Invite to Eat Cake! / Bomb-omb Battlefield!

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Once again you had Received an Invite from your Girlfriend Princess Peach to come by the Castle for some Cake, and she Makes the best Cake so how could you ever refuse?

It can't be A Trap, right?


Soon A Pipe Had Opened up outside of Peach's Castle as you Jumped out smiling!

Y/n: Wahoo! I'm in A Good Mood! Nothing can Ruin it! Nothing!

Just then you noticed A Lakatu flying around holding A Camera to your Face.

Y/n: Huh? What's going on? Why is there A Camera?

Lakatu: Oh, I'm Just doing some true crime stuff. Just Don't Mind me, as I follow you

Y/n: (Confused) Okay...

You then ran up to the Castle's doors and when you Opened it the entire Place is in Chaos with Toads running all over the Place freaking out and Peach wasn't around to control them!

Y/n: Oh Boy. (Deep breath)

A/n: 0:12-0:27

Toads: Huh?

Y/n: What's going on here?

Toad: Oh Y/n it's Terrible! Bowser somehow found A Way into the Castle and he Kidnapped Princess Peach!


Flashback... To 3 Am that Morning...

Inside Bowsers Castle the Koopa King was sleeping until His Alarm Clock went off at exactly 3AM.

Bowser: Oh Boy 3AM! Kamek Prepare the Submarine!

Flashback End...

Y/n: Okay what do I do exactly?

Toad: It's easy! You have to enter A Bunch of Paintings and Collect A Bunch of Stars in Order to open doors and save the Princess!

Y/n: Okay, when do I start?

Toad: Your... You're going to accept it that easily?

Y/n: I dealt with worse take me to the damn Painting.

Toad: Okay

Soon Toad had Taken you to A Painting of a Bunch of Bomb-omb's in Marching Line, and you Jumped in teleporting to Bomb-omb Battlefield.

Soon you had Begun to go on A Bunch of Quests Just to Collect some Stars. You had to do A Bunch of things Such as Racing a Koopa Named Koopa the quick and he wasn't very quick, you had to fly up to A Floating Island to collect another, and you had to get behind A Cage to collect another.

But there was one more Left.

Y/n: Hey Bomb-omb Where can I find the last One?

A Small Pink Bomb-omb spoke up.

Pink Bomb-omb: Oh, You Must meet Big Bob-omb at the top of the Mountain. He's A Tyrant who had weaponized us Lesser Bomb-omb's to explode and die. He's A Monster who dictates who Lives and who Dies.

Y/n: Don't worry I can Handle this.

You soon then found The Big Bob-omb, as he rested on top of A Small Mountain.

Y/n: Hey Bob-omb!

Bob-omb: Hm? You dare challenge me Child? I'm the only one here, so you Must be challenging me.

Big Bob-omb (The Biggest Bomb-omb in all of Bomb-omb Battlefield/ He is A Tyrant who dictates the lives of his fellow Man/ A Narcissist and A Terrible leader)

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Big Bob-omb (The Biggest Bomb-omb in all of Bomb-omb Battlefield/ He is A Tyrant who dictates the lives of his fellow Man/ A Narcissist and A Terrible leader)

Y/n: Yeah, I am and you're going down!

Bob-omb: Fine then! Prepare to die!

He then Tried to Punch you, but you quickly dodged and activated Kaioken!

Y/n: Kaioken!!

Bob-omb: Kaio-What!?

You then Proceeded to Beat the Crap out of him Until you threw him on his Back and he couldn't get up!

Bob-omb: OW! Okay you win...

A Little Bit Later...

Pink Bomb-omb: Oh Wow, Thanks Y/n! Here have the Final Star, you deserve it!

Y/n: Thanks! So, What's Happening to Bob-omb anyway?

Pink Bomb-omb: Oh, He's nothing more than A Big Dud now!

Y/n: Huh?

He then Revealed A Pit that was once filled with Two huge Black Iron Balls now had THREE Huge Black Iron Balls, and you now realized what he meant.

Y/n: Dark.

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