Chapter 18: The President

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The exhausting campaign weeks were finally over and here came election time. All the hard work everyone put into these for the past few months finally came to an end, and now they left it to fate.

Minister Kim watched the vote counting live in his residence with his wife and son, and all his allies. The presses were also there, ready to capture the moment, whether he won or lost. If he won, they would capture the happiness and the celebration. If he lost, they would prey upon his defeat and tears and make dramatic news out of it regardless.

Minutes by minutes passed by. The gap between Minister Kim and his opponent got wider, leaving his opponent behind. Minister Kim got a lot of sympathy from the young voters. Some voted for his progressive view, some others just voted because of Seokjin. Those young voters became a significant addition to the counting.

And that was what brought Minister Kim to victory...........



It was done. The counting had ended. The result was absolute: Kim Seung Won was the new President of South Korea for the next five years.


Minister Kim hugged his wife, then his son. Then one by one, people started to congratulate him. The campaign manager, the allies, and the volunteers. They shook his hand, hugged him tight, shared mutual happiness. Everyone in the room felt relieved, as if a huge burden were lifted from their shoulders.

This celebration was followed up with a dinner banquet.


Taehyung was also there, accompanying his boyfriend. He was kinda confident that Minister Kim would win, and he was so ready to celebrate it. So he had a few drinks, and before he knew, he was already knocked out. Jin had to carry him out of the room and away from crowds of people because Taehyung would turn funny when he was drunk and began to ramble nonsense.

"You shouldn't drink too much, Baby." He laid Tae down on the soft mattress in his bedroom.

"Hmm..." Taehyung's cheeks were flushed in pink, his lips curled up in a foolish smile.

Seokjin started to open Taehyung's shirt buttons when the man yelled at him and pushed him harshly. "What are you doing...?!!" Taehyung mumbled. "Don't—-touch me!..... Don't you know... my boyfriend—-is the President's—-son?! Huh?!!"

"Alright, alright..." Jin wanted to make Taehyung sleep comfortably, but since Tae pushed him away, he just covered him with a duvet and left to get some water. When he came back, he found Taehyung sobbing and burying his face in a pillow.

"Baby, drink some water, hm?" Jin brushed his head softly. Water would help eliminate alcohol faster. "Why are you crying?"

"I... I lost—-my boyfriend...hic..."

"Oh... Where did you lose him?"

"—-don't know..."

"I'll help you find your boyfriend after you finish drinking, 'kay?"

"I'm-already-drunk-and-you-asked-me-to-drink-some-more??!! Ouch.. My head—-hurts!!!" He blurted out. "I need—-an aspirin..."

"The amount of alcohol in your body is high, you'll feel nauseous or get an upset stomach if we mix alcohol and aspirin. I can't give you the aspirin now."

"I should—-ask my dad, then... My dad... My dad is... a drug—-dealer..."

Seokjin's composure broke into giggles.


"Yeah, I know. Now, sit and drink, hm?" Seokjin pulled him up and handed him the glass of water. "Finish it."

Taehyung then collapsed onto the bed. "Jinnie-yaa..." He sobbed again. "Jinnie..."

Seokjin reached for his smartphone on the table and turned off the "Record" button. Hm, this funny drunk video will be a nice keepsake for some extortion someday. He giggled and proceeded to open Taehyung's shirt and pants, then slid himself under the comfy duvet to spoon his drunk boyfriend and lulled him to sleep.

"I'm here, Baby. Don't cry." He caressed him.



Taehyung searched for Jin's hand and held it to his chest. "... You're here—-... Hyung...?"

"I'm here." Seokjin whispered and kissed the back of his head.

Taehyung could feel Seokjin's presence, his calming scent, his warm and protective embrace. He was calm now and stopped sobbing. He could sleep in peace.



"...I love—-you..."

"I love you too, Tae."

"... Will you—-still love me though.... If I'm—-a worm... hic...?"






Taehyung woke up that late morning with a heavy headache. He opened his eyes and saw Jin sitting on the armchair by the window, reading a book. He rustled under the duvet, making Jin glance at him. He put his book down and approached Taehyung.

"You're awake?" He brushed Taehyung's hair from his forehead and kissed it. Taehyung flinched.

"My head hurts..."

"I'll ask a servant to bring your breakfast here so you can eat and drink an aspirin." Jin reached for the landline phone and asked someone from the kitchen to bring breakfast to his room.

"What time is it?" Taehyung asked.

"Eleven o'clock."

"You didn't wake me up to have breakfast with your mom and dad?"

"It's okay, they understand."

"I'm embarrassing you in front of them, huh?" Taehyung closed his face in regret.

"No, don't worry, Tae." Jin sat back on the armchair.

"I'm sorry... I'll see them later and apologize. I don't want them to think that I'm an alcoholic. They won't like it."

"You don't have to. They don't know."

"Huh? What excuse did you tell them, then?"

"I told them we did it all night and you're too exhausted to come for breakfast—-"

"WHAT?!!" Taehyung jolted up from the bed. He didn't know which one was more embarrassing, being perceived as an alcoholic or as a hypersexual. He slapped his forehead and groaned under the duvet.

Seokjin held back his laughter and read his book calmly.



Wait, was Jin really saying that to his parents or was he just messing with me?

Taehyung peeked out of the duvet to see his boyfriend. Jin was getting mischievous lately!


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