ready to support you at all costs." Jung Hoseok added.

"Hyung..." Seokjin choked. His chest felt so tight. His father made him choose for himself. What would he choose then, himself or his father's career?

"Your call, Seokjina.... How much do you wanna be with Taehyung...?" Mr. Kim finally said.

Taehyung stared at Seokjin deeply with a begging gaze and lips sealed tight.

Mr. Kim Ji-hwan tricked him! How could Seokjin say no to that offer with Taehyung in front of his eyes, looking at him so sadly, so heartbrokenly? Seokjin felt like he was a five year old boy again, with a cotton candy seller flaunting the beautiful and oh-so-deliciously-looking cotton candy in front of him, then asked, "Are you sure you don't want it, Little Boy?"

Yes, yes he wanted it! He wanted that beautiful, sweetest, softest cotton candy! How could he not? How could he say no to that? To him? Yes, he wanted Taehyung! He wanted him desperately.

"I'll... I'll work for Kim Pharma, Sir..."

With those words from Seokjin, Taehyung launched himself into his embrace. "Thank you for choosing me. I'll make sure you won't regret it!" He whispered into Jin's ears. They hugged tightly and wept in silence for a little while. Burying their faces on each other's shoulders. Trying hard to control their overwhelming emotions.

For a moment there, Taehyung thought Jin wouldn't choose him...

Each of them had made one step forward to be with each other.

I'm sorry, Appa.... I chose myself....


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