Tick Tock Clock!

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Soon you had Travelled up to the third level of the Castle and you had gotten Information from A Toad that You can find some stars behind A Grandfather clock, and when you did you found A Huge clock Tower attached to the Castle!

Y/n: Huh? Peach had never told me of this Place Before. Kind of Strange she never did.

You then began to go on your quest to gain the Last Stretch of Stars. First up you had encountered A Conveyer Belt with A Cage on one side, and A Star inside that Cage. 

Y/n: Okay, I have an easy solution for this simple Problem.

You then Teleported into the Cage Grabbed the Star and Then Teleported back out avoiding the Conveyer belt all together.

Y/n: See, very Simple.

Soon after that you had to move across A Few long metal pieces with some massive Pendulums nearly hitting you and it was Scary!

Y/n: Woah! Woah! Woooaaah! Okay this is pretty Scary!

You then Managed to Nab the Star.

Y/n: Yes! Another Star!

You then Looked back and Turned Pale.

Y/n: (Pale) Oh God Damnit, I forgot...

After Crossing through the Pendulums again you had Now ended up hopping from Arm to arm of the clock until you ended up Jumping on A Crevice in the wall where you grabbed another Star!

Y/n: Alright! Another Star! I'm getting close I know it!

You soon then ended up on Another Conveyer Belt where A Thwomp was waiting to Crush you.

Thwomp: I'm going to crush him! I'm going to crush him! I'm going to crush him! I'm going to do it!

He then Tried to crush you, but you were simply too fast, and you Grabbed the star before he can!

Thwomp: Aww, Man!

You had then Quickly circumnavigated across the Clock Tower as you then Collected all of the Red Coins and you then Quickly Climbed the Moving Bars to Grab the final Star!

Y/n: Hell yes, the Last two stars! One more world and I'm coming for you Peachy! I'm coming to save you!

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