Magic is Unleashed!

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Soon the Games had Begun and after several events, Canterlot High was in the Lead, but it was By a Short Margin as Crystal Prep was following quickly behind! Meanwhile, Sci Twi keeps accidentally absorbing Magic Much to Everyone's annoyance!

Now it was time for another event...

... A Motorbike Race!

Rainbow dash: Hell Yeah, this is my Jam!

Y/n: Rainbow be Careful. You don't know what Their Planning

Rainbow dash: Who cares? I'm too Awesome to fail!

Y/n: (Sweat drop) There's that Ego again... Alright, so we need 3 Members. Who's Up? We got Dash!

AJ: I'll be up for it Partner, We did A Lot of ATV Riding on my Farm since I was little

Rarity: I'll do it as well, But I am not wearing white this time

Y/n: Deal

And the enemy team was formed out of Indigo Zap, Sour sweet, and Sugar Coat!

Indigo Zap: Get Ready for A Thrashing dudes!

Sour Sweet: Hey, May the best People win

Rarity: Oh Wow, That's very Nice of-

Sour Sweet: Nope! We're going to win!

AJ: And there goes the compliment...

Referee: 3... 2... 1... GO!

They all then Began riding off around the Track as meanwhile Sci Twi was hiding behind A wall Trying to figure out the device.

Sci Twi: Ugh, I can't belive I am doing this... I know I want that Good review but... Is it really worth it?

Just then the the Device Began to overreact as soon it shot out several Blasts!

Sci Twi: What!?

A Blast Managed to hit Sci Spike and another Blast hit the ground! Out of the ground Came out A Bunch of Vines and soon A Giant Plant Monster came out, Stopping everything!

Sci Twi: Oh No...

???: Wow, you Managed to mess things up Now Twi

Sci Twi: Who said that?

???: Me? You Know your Dog

Sci twi then Looked down to see Sci Spike and he was Talking.

Sci Twi:

She then quickly ran back seeing the Giant Plant monster again.

Sci Twi: I'm Sorry I rather be with you than that thing.

Sci Spike: Nah, It's cool.

Sunset: What's going on!?

Y/n: Something made that! Hopefully it can sing!

Sunset: Why?

Y/n: You'll see.

The Plant Monster then Indeed began to sing!

Sunset: Wow, Nice Vocal Range


You then Began to blast the Plant Monster to Hel as it began to roast Alive until it Became a Huge charred Husk!

Y/n: Alright everyone it's Fine! We're good Now! Come out!

Cinch: What was that!? Celestia This is Cheating! I say you. Must forfeit!

Celestia: What are you talking about!? We didn't do this!

Cinch: Are you saying this is my fault!?

Celestia: So, What if I am!?

Before they start fighting Candace and Luna broke it up and thankfully calmed everything down.

Luna: Alright everyone we'll resume in 20 Minutes. 

Everyone then Began to relax as you and the Rainbooms ran towards Sci Twi as she tried escaping!

Y/n: Sci Twi! You need to stop the Magic! Your Losing controls! I once Met a Guy who couldn't control his Power and he Blew up! It's not Magic but... It's Similar

Sci Twi: L-Look I would if I could, but I can't...!

Sunset: Look Twilight hand us the Device before

Sci Twi: No! I can't! I Just can't!

Y/n: Twi, Hand us me the device before-

Just then the device activated, and you Began to be sucked in!

Rainbooms: Y/N!?

You were then sucked in as everyone was shocked!

Everyone: ...!?

Sonata/Pinkie: You Maniacs! Darn you! Darn you all to Heck!

Sci Twi: I-I'm Sorry! I can't bring him back but-

Sunset: Shut up.

Sci Twi: E-Excuse me?

Sunset: I SAID SHUT UP! You could have fixed things, you were clealy smart enough to do so! But you messed things up! Your not the Twilight we know! Your A Mess Up! You messed everything up!

Sci Twi then ran off trying to hold in her tears.

Fluttershy: That was very Mean...

Sunset: Well How was I supposed to React?

Rarity: She's not wrong, but we can still Bring Y/n Back

Rainbooms: Right...


Sci Twi was Hiding in A Corner trying to hide her crying when Cinch and Shadowbolts appeared!

Cinch: Twilight!

Sci Twi: W-What do you want?

Cinch: You can use Magic right?

Sci Twi: W-With this Device yes

Cinch: Use it

Sci Twi: What?

Cinch: I said use it! They used Magic to cheat so we're allowed to do so as well

Sci Twi: To wrongs don't make A Right Cinch

Cinch: Well do you want Friends? People to respect you? People to like you?

Sci Twi: Y-Yeah?

Cinch: Then Use the Magic

Just then Horrifyingly Twilight had Began to be Corrupted by A Massive Dark Power which Began to consume her much to everyones Horror and she then revealed A New form!

???: Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am no Longer Twilight Sparkle... Call me... MIDNIGHT SPARKLE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


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