Let the Games Begin!

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Soon the Crystal Prep Bus Arrived at Canterlot high and everyone Began Getting off only for Candace to Greet her aunts!

Candace: Celestia! Luna!

Celestia then Hugged her Niece with Luna shortly following behind.

Celestia: Oh, it's so Great to see you again!

Luna: Yes, it's so Great to see you again! Is everything well at Crystal Prep?

Candace: Oh, I can only hope so. Cinch has been on A Tear about winning as of Late, and she had forced one of our students, into doing so against her will.

Luna: Can she even do that?

Candace: Apparently, she can

Celestia: God I hate Cinch. I wish I can Just tell it to her face that she's this Evil, Heartless, Cruel, Callus- She's right behind me, isn't she?

Indeed, she was.

Cinch: Hello Celestia

Celestia: (Sweat Drop) Hey Cinch, how are you doing?

Cinch: Very Fine. I know we're going to win again this Year.

Celestia: Oh really? I don't think so.

Cinch: Hm? How so?

Celestia: Well, Let's Just say we have our own secret weapon this year.

Cinch: You had Just Piqued my Interest


Sci Twi had escaped the Bus and was walking through the school to get A Breather but was surprisingly getting A Lot of social attention.

Student 1: Hey Twilight!

Student 2: How's it going Twi?

Student 3: Lets hang out Later Twi!

Sci Twi: (Thoughts) Huh? I never met these People before but they somehow Know me? Is this how you make Friends? Or am I wrong about this again?

Just then A Hand Grabbed her and Began Pulling her into A Classroom!


Y/n: Woah calm down it's Just me!

Sci Twi: Huh? You're the guy on the Bus

Y/n: Please call me Y/n.

Rainbowdash: Woah, you really are another Twilight! Amazing!

Sci Twilight: Excuse me?

Sunset: Well, I Guess we should have saw this coming. If there's A Pony Twilight, then there Must be A Human Twilight

Sci Twi: Can someone explain what's going on?

Pinkie: Gladly! You see...

Pinkie: And Sunset turned into A She devil, so...

Pinkie: And then we had to fight the Dazzlings who sirens with the Power of Music, so then...

Pinkie: And that's the History of everything that has Happened here!

Sci Twi: Uuuhuh. Okay then, that sounds completely wacked out and Bizarre.

Y/n: Trust us it's True, and I've dealt with even Weirder Shit.

Celestia: (Over PA) Y/n can you come to the common Hall Please?

Y/n: Oh, Better go! You all... Make Friends, Okay?

You then ran off!

A Little Bit Later...

You had soon run into the Four Principles as Celestia Introduced you.

Celestia: And here is our Secret weapon. Meet Y/n

Y/n: I never agreed to this.

Cinch: You Know you don't look like much. We'll crush you like A Little ant during these games

Y/n: Oh really? Well I think your all Talk

Cinch: Really? You Have A Big mouth for A Child

Y/n: Why don't you go to the Retirement Home already?

Cinch: Big Talk coming from the Bipedal Monkey

Y/n: Big Talk coming from the Bipedal Bitch

Cinch: I am your superior child!

Y/n: What do you want me to fight all 4 feet of you? Including Heels?

Cinch: Silence


Cinch was about to say something else but Candace Just stopped her.

Cadance: Please Lets Just save this for the Games. Thank you for this Time, and I hope to see you during the Games.

Candace then Dragged Cinch out before she can say anything else.

Celestia: Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Celestia: I Knew I love you

She then Hugged you.

Y/n: Aww, Cute!

A Little bit Later...

You had Returned back to the Club room and Sci Twi was gone with Rarity weakened.

Y/n: What Happened here?

Fluttershy: W-We don't Know... Twilight Just sucked the Magic out of Rarity when she Ponied up and she ran off Apologizing...


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