Wrapping up the Adventure in A Nice Little Bow!

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Soon After your adventure you had ended the Manyuu rule as you had soon woke back up in your Own Bed, smiling because you were between Chifusa's Massive Chest and Kaede's Tiny flat chest, and you smiled.

Y/n: Heh, even Small Chests can fill my heart.

You then got up, kissed both girls, dressed quickly, walked downstairs, and got A Surprise.


It was every single woman you had met on your journey along the way and also helped as well. There was Kagefusa, Kokage, Okami, Chichi, Sakura, Toyo, Oiso, Osuzu, Momoha, Ouka, and Tsuyuha, and Even A New Girl who you Met for A Very short time.

 There was Kagefusa, Kokage, Okami, Chichi, Sakura, Toyo, Oiso, Osuzu, Momoha, Ouka, and Tsuyuha, and Even A New Girl who you Met for A Very short time

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Kayo (A Girl who was supposed to be in the Contest which Chifusa took Place in for her/ She Lost her breasts due to A Thief, which was Sabotage)

Kinue then walked in smiling carrying Plates filled with Food.

Kinue: Oh Maa-Kun, These Ladies said they knew you so I Let them in!

Y/n: (Sweat drop) You Know that's A Security Breach, right?

Kinue: Oh really? But I want more Grandbabies you know.

Y/n: (Blushing) MOM!

Kinue: Oopsie! You know how I am.

Y/n: So, Let me Guess do all of you Ladies Love me?

Kagefusa: Well, you did help all of us.

Kokage: Yep!

Okami: You managed to turn some of us to Good.

Chichi: Some of us are Just fans.

Sakura: And Some of us was in Love at first sight~

Momoha: You saved some of our Lives.

Tsuyuha: And you helped us save the day, like you always do.

Y/n: (Blushing) Ah, Gosh. Welcome to the Harem Ladies~

Suddenly you were swarmed with Kisses and Hugs as you were trying to Hold back your Nosebleed, knowing you had something else Plan.

Y/n: (Thoughts) I need to use the Dragon Balls Real Quick. Also... (Out of thoughts) Hey Kayo?

Kayo: Yes?

You then used the Breast Flow Technique really quick and gave her back her Original Chest!

You then used the Breast Flow Technique really quick and gave her back her Original Chest!

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She then Began Shedding Happy Years as she Hugged you with your head in her Boobs.


Y/n: (Blushing/Slight Nosebleed) You're Welcome...

A Little bit Later...

Y/n: Alright, Arise Shenron and Grant me my Wish!

Shenron: I am the Eternal-

Y/n: Hey Shenron.

Shenron: Oh God damnit! Who died this time?

Y/n: Actually, it's Someone who died A long time ago. Can I bring them back?

Shenron: I can't see why not.

Y/n: Good. I wish to Bring Back Chikumi Munamori!

Shenron: Your wish has been Granted.

Suddenly A Woman was wished back from the dead as she was placed in front of you and she was A Little Confused.

Chikumi: Huh? What Happened?

Chikumi Munamori (Chifusa's Mother/ She was the Previous Holder of the Munamori Scroll before she died trying to Protect it/ She is A Skilled fighter and User of Breast Flow Techniques)

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Chikumi Munamori (Chifusa's Mother/ She was the Previous Holder of the Munamori Scroll before she died trying to Protect it/ She is A Skilled fighter and User of Breast Flow Techniques)

Y/n: Oh Hello Ms. Munamori, I'm Y/n, Your daughter's Boyfriend, Welcome back to the world of the Living. Your Daughter is waiting for you.

Chikumi: Good, Cute Guy by the way.

Y/n: (Blushing) Oh Gee, Thanks, Hehe.

Soon In your bedroom Chifusa had begun waking up in someone's Chest and she was Confused until she heard A Voice.

Chikumi: Hello, Chifusa.

Chifusa: Mom!? MOM!? MOM!

She then Began Hugging her mom and it became such A Happy reunion that Chifusa Began shedding Happy Tears, as you smiled.

Y/n: Such A Happy Reunion. I'm A Good Person.

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