The Bugs Keep on Coming!

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After Killing all 100,000 of those Giant Humanoid Bugs you had gotten the 4 girls to go back to the ship for their Protection! Now you were Traveling across the Planet once again Looking for any of the girls.

Y/n: Oh God as my witness if any of these girls die, Bugs will be put to extinction tonight. I swear.

Soon you spotted another group of 4 Girls as you Landed on the ground, and you smiled!

Y/n: Helmet Splitter!!

You Grabbed another Bug by the Head and Generated Tectonic energy and by slamming his head into the ground it shattered his head as you Killed another 1,000,000 Roaches!

Y/n: You girls, Okay? God if they hurt you there's going to be another Permian extinction event this time on Mars!

Amelia: Hey We're good, but are you Okay Y/n? You're not Hurt are you?

Y/n: Calm down Amelia, I'm Good. You're the ones who Are in danger!

Amelia: Oh right, I'm Sorry.

Amelia Venkatesh (She is from America and serves as An Information specialist/ She is Very selfless and will always care for others first/ She has the Powers of A Narwhal which allows her to do things like use Oxygen more useful and detect changes...

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Amelia Venkatesh (She is from America and serves as An Information specialist/ She is Very selfless and will always care for others first/ She has the Powers of A Narwhal which allows her to do things like use Oxygen more useful and detect changes in the Air, and also grow A Unicorn Horn)

Y/n: Hey it's Okay, I Know your Just Looking out for all of us.

Anastasia: What are you talking about? We need to get out there and start Killing more of them! They're swarming us!

Y/n: Anastasia, there's too Many! Just fall Back!

Anastasia: Okay Captain, Sure, whatever you say!

Anastasia (A Woman Hailing from Russia/ She is very tough and doesn't take crap from anyone/ She has the Powers of A Trapdoor spider allowing her to generate massive walls of Silk stopping even Missiles)

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Anastasia (A Woman Hailing from Russia/ She is very tough and doesn't take crap from anyone/ She has the Powers of A Trapdoor spider allowing her to generate massive walls of Silk stopping even Missiles)

Elizabeth: Yeah, We can Squash some Bugs! Lets do it!

Elizabeth Rooney ( A Woman Hailing from America/ She is A Real Scrapper who can Kick ass/ She has the powers of A Cat)

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Elizabeth Rooney ( A Woman Hailing from America/ She is A Real Scrapper who can Kick ass/ She has the powers of A Cat)

You then activated your Conquers Haki Making them both back down.

Y/n: Are you sure about that?

Anastasia/Elizabath: Y-Y-Yeah, We're good!

Y/n: Good.

Y/n: Peggy don't think about dying on me alright? We all need you here!

Peggy: (Blushing) Yes, Y/n. I won't die on you.

Peggy Fortie (She is A Mother who lost her Husband and Child in A Traffic Accident and she wanted to Join them in death until she was encouraged to keep going when she saw all of the sick children who need her help/ She has the Powers of A Short b...

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Peggy Fortie (She is A Mother who lost her Husband and Child in A Traffic Accident and she wanted to Join them in death until she was encouraged to keep going when she saw all of the sick children who need her help/ She has the Powers of A Short beaked Echidna which allows her to dig Underground, grow spines which can stab enemies with, and produce Milk which people to drink out of/ She Loves Burgers, dogs with Pointy snouts, and is officially an E-Cup)

Y/n: Good Fight your way through if you have too! We can't give up Now!

You then flew off as Peggy Began Blushing and smiling.

Peggy: H-He reminds me so Much of my Husband...

Elizabeth: Hehehe, Thinking of Tapping that?

Amelia: I think all Are.

Anastasia: Well, we need to fight our way through so Let's do this! Peggy Sap us some holes to make those roaches fall through, Amelia, Liz and I will fight them. If not for us then for Y/n for Believing In Us!

Girls: Right! For Y/n!

They All then continued to fight their way through the Hordes of Terraforman's!

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