Anya and Damian

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We Open up after A Certain School where Anya was sitting on some Stairs watching Damian and his Toadies from A Distance with Her eyes wide Open Like a Hawk.

That's when Becky showed up.

Becky: Hey, Anya. What are you up to?

Anya: I'm keeping an eye on Damian

Becky: Why?

Anya: Because I Know he's going to mess with me again

Becky: Okay whatever You say Anya, I'll Just wait for you to be ready. We're heading to my House Okay?

Anya: Okay

An Hour Later...

Anya Had passed right out and was now Sleeping.

Anya: Zzz... Zzz... Zzz...

Becky: Well Looks like Anya had passed out. Martha can you take her with us?

Becky's Maid was standing right behind them.

Maid: Of course

They then left as Damian was Just watching as well.

Damian: Hmm...

Toadie 1: Hey Master Damian what's wrong?

Damian: Nothing

Toadie 2: Well, it seems like you Like Anya

Damian: I do not Like her! shut up!

Damian then Began Imagining An Older Anya in A Wedding Dress and he slaps it away.

Damian: Shut up.

It then came back.

Damian: I said shut up!

It then came back A Third time!

Damian: I said shut up damn you!!

He then Grabbed A Bat and then whacking his own Thoughts into Submission!

Toadie 1: Is there something wrong with Master Damian?

Toadie 2: Best not to ask.

Damian: Get away from me you stupid thoughts! Aaaagh!

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