Madara's Coup!

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We Open up in EVIL's Secret Base as Madara was working With Tobi do pretty Much do some huge things and soon the two walked into the Secret Labs to see how Gero is working on his Pet Project.

Madara: Gero, you said to wait 3 Weeks, it had been 3 Weeks, where are my Androids?

Gero: Oh, shut up Madara, you can't rush Perfection.

Madara: I'm not rushing perfection, I'm rushing you. Now, where are my Androids?

Gero: Look why do you need these androids Anyway? This seems A Bit Strange

Madara: I need them to Plan something huge and you shall benefit from it.

Gero: Well, I Better

Tobi: This sounds fun Madara, are you sure these will work?

Madra: Of course, I am always one for Surprises

Gero then finally Pushed a Button and he smiled.

Gero: Alright then, I made you some of the best Androids I had ever Made. They are all Based on Nagato and his Six Paths of Pain, and I added A Few of my Features of course Just as A Trademark

And before they were 7 Androids all of a similar design to A Man who Sacrificed his Life after all of the Pain he caused.

And before they were 7 Androids all of a similar design to A Man who Sacrificed his Life after all of the Pain he caused

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Madara: Good, I like them. Now, Attack

Now the Six Paths of Pain Began to attack Madar and he was able to fight them all off but they were able to get A Few Licks even without Any Kind of Jutsu and soon Madara was backed into A Corner.

Madara: Stop!

They all then stopped right as he orders.

Madara: Wrap them in A Nice Little bow. I'll take them go.

Tobi: Yay! New Toys!

Time Skip!

All for One was in his Office doing some Paperwork surrounded by Toga, Kurogiri, Shigaraki, Twice, and Dabi keeping Guard when Madara walked in.

Madara: Hello All for One

All for One: What do you want now Madara?

Madara: Oh Nothing. Just your Life. Pains! Now!

Just then the Android 6 Paths of Pain Jumped in and began to surround All for One!

All for One: Madara, what is this!?

Madara: Oh, did you think you can Trust me that Much? Kill him.

Shigaraki: Delaware Smash!!

He then Punched the Fat one into A Wall as they all Began fighting each other, and Kuorigiri Kept trying to make A Portal!

All for One: Everyone! We're Making A Tactical Retreat! Kurogiri keeps A Portal Open!

Kurogiri: Yes, Sir!

Toga then sliced one android Open and wires came out!

Toga: Sir, their androids!


Madara Just smiled as the Battle kept on going on. Toga was about to be Impaled by One Twice Just watched.

Twice: TOGA NO!

Twice then got in Between the two and...



She then got An eye Sliced Open as Kurogiri finally got A Portal Open!



Dabi then Began Lighting everything on fire, as All for One and his Followers Began to make their escape through the Portal and they escaped by anyone can Catch them.

Tobi: Master, we Just Lost them!

Madara: No Worries, they would just be stuck in Hiding. If they Dare strike back, we shall Crush them Like a Bug! Hahahahaha! All of you Laugh with me?

Nagatobot and Painbots: Hahahahahahahahahaha.

Tobi: So, what is our next Move?

Madara: To weed out all of the Resistance in our Ranks.

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